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Correct or not Correct

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    Correct or not Correct

    Why, what and when do we need to correct our or others script and/or contents? I know we are all doing our very best, me, you and TQS! I do feel a bit anxious knowing that my mistakes spelling in english makes some of you want to correct me...it takes the pleasure away from making blogs and post replys But, I would be very surprised if you could spell as good in Norwegian as I am in spelling in english :lol: :wink:
    And I hope for sure TQS NEVER will be so strict towards us as some are towards TQS!!! Just browse the forum...A lot of different topics where you can exspect to read posts about the subject...but we are all over the place talking about weather, kids, grandkids, health problems...aches and pains...personal messages we could have sent by e-mail.... :lol: :shock: (What if you made a topic or a reply to a post and TQS censored it becauce the content was not fit for the topic :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: )
    What do we want from this site??? Perfect grammar or a place where we can be ourselves as the quilters we are with typing errors and the whole shabang???
    Perfect spelling from TQS or shows, videos and all the other fun stuff on here??
    Lighten up girls! life is to short to make small problems big :lol: :wink:

    And by the way...If my spelling is incorrect, and my sentences are all out there you need to blame my dictionary :lol: (I had to use it a lot for this post ops: )

    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA

    Brink you are a wise woman and we love you. Never fear we understand (or at least I do) everything you try to say otherwise how could I finish your sentences or you finish mine before I even know exactly what I am trying to say (and for the member out there who has never been in the chat room with us you have to understand we complete each others thoughts so often we have decided we were either the same person or sisters maybe even twins in a past life because it is spooky) And quit looking in that dictionary it takes up too much time and life is short quilt and eat dessert first. Love you girl and talk to you soon your big sis Ann


      Good morning, Brink and Ann, I can't believe that someone would point out mistakes, especially to a person who lives in a different country! Brink, I can't imagine trying to even say 'hi' in your native language. I think you're doing a wonderful job. I might try joining your chat sometime. I know it will be lively and full of laughter. Brink, don't be discouraged. You're a valuable member of this site.

      Ann, you're a valuable member, too. I wasn't trying to overlook you. I was addressing Brink's situation. We love you, too.

      Have a great week, Sharon in TN (quiltnlady)


        I'll be one of the first to go if the grammar police start enforcing good grammar and spelling. I thing you are doing great and I never have any trouble understanding you. I hope your move and new job are going great.


          Arrrrgh; grammar police and quilt police. Maybe someone should come up with a logo, one of those pictures in a circle with the red line through it. :roll:
          I'm agree with the above, Hanne; you are applauded for your wonderful communication with us all. We understand you, and LOVE you.


            Youre gonna do great, I just know it.


              Fun Everyone, Fun. No police at all. I love this sight and do not want any any uglyness. The world has enough of that.


                Brink, I love reading your posts. I don't post in the forum all that much, but read just about all of it. I've always been amazed at how well you write! :wink:


                  You Go Girl, :lol: I live here and still use spell check. I think you do a wonderful job I am 2nd generation Norwegian and I cant spell 1 word of it and that is so sad.....Jean



                    Don't know what happened...don't care to!

                    Please don't stop writing...I just love reading your post...love the fact that I have an international connection! I'm amazed that anyone would take the time to learn to write English! You do a wonderful job at conversing a very difficult language!

                    Keep your chin up! I know things are tough right now but it will get better! Promise!

                    Happy Quilting,

                    Shiner TX


                      I am a nurse and way back aloooooong time ago I was a spelling bee champ for our school. Then I became a nurse. There goes my spelling and my knowlege of propper punctuation. We write run on sentences and the strangest set of abriviations you will ever see. Why do you think lawyers pay the nurses who work for them so much money. Even lawyers can't understand their doctor friends yet somehow a nurses mind has become so derailed that a doctors handwriting makes sense. Now if that isn't worthy of commitment to an insane assylem I don't know what is. So don't worry as long as your needle stays threaded you will be just fine. Sew away Rachel
                      Happy Quilting,

                      Shiner TX


                        Live and let live! No quilt or spelling police, pleaze! :wink: :wink: :wink:


                          I think you are awesome! It's great to get a little taste of what Norway is like. Sadly, I don't know a second language and think your English is impressive! I don't know what happened to make you feel bad, but please don't take it to heart.
                          How is your move going??


                            It's so much fun to "talk" to all of you here on TQS. And, Brink, it's been especially fun to talk to you and others from other countries. I feel like I know you all. I'm always so glad to check the Forum and see everyone's posts.


                              I love being able to tell people that I have friends in other countries. I'm just happy to be here and to know you all are here too.
                              Again, as Judy Mc posted from Seinfeld "Serenity NOW"
                              eileenkny 8)

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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