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    That has put us on our mettle, looking fun!
    Think I might try digging out the fabric I think I will be using for b/ground & seeing how it looks today (instead of tidying up the sewing room that I am supposed to be doing ops: )


      if you're anything like me rosemary, then tidying up the sewing room is futile - you'd be messing it up again anyway when you're digging out fabrics...

      i'm going fabric shopping after work this afternoon - on the cheap - just bought a package of fabulous "sprungli" truffles (truffles of the day - i.e. absolutely no preservatives - just fabulous chocolate, fresh cream and in one case a little raspberry & of course the flavoured water of the bacteria free variety mmmmmh )
      i think Andrea enjoy these - and i'll enjoy digging through her fabric extras - you're wondering where? my colleague robi's partner has her own business - she sells designer fabrics to interior designers - decorators - whatnot - and has been sorting through the collections - getting rid of the "old" stuff. you might remember me getting all these fabulous lucious bits and pieces about a year ago.... well there shouldn't be as much this year - but...

      tomorrow's our national holiday - 1st august - the 4th of july of switzerland - so we're going to enjoy some fireworks tonight - heading for the hills tomorrow morning and a little walkabout tomorrow afternoon - hopefully with a bbq'd this or that on the way - won't have time to wash the fabrics - but hope to get a few nice pictures out of it all - will let you know )
      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


        [quote="lotti"]if you're anything like me rosemary, then tidying up the sewing room is futile - you'd be messing it up again anyway when you're digging out fabrics...
        It won't be totally futile - I need to unearth my sewing table ops: - it is under there somewhere! :roll: :wink:

        Have a good time 'shopping' & tomorrow.
        Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland



          I love it!! And I see one of my reels!!

          I am working on finishing up 2 projects and then going to start on my reels. I have the background but not the material for the spool ends.


            Thanks for your kind comments. I still have everybody's nametags pinned to the back of the strips but now that I have worked with some of them I am beginning to recognize them. It's a very nice feeling working with a spool that somebody else made from so far away - I find I am smiling all the time while I am working. Some I recognize from your faces on the forum and others have me wondering what you are like, either way this is a very enjoyable project to work on and thank you all for such lovely spools/reels.

            Lotti, have a great day tomorrow. It sounds like fun. It's my oldest daughter Carla's birthday and it is also Lughnasadh (Loo-ne-se) which used to be an ancient harvest festival here in Ireland. But as they don't climb the mountains to collect and eat bilberries or dance at the crossroads anymore we will have to make do with a birthday cake and a cup of tea!


              Rita, Your reels are very much fun. Love hearing about the holidays of all your homelands. Enjoy the celebrations today, Lotti & Rita.


                Just wondering - should we be including avatar pictures next to the reels in the book, or perhaps next to the recipes that we have?


                  Including an avatar is a great idea. It's fun being able to put a face to the recipe, reel/spool or whatever it is. I forgot to post my recipe ops: Will have to do that this evening. Leaving Friday for Austin, Texas to suprise my brother on his 60th birthday.

                  Your spools look great. I like the different colors for the tops and bottoms. Like some of the others, I was planning on using some shade of brown, but now you have me thinking. Didn't start yet, so will see.


                    Well I've managed to reduce the piles on my work table 8) Got out the fabric I had bought hoping it would be good for the background and draped over my large frame for a temp design wall, and put up some of the reels.
                    I think that it is going to be a soft overall look, but I like it so far.
                    This one shows one of the fabrics I have bought for reel ends behind a block.

                    and this one shows all the fabrics I have so far for the reel ends, I decided to have several different ones so that if I ran out of one it wouldn't show. :wink:

                    Now I just have to go away and do lots of maths to work out sizes to cut things & how many etc. etc. etc. :evil: and may be a bit more starching :roll: I'm hoping that my 4m for the b/ground will be enough, because it was a sale end and I doubt that I can get any more, ho-hum.


                      Background fabric is soft and very pretty... have you got an overall design yet?


                        Originally posted by Renata
                        Background fabric is soft and very pretty... have you got an overall design yet?
                        See page one :wink: ( if only I could find that bit of paper :roll: )


                          Originally posted by PosyP
                          Originally posted by Renata
                          Background fabric is soft and very pretty... have you got an overall design yet?
                          See page one :wink: ( if only I could find that bit of paper :roll: )
                          Wow, Rosemary... you stuck to your guns! You made your design once upon a time ago and that is what you're going with. When I went back to page 1 I recalled it immediately. It's going to be great! :P


                            I like your fabrics Rosemary. The background is going to be lovely and warm and the reel ends look great too. Edyta's book says that you need 3 1/4 yards of background fabric so you should be more than okay with 4mtrs.

                            It would be great to have avatars with the reels - but will you get all those secret swoppers to reveal themselves? :lol:


                              Rita, love your reel ends. I may have to reconsider the fabric I bought. If I can find it. I had to quickly move things around for my DH and DS to do some remodeling and now I can't find the fabric. It shouldn't be too deep, because it has not been that long since I purchased it. It took me several tries to find the reels, but I finally did. They look beautiful on my design wall.
                              Hope you daughter has a wonderful birthday.
                              Lotti, loved hearing about your holiday. Hope you are having a wonderful time. It is much too hot to do any hiking here today. It is to be 100 degrees F.
                              Wishing everyone a wonderful day too.
                              Rosemary, I liked your background fabric too. I think mine is close to yours in color, but until I find it I can't be sure.


                                Good news all, The fires are under control. Praise God, They are still burning in the canyons, that will take sometime to burn out, but the danger for now is gone!
                                Thank you all so much for your prayers. I know God listens to each of us. You are all so special to me and my family! Thanks you so very much!
                                We are now gearing up for the chopping season, since the corn is dieing (no rain) without making any corn seed, we have no choice but to chop it. (much more expensive and labor intensive).
                                We can not turn the cows into feed on it because "get this" it is poisonous to them like it is, standing in the field dieing!... Crazy right?
                                Anyway, since there is only so many tractors and trucks to run, and we have no other jobs right now, we actually have enough help soooooo I get this job "OFF", yahoo...
                                Guess what I am doing instead of chopping corn silage? Yeah… your right... I'm quilting..
                                And I actually finished a quilt this year (last night) all the way.. I will take it tomorrow to the local fair to see if it pleases the judges! LOL! I kind of like not working so hard all day and into the night, but I do feel guilty…
                                I'll try to get this thing to post a photo of it but my pictures are to big usually and won’t post so I will try... If it doesn’t post it is just a "Ramblin’ Rose meets Jamestown" quilt so you can probably Google it and see what it looks like....


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