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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Originally posted by twiglet
    Yes but it really does.

    Rosemary have you had a tipple? Great names for your swaps but you're going to answer me in acronyms :roll: what is funny about SOTTT (signs of the times?) if its too rude you better message me :lol:
    Roflmao - rolling on (the) floor laughing my a** (donkey) off

    Sot - Habitual drunkard; one stupid with drink (not something that puritans are particularly known for)

    and anyway since I was running it I can call them whatever I fancy :P

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Originally posted by crocus999
      Originally posted by loise98
      I think I know who will be first to post.


        HOTYRSLT Hats off to you running something like this

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Originally posted by loise98
          I think I know who will be first to post.
          Sorry, Bren, I do remember that lovely quilt. Haven't heard from Bren in an age! Rita, you were early out of the gate too. Didn't mean to overlook you either ops: ops: ops:

          So, okay then, I bet I know who will be next. :wink: :wink:


            Originally posted by loise98
            Originally posted by crocus999
            Originally posted by loise98
            I think I know who will be first to post.
            LOL!!! I doubt I will be first! I have a full plate right now, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what others do!

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              I have purchased my background fabrics and the backing for the quilt, but have not started it. My reels are in a bag somewhere in the sewing room. I will have to do a search. Right now I am trying to finish quilting a table cover for my DIL for Christmas--last Christmas. ops: Life got in the way. I do want to start the reels soon. I also need to put new binding on a quilt I made for my son years ago. It's is nice to know they used it and like it, if they want a new binding. I am going to use Edyta's pattern for the reels. I don't want to design my own now. Brain not working too good now. Just life is so busy there is no time to think.


                Hi everyone its Bren here... I have a very heavy heart and sadness within myself as I write to you, I’m wiped out, tired and sick from worry. We need your prayers. We have had a terrible drought and now my area country is on fire... there are 3 Huge fires that together have burned nearly 100,000 acres (they have been burning for many days now), today we thought all was under control and many fighters have gone home... but the wind has come up very strong and blowing to the south for this moment... this fire is in the Niobrara NE, river canyons and when it comes out of the river breaks it races about 60 mph across the praries... All 3 fires where started by lightning but several ranchers have lost their homes, their hay piles to feed their cattle over the winter, there have been hundreds of head of cattle moved from the area with really no place to take them because of the drought. there were 30 fire departments here with over 300 fire fighters and who know how many farmers and ranchers fighting the fire... They even have fighters called hot shots from California here fighting these fires…We are praying for a lot of rain and no winds if that is Gods will... Several of our friends had to evacuate and lost their places... There are also fires west of us on the Rosebud Indian reservation.. so if the winds switch from the south to the north or from the west to the east we might be next... I will add a few links you can see photos of fires and please no need to comment to this post as I have not had time to check it... DH has been fighting fire for days now… one morning he left at 8 a.m. and at midnight I called him and he said he didn’t know if her would get home that night… he did he got home the next morning at 5 a.m. and then left again at 10 a.m. only 5 hours later. He is so tired and worried and our crops are dieing from no rains so he needs to get the corn cut into a silage pile as that is all it is good for now… but it is hard to do his own work when he is fighting fire trying to keep it from coming into SD... God Bless our fire fighters our neighbors and volunteers and the air planes.. we have several helicopters and big tanker planes and even spray crop planes dropping water to help save feed, homes and such... here are some of the links...
                I am constantly on watch, if a fire starts out here with the wind it is a matter of seconds if you can get out let along get out with any of your property…
                I am keeping a truck fueled and trailer hooked on and ready to go parked close to the front door and ready to load horses and a few personal items to get out… I pray this doesn’t happen…
                Everyone stay safe, I love ya all and please take care of each other! Bren





                  Bren, I hope for your safety and that of your husband and all the folks who are braving this. You will be in my thoughts. Thanks for letting us know.


                    Will be thinkin' of you....We have a lot of fire season yet to go ! :twisted:


                      Bren, Thanks for letting us know about what is happening in your part of the world. My heart aches and my head fears for your safety. Take care. I am praying for rain and for your safety.


                        How frightening for you. Wishing you rain and an end to the nightmare and hoping for better news soon.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard



                          I will be praying for you. I can't imagine going through something like this.


                            Mother Earth is certainly going thru some traumas with all the fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, etc.
                            What next?

                            Bren, I hate that you and others are in such a precarious situation!
                            Please do whatever you need to do to stay safe. I know you will.
                            And remember that stuff is just stuff & can be replaced.

                            You will be in my thoughts & prayers, but especially at noon CDT (central daylight time) each day.

                            There is strength in all of us praying at the same time, so please pray with me for all those in harms way.

                            sending many hugs your way,


                              Bren and Roseanne I too will pray for you and everyone affected by the fires, at 1p.m. Eastern whicch is your central time you are right stuff is just stuff live is so precious. Joan


                                Bren, I know that you will be too busy to look at these posts for the next while but I just want to say that I looked at the links you posted and it looks terrifying. I really hope you stay safe during this difficult time.


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