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Mug Rug Exchange - Do it yourself style!

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    Just a thought - it would probably be a very good idea if everyone signed their mug rugs to make it easier on the recipient to remember who made which one :wink: since there are so many multiples swapping around.


      yup - sign and add:
      TQS name
      there's lots of space on the back for all the info you wish to put

      i'm absolutely loving this :P
      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


        Originally posted by LisaWantsToKnow
        I don't think I qualify as a lounge lizard,... yet I would LOVE to participate (I collected website bookmarks for mug rugs last year, think they are so neat!) BUT will have to postpone. I'm going to have my spine surgery in May, which will hopefully relieve the pain that prevents me from getting much sewing done. Between now and then, I have to put first priority on Amy Butler Laminates adult bibs for myself! Yep, :lol: I am thinking ahead to all the stuff I normally bend way forward for (so as not to mess my shirt/chest up), that I will not be able to bend forward for after surgery. Little things like eating, brushing teeth... So I plan to make a pattern for a large adult-woman bib, that has a gusseted catch-pocket along the bottom edge for the things that fall off my spoon, and bounce down my chest to my lap!

        I may make a "hip holster" with pockets to carry light things too... I'll be restricted to lifting <2 pound items, but since my hips are below the surgery site, I think I should be able to carry things on my hips and keep my hands free for the walker or the cane or whatever.

        Don't know how soon I'll be able to sit at the sewing machine after May... please may I look for mug rug exchange takers this summer or fall? Oh, and please wish me luck... this is usually safe, but it's still risky surgery. I am very hopeful for getting my active life back Although I will have to be smarter about doing things that could re-damage my back, or undo the scoliosis repair. Hehe, guess that's obvious, silly me!
        I would suggest a couple of toweling bibs for teeth brushing.... Good luck with the surgery, and don't be a stranger here! (well any stranger than the rest of us :lol: :P )
        Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


          Hi I am kind of new to the forum so I don't know if I would qualify as a 'lounge lizard'.... :lol: Me, Me, Me, please! Connie I would love to swap with you. Anyone else want a mug rug from Ireland? I would probably have to make June the deadline though. :? Lisa thanks for the link to all those gorgeous little mug rugs, they tipped me over the edge. I think I could probably manage six or eight.

          Lisa I hope the surgery goes well. It can't be fun being restricted by your own body. How long do they say it will take to recover?


            Yes please Rita. I would love one from you especially as you are a newcomer :lol: :lol: :lol:


              hello newbie rita - would love an irish mug-rug and have all the time in the world...
              as mentioned above - i would like to have one from each and every one of my TQS sisters (& brothers...) but realize that i should be a little bit realistic... well - i'll make what i can and ship one off to everyone who wants to send me one as well... might take a while though first come - first served as the saying goes
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                Yippee! I would love to swap with Rita, Lotti and Maureen! Works of art from Ireland, Switzerland and Scotland...I think I may swoon with joy! I will probably start on mine soon (the luxury of the retired), but you ladies take your time and send yours when it's convenient.

                Any special requests (color, theme, etc)?

                from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                  Okay, that's Connie, Lotti and Maureen. Anyone else?

                  I don't have any specific preferences so whatever you fancy is good for me.


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    Anyone else? I don't have any specific preferences so whatever you fancy is good for me.
                    How about some singing birds? Ha! Rita, I'd love swap with you. This is like being picked last on the kick-ball team, especially when two of the people I was interested in swapping with must be not interested in me :lol: :shock: Sweet, sane, me, I guess I better check myself. :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      I'm trying to be sensible here(tricky I know :wink: :lol: ) and not commit to any more at this moment, especially as I have just discovered that I have a cyclops head pinata to make - preferably before we go away next Thursday, as well as everything else I already knew about :roll:

                      Alternatively I could just throw caution to the winds and carry on collecting names, with the proviso that I won't be getting to them until May at the earliest......


                        Don't forget this Whisperer out in Idaho..I'd love to swap one with you, Rita...and Maureen, too!
                        That gets me up to 6 if you two agree..?


                          oh rosemary, go on - throw that caution to the winds...
                          there's no rush - i for one can wait for a year or longer...
                          i want to have a little bit of as many of you as possible in my home - so - on the proviso that you can all wait - i'll be doing one or two a month for however long it takes and however long i have TQS friends to swap with :P
                          sweet-sane-sue: if you want to swap with me - just let me know
                          Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                            I appear to be coming late to the ball game :roll: (somehow I missed it ), but I would like to swap with Sue, Margo, and Rita. I'll make a birdie theme for Sue, and whatever theme Rita and Margo would like if there is any chance of getting in the game at this point. :shock:

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                            Betty Jo


                              Lotti and BJ, you're on!


                                Originally posted by idaho
                                Don't forget this Whisperer out in Idaho..I'd love to swap one with you, Rita...and Maureen, too!
                                That gets me up to 6 if you two agree..?
                                Of course Marilyn I would love to swap with you and any of the other Whispers if they are interested.

                                Lottie, fancy a swap :?: :?:


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