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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    'Wot RoTT' exchange

    11:00hrs GMT, Friday 20 January -This Exchange is now Full!

    Wot RoTT – Winding on the Reels of Tangled Threads.

    A short introduction -

    Firstly, I have always called them cotton reels, rather than cotton spools and I intend to stay that way so I know what I am talking about.

    Secondly, what I loved about the BatiksRUS & SoTTTs was that I had a little piece of someone else’s sewing as a keepsake.

    Thirdly, I loved the idea of having a quilt full of cotton reels.
    Thanks to Margo I found out that the thread ‘sections’ of this quilt are 3 ½”x4 ½” unfinished, from which I deduced that the strip sizes must be 1”wide. It is also fairly straight forward to count up that Edyta used 41 spools in her quilt.

    It is from here that I started to divert to my own ideas, although I like the centre, I decided that I would like to add on a different border of narrower reels (think Gutermann instead of Sylko)

    This design is still being worked on, but since I decided that I would be needing more than the original 41 reels, I decided that instead of opening the exchange to 40 other participants, I would double it and open the exchange to another 80.

    The exchange pieces are to be the thread ‘sections’ in one colour – like this. Each section must have a label on them saying your Screen name, Name, Town/City, County/State and Country. This may be either a sticky label or a piece of paper stitched on, but this was one of the bits that made the hst exchanges more pleasurable, in my estimation.

    To take part, send me a private e-mail titled ‘Wot RoTT’, and I will reply with a number to let you know that you are entered upon my spread sheet for this exchange & the address to send it to. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. I will assume that you wish to participate for a swap of 41 reels, unless you specify otherwise.

    Should there be more than 80 wanting to take part, I might open a waiting list in case someone has to drop out.

    For those members who are in USA, Lorna has kindly said that she will make her ‘Base address’ available which will make the postage cheaper.

    Postage – to keep things simple, I have found a supply of tough polythene envelopes at 13pence each, so when I find out the cost of the return parcels I will add on the 13p and let you know the cost of post & packaging to forward to me via PayPal, since this proved the easiest way to transfer money around the world. Members in the UK only may send a sae.

    Therefore the contents of the envelope to be sent in are to consist of 41 labeled thread sections & a large (2”x3”) label with your return address on it – If you want something back!

    Entries are to try to be here by 29 February 2012, since it seems that March is when Lorna & I will be able to get together for the Sort. If you are having problems let me know – but the excuses had better be more imaginative than ‘the dog ate my homework!’ :wink:

    News Update - Thursday 19 January

    Group 'b' is full. Group 'c' has 3 remaining places as of 13:45 GMT

    Everyone has been sent an e-mail with posting instructions. If you haven't received it yet, contact me via the envelope button to the right.

    For USA Wot Rotters - you will also receive an e-mail from Lorna with reference to post & packaging costs & how to pay.

    For anyone confused as to how to make up the strips, Margo has posted an excellent tutorial on page 3. http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange
    This is not the only method you could use :wink:

    Page 11 http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange has a post about what needs to be in the envelope posted to either Lorna or myself, PLUS a number of comments about labelling the reels. These carry on over to page 12 where 1/2 way down Margo does another excellent photo shoot of one method of labelling the reels and parcelling them up for putting in the envelope http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange

    Page 24 http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange for Margo's crib sheet on how she packed her reels for posting - pretty much everyone will be dealing with customs on this exchange. PLease be sure and mark it as a gift!

    USA Wot Rott-ers

    Please double check Lorna's instructions here http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange

    @julesquilts on IG 
    working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
    Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
    BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).

    Hi Rosemary,
    I just sent you an email asking for a number. Please?

    @julesquilts on IG 
    working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
    Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
    BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).


      hello rosemary
      you and lorna are absolutely fab for taking this on
      just sent you an e-mail and hope i'm in
      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


        WHOO-HOO!! This will be fun! I'm in!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Margo - love your new pic.

          It will be an honour to be in this with all you dear ladies.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I have some questions dear Rosemary:

            Are we to make all 41 of our thread reels the same color family?

            Are we to place the name label on the front or back? I wouldn't want it to obscure the pretty fabrics...

            If we need more than 41 to make the quilt as you show it, should we also exchange for the 46 narrow reels?

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              I sent my request to join.

              Coast of South Carolina USA
              Sewing/Quilting on my Viking Sapphire 870


                I have sent off my request too - hope to be joining you all. Rita.


                  I sent my request as well--hope there's still room...


                    I sent my E-mail....I'm thinkin' this'll be fun !


                      I just sent my request - hope I'm in!!


                        Just sent my email. Patiently waiting and hoping I get a number.


                          Just sent an email to Rosemary and have my fingers crossed that I get on the list. This quilt is on the January page of my calendar and I was just thinking yesterday that I would like to make it--this would be even better.
                          Deborah W


                            Originally posted by heartnsoulquilts
                            I have some questions dear Rosemary:

                            Are we to make all 41 of our thread reels the same color family?

                            Are we to place the name label on the front or back? I wouldn't want it to obscure the pretty fabrics...

                            If we need more than 41 to make the quilt as you show it, should we also exchange for the 46 narrow reels?
                            Yes make all of the 41 thread reels from the same colour family, mine will be all in the pinks in the picture, that way when we swap photos of quilts we will be able to say Ahh - Rosemary = paleish pinks, Margo = ?, etc etc... (also it is easier to track down a bunch of fabrics in one colour way and strip piece than to try and make everyone different. We get the difference by swapping!)

                            The name label can be on the front or the back, it will probably be removed when you come to make up the quilt, so if you are stitching it on use a large stitch which is easy to unpick, if you use stickies, I suspect that it would be better put on the back. I was presuming paper name labels, if you want to make up fabric ones that could also be in the quilt, be my guest. But bear in mind the arrival date for parcels is 29 February

                            There are only 36 narrow/gutermann reels in the border - I am planning on taking the 3 1/2" x 4 1/2" patches and cutting them down to 2 1/2" x 4 1/2". I am also reducing the size of the spool to only a total finished width of 3"

                            The spares I am planning on using to make a long thread that tangles & meanders over the whole quilt.

                            If you want to do the same border as I have shown, then you will need to get your name down for 2 numbers
                            Deborah W


                              Margo's will be dark chocolate with a little pink!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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