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Mug Rug Exchange - Do it yourself style!

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    Originally posted by lotti
    hello renata - yes i am - but i'm not setting a time/date/year :twisted: when they will be shipped :P
    i'll do them in the order that i promise them / accept the swaps
    my objective: to have enough mug-rugs to be able to serve coffee/tea and cake/cookies to everyone who ever comes to visit me in switzerland on hopefully their own - or at least a fellow TQS'rs mug-rug 8) 8) 8)
    No problem on the date, Lotti, I'm just excited that we'll swap. I have to pace myself because of the Chinese Whispers quilt coming my way but I think this mug rug idea is better than ever and will make so many nice memories of all of us! :P


      Originally posted by Margo
      Nice try, BJ! :lol: :lol:

      Sorry, but I have to sit this one out. You gals have fun, and I'm really looking forward to PHOTOS!!
      :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, thought it was worth a try. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
      Betty Jo


        Originally posted by lotti
        hello renata - yes i am - but i'm not setting a time/date/year :twisted: when they will be shipped :P
        i'll do them in the order that i promise them / accept the swaps
        my objective: to have enough mug-rugs to be able to serve coffee/tea and cake/cookies to everyone who ever comes to visit me in switzerland on hopefully their own - or at least a fellow TQS'rs mug-rug 8) 8) 8)
        I thought you were collecting to use them on your job

        It is very attempting to join, but I don't have time now. Maybe on a later round?

        living in Central Denmark
        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


          I am signed up for about half a dozen swaps, and would like to do more, but not in one big gulp! It sounds like several other potential swappers are in the same boat. Rosemary, since you're the "referee" of this game, what would you think about having a monthly new swap date? How about the first of each month? You know everyone will be checking in for the new BOM pattern then, so it would be easy to check the mug rug post as well for new swaps. Do you think it would work?

          from the Piedmont of North Carolina


            Renata ok if I send you one in August?

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Okay so I now have Renata and Rosemary on my list - that brings me to NINE!!!! Stop, no more (for now)


                There are so many more of you with whom I would like to swap, but I think I am done for now and will come back for more later. This swap is certainly adding some life to the Forum.


                  Please let's post photos of the mug rugs as they arrive at their final destinations. They might help with some inspiration if anybody is stuck apart from anything else.

                  Here is my list of recipients for an Irish mug rug:

                  Connie, Maureen, Lotti, Lois, Rosemary, Renata, Betty Jo, Susan, Marilyn - just so you know for sure who you are (and so that I can find this when I have forgotten who I agreed to make one for. :roll: :lol: ) I may have over-extended myself here so I hope you will be patient if you don't receive a mug rug before the end of June. (Are any of you lawyers? :lol: ) Happy mug-rugging everybody.


                    Originally posted by Zarah
                    [It is very attempting to join, but I don't have time now. Maybe on a later round?
                    Norma, just send an email when you're ready--I'd love to swap with you even if it's next year for that matter!


                      Wendy and Rita, thank you, thank you! August is perfect and even if the date slips, I'm just happy to be swapping mug rugs with you!


                        Originally posted by crocus999
                        Maureen, I'll swap with you. But I can't start production until the end of April when we have our guild quilt show.

                        Do you have Crocuses in Scotland?

                        I'll try to get some crocus fabric - that is my absolute favourite flower! Sturdy little guy who pokes his head up first thing in spring when all the other flowers are waiting, nope, not the crocus. He's first up and first out and a harbinger of better things to come. I remember my excitement when I saw my first crocuses - I went wild with excitement! The don't care that there is still snow on the ground, in a way they are like the forerunners, the first fruits, the pioneers..........okay, I'll stop waxing on about the oft forgotten Crocus. I can get very philosophical about them. Pushing up through the hard cold earth, in faith pushing through the dirt and cold and then bringing a cheerful 'hello', no sign of the struggle to 'become'...blah blah blah.....

                        Stop, Terrie

                        Hello. My name is Terrie, aka Crocus, and I am a swap-a-holic.
                        We have spring crocus's and autumn crocus's over here, but the first flowers to peek their heads out as the forunners of spring are the snowdrop for us. Both are really attractive flowers, the crocus's being more colourful, as the snowdrops are only white with sometimes a dot of green on the petals.


                          Originally posted by gynconnie
                          I am signed up for about half a dozen swaps, and would like to do more, but not in one big gulp! It sounds like several other potential swappers are in the same boat. Rosemary, since you're the "referee" of this game, what would you think about having a monthly new swap date? How about the first of each month? You know everyone will be checking in for the new BOM pattern then, so it would be easy to check the mug rug post as well for new swaps. Do you think it would work?
                          This idea is actually quite a good one, as we are definitely getting a bit over-excited and wanting to swap left, right & centre.

                          How about we close swaps for now and open again in May - that would give us about 6 weeks to calm down a bit and start a bit of planning & stitching, and perhaps put a maximum limit of 2 swaps per month, to try and reduce the feeding frenzy of everyone wanting to swap with everyone else immediately!

                          I've just added Guideline no 7 to the first post, but since this is a QP free zone and if people who haven't over-committed themselves want to continue for now, I'm not stopping them :wink:

                          Perhaps we ought to invite Margo to be our external referee, since she hasn't joined in (yet) :wink:

                          Oh my! :idea: I've just envisioned taking all the mug rugs and joining them up into a bed quilt 8) .....that would be an awful lot of swaps :shock:


                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Oh my! :idea: I've just envisioned taking all the mug rugs and joining them up into a bed quilt 8) .....that would be an awful lot of swaps :shock:
                            But think of all those cups of tea on the bed! Never mind the cake crumbs! :lol:

                            Patti, did you get hooked up with anybody?


                              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                              Originally posted by PosyP
                              Oh my! :idea: I've just envisioned taking all the mug rugs and joining them up into a bed quilt 8) .....that would be an awful lot of swaps :shock:
                              But think of all those cups of tea on the bed! Never mind the cake crumbs! :lol:

                              Patti, did you get hooked up with anybody?
                              and melted dobs of chocolate..... (although strictly speaking that would be chocolate abuse!)



                                Others might want to join in who haven't seen this thread yet and can they still swap with each other. Shall we say collect 4 swaps do them and then post you're open to swaps again? except those already arranged.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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