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    Originally posted by Conipur
    I've tried and tried again and I've never seen a blue line after I've added the file . Everything is blank and nothing takes place. I think I must be dense.
    Computer can be so frustrating. Sometimes I just want to throw them out the window. Perhaps there is a problem and its not working right. But sometimes a person just can't see for looking and you miss something right in front of your eyes. Leave it alone and try again tomorrow. If it still doesn't work ask for help from the technical support folks at TQS. Good Luck!


      I've done 'upload attachment', then I get a screen that says Filename and a blank box, then a box that says browse, and then another box that says add the file. I do not see a 'choose file.
      I do not use ' quick reply'

      This is what I do
      1 I upload attachment
      2 I click 'browse'
      3 I find the file and click on it - sometimes I 'open' the file, and sometimes I just click on it, but the following happens anyways:
      4 I click 'add the file'
      5 that's when the file listed in the blank box disappears.
      In any case, I've written to tech support.
      Thanks for you help.

      Maybe I should join a computer self-help forum; but I dare say it wouldn't be as much fun as this one (or as pretty!)!

      ps. I also would like to update my profile pic, so you all can find me in Houston! How many more sleeps 'til Houston?


        This is my set of blocks. All a bit acidic.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Not sure what you mean with "All a bit acidic" but, I love them. It's going to be such a sweet quilt. The bit of yellow and the center in the star and log cabin blocks are great Wendy!

          Everybody's blocks are turning great!!!

          Love the watercolor effect in yours Marianne.

          Rita, I think your colors are really pretty. Love your beautiful tree quilt! Gorgeous colors and what a great gift for your parents.

          Rosemary, wow, love your new skirt and what can I say about your blocks? Striking!!! And wow, those mini-blocks are really cool.

          Marilyn, love the "antique" look of your blocks.

          BJ Your quilt is beautiful, love the birdie blocks.

          Nancy, your quilt is awesome and the name so cute

          Hope I'm not missing anybody, if I do please forgive my memory, this thread has been very active the last few days. Enjoying reading all the posts and seeing all the photos.

          As for me, it's a holiday "looong" weekend. Trying to keep a 3 1/2 boy and a 7 girl busy and entertained. DH has been gone for almost 9 weeks now and it's getting hard to keep up. Man! Got to respect single moms. I'm usually one of them for 2 weeks at a time, but summer is the busy season at DH work and usually gone for 6-10 weeks at a time. Add to that no family nearby, neither friends yet. The things that keep me sane in times like this are a few stitches here and there and this forum with you al!l that I think of as my BFF now.

          DH is coming home next friday for a week so I'll caught up... Eventually

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Originally posted by twiglet
            This is my set of blocks. All a bit acidic.
            I don't think so; it is very fresh and summery. I like your block in the middle. Fits in well with the other blocks. If you don't want tokeep the quilt you are sure to find somebody who will be very happy to take it off your hands



              Thank you, Limbania. Not easy to find time for sewing with young children and a DH working away like that. My blocks will keep me entertained for a long time to come so we can keep each other company in the forum


                Originally posted by Lorchen
                Giggle..... Terrie, that lovely skirt would not fit me. I'm too wide and a lot taller than our petite Rosemary.

                Great skirt, Rosemary!!
                You're right there, since I have slimmed down a bit since Oldham too
                I was also wearing my new earrings I'd made - similar to yours Lorchen, made in the same style as the ring thimbles I've posted about previously (and are a pain to get good photos of for some reason I haven't yet fathomed)


                  Originally posted by Marianne-is-sewing
                  Thank you, Limbania. Not easy to find time for sewing with young children and a DH working away like that. My blocks will keep me entertained for a long time to come so we can keep each other company in the forum
                  Don't worry about the rest of us buzzing off and leaving you by your lonesomes, once we have finished. We (I) are a nosy bunch and like to keep popping in for a natter and a look-see :wink:


                    Originally posted by Limbania55
                    Not sure what you mean with "All a bit acidic" but, I love them. It's going to be such a sweet quilt. The bit of yellow and the center in the star and log cabin blocks are great Wendy!

                    Everybody's blocks are turning great!!!

                    Love the watercolor effect in yours Marianne.

                    Rita, I think your colors are really pretty. Love your beautiful tree quilt! Gorgeous colors and what a great gift for your parents.

                    Rosemary, wow, love your new skirt and what can I say about your blocks? Striking!!! And wow, those mini-blocks are really cool.

                    Marilyn, love the "antique" look of your blocks.

                    BJ Your quilt is beautiful, love the birdie blocks.

                    Nancy, your quilt is awesome and the name so cute

                    Hope I'm not missing anybody, if I do please forgive my memory, this thread has been very active the last few days. Enjoying reading all the posts and seeing all the photos.

                    As for me, it's a holiday "looong" weekend. Trying to keep a 3 1/2 boy and a 7 girl busy and entertained. DH has been gone for almost 9 weeks now and it's getting hard to keep up. Man! Got to respect single moms. I'm usually one of them for 2 weeks at a time, but summer is the busy season at DH work and usually gone for 6-10 weeks at a time. Add to that no family nearby, neither friends yet. The things that keep me sane in times like this are a few stitches here and there and this forum with you al!l that I think of as my BFF now.

                    DH is coming home next friday for a week so I'll caught up... Eventually
                    Limbania, I fully concurr with your summing up of every one else's blocks.

                    Sounds as if you can have a handful on your hands with your two, I know what you mean about not having family nearby - the phone bill takes a big hike, but you still want to actually meet up and talk face-to-face with somebody (preferably adult :wink: ) now and again.


                      Limbania, I know how you feel - my kids were that age once and it is very hard work to keep them both entertained for a loooong weekend! That's how we built up a huge stash of crayons and felt pens, sketch pads and colouring books. But I do remember the exhaustion I felt at the end of each day. Hope you are not tearing your hair out by now.

                      Marianne, Rosemary is right, we are a very nosy bunch and some of us have plenty to say whether you ask for it or not. :lol:

                      I redid some of my QSTs last night as I was not happy with the colours or my log blocks in the whole scheme - photo to follow.

                      Have a good quilting day everybody.


                        Rita, Rosemary and Lois - good to know that I will not be shouting into a black hole when I want to share success or failure or need help. My mother used to say she wasn't nosey she just took a healthy interest in her fellow beings


                          Originally posted by crocus999
                          I've done 'upload attachment', then I get a screen that says Filename and a blank box, then a box that says browse, and then another box that says add the file. I do not see a 'choose file.
                          I do not use ' quick reply'

                          This is what I do
                          1 I upload attachment
                          2 I click 'browse'
                          3 I find the file and click on it - sometimes I 'open' the file, and sometimes I just click on it, but the following happens anyways:
                          4 I click 'add the file'
                          5 that's when the file listed in the blank box disappears.
                          In any case, I've written to tech support.
                          Thanks for you help.

                          Maybe I should join a computer self-help forum; but I dare say it wouldn't be as much fun as this one (or as pretty!)!

                          ps. I also would like to update my profile pic, so you all can find me in Houston! How many more sleeps 'til Houston?
                          I have followed your list to make sure the file info does not disappear from the box. It doesn't. That's when I get a blue line in the webaddress box. That line often stops a short way through the web address and sits there for what often seems like a very long time. Then it moves in a flash and a box entitled "Posted attachments" opens with a blank line for File comment: underwhich there is the file info and number. Below that there are 2 buttons - "Place inline" if you push that the info appears in your post wherever you have placed the cursor. The other choice it to delete the file. Wish I could help more.


                            Thanks so much for the help. You've gone the second mile by following my list!!

                            I am waiting to hear from Tech Support...

                            That's okay, I have lots of other stuff to do, and it's a holiday here.


                              I'm not sure exactly how I did this after trying along time to upload. I use AOL and unblocked pop ups. I also clicked on file type and when it turned blue and chaned file type, it worked. Go figure. Don't know if I can do it again. Anyway, here is my top without out final border. Don't know if you can see log cabin center, but had a lot of that fabric, and only place I ended up using it was there. There are cherries from Mary Englebright fabric in other blocks. My biggest goof was black and white block which i turned the wrong wasy. I replaced it.


                                Quick break from finishing up the sawtooth blocks... and my camera is now getting charged (with all the company, I forgot that I put the charger in the basket I use to carry little odds and ends upstairs to be put away... so much for being organized... I looked everywhere but there... :roll: ) Will post soon...

                                I can only speak for my use of the Bernina 830, but if any of you have a similar feature and don't use it, you may want to give it a try: it is the dual feed balance feature. Dual feed balance on the 830 is the scale icon on the screen and is used in conjunction with a dual feed or "D" foot.

                                When connecting the rows of the sawtooth block you want to nestle the seams together. I found, on a few occasions, when doing that, either the top fabric or the bottom fabric between the pinned nestled seams puckered a bit because my seams were not super-perfect. To correct the imbalance between top and bottom fabric, I engaged the dual feed balance feature.

                                For example, if my fabric on top puckered a bit because between the nestled seams the top fabric was a little bit longer than the bottom, therefore puckered, I started stitching normally from the beginning of the seam up to the nestled seams. The moment I crossed the nestled seams, I stopped the machine, engaged the dual feed balance feature and dialed the stitch length (or width) knob to the right to increase the feed of the top fabric, and then stitched until I got to the next nestled seam. The moment my needle crossed the nestled seams, I stopped the machine again and disengaged the dual feed balance function and continued sewing to the end.

                                Doing this kept my nestled seams where I wanted them and prevented the fabric between the nestled seams from leaving me with a pleat in the block. It was so easy to do yet I know lots of folks don't use this feature and it is often barely touched upon in the 830 guide classes. For those of you who have a different machine but have the dual feed and the balance feature, I hope this explanation may be of use to you too. For those of you who do have this feature, I would be very interested in knowing how much you use it.


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