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    Originally posted by RiverOwl
    Dear Rosemary;

    I haven’t rec’d package of reels yet? I am getting nervous. . .


    Just a reminder...we are still waiting resolution of the missing package which affected two of the three groups. It's being worked from both ends. Patience... As you can see from the finished quilt above, it is worth the wait. In the meantime if you are wanting to participate in the reels and recipes book venture, please send your recipe (or notes, jokes, photos) to (removed because of privacy).



      What a gorgeous quilt! I love the ferny look of your background fabric and how that plays off the vine.

      Crazy weather you are having... Prayers to all the areas that are having torandoes.



        Your quilt is lovely. Congradulations on work well done. Hope you and your loved ones stay safe in the weather. Lois


          Originally posted by Millboroquilter
          Oh Margo I wish I had seen this video before... While I was waiting for my blocks I could have had all that done before the blocks got here. I can see it would be much better to do it before I put the quilt together.... now I will have to ponder if I should take it apart or try to do it while it is attatched. I love the effect of differant threads and the batting she used was wool but I do not have wool out here on the ranch... I only have cotton and poly do you think they would work? Thanks for sharing this link I need more time to watch these they are very good!
          I prefer wool for trapunto, but you will get some added definition with polyester. I think that adding a layer of cotton just adds weight!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Originally posted by Millboroquilter
            Originally posted by SpiritsFold
            Bren, I love your quilt! I can't believe what you can accomplish between your mid-wife shifts with the cows! Hunker down, stay warm and don't blow away! I hear some of that weather is headed for Wisconsin, too.
            Thanks, Yes it is amazing what you can get done with a little bit of time... I got my Olivia quilt almost finished too. in fact I finished the binding at Quilt Guild mtg today...(photo) I hope you do not get this nasty weather stuff. I talked to DD in Iowa and it is headed for her... Worried about it... cause she is in an apartment... I hope it misses her!
            Bren, I have been intrigued by your way of life. My daughter lives in Elko, NV., home of the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. I have volunteered at that event for a number of years and have developed a lot of respect and admiration for ranch life. Right now I am in the process of watching a documentary on netflex called, "The Last American Cowboy". It follows three ranch families who's appoarch to ranching varies using various techniques both traditional and modern. I love that you love both ranching and quilting. Lois


              I am in cincinnati at the quilt show and having a good time. Catching up on the posts that I haven't read for three days - lot to catch up on. Bren your quilt looks beautiful. Makes me even more anxious to get my spools back. Good things take time, so will patiently wait.


                I am so glad you are at the quilt show. I ca't wait to hear about it.



                  I love your spools quilt. I think I will at least make a few blocks out of my stash and make something small. The HST exchange is all I could handle for now. I'm way behind on some baby quilts. We have overcast skies in SW North Dakota this morning. Not much rain here so far, but there are chances for some this week. It's kind of dry. We are still calving; the last ones always seem to drag out a little. We will soon have to pick a branding date. Have a good day.


                    Bren, I looove your quilt top, it almost makes me want to try the applique border, but I think I will still pass and keep to my original plan :wink: , but it is definitly getting some extra tweaks as well. I found some great fabrics at Oldham for my reel tops & bottoms, just need to try and work out what to use for the background - yours is a great example.

                    I know everyone else is anxiously/expectantly/champing at the bit wanting to get their reels back, but I have promised the Aussie's that they wouldn't be excluded due to a possible slow postal service. However this monday makes it 7 weeks in the mail and it is time to start prodding them (with a large needle if need be) from the sending end, and I have asked Toni to do so.


                      Originally posted by loise98
                      Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                      Originally posted by SpiritsFold
                      Bren, I love your quilt! I can't believe what you can accomplish between your mid-wife shifts with the cows! Hunker down, stay warm and don't blow away! I hear some of that weather is headed for Wisconsin, too.
                      Thanks, Yes it is amazing what you can get done with a little bit of time... I got my Olivia quilt almost finished too. in fact I finished the binding at Quilt Guild mtg today...(photo) I hope you do not get this nasty weather stuff. I talked to DD in Iowa and it is headed for her... Worried about it... cause she is in an apartment... I hope it misses her!
                      Bren, I have been intrigued by your way of life. My daughter lives in Elko, NV., home of the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. I have volunteered at that event for a number of years and have developed a lot of respect and admiration for ranch life. Right now I am in the process of watching a documentary on netflex called, "The Last American Cowboy". It follows three ranch families who's appoarch to ranching varies using various techniques both traditional and modern. I love that you love both ranching and quilting. Lois
                      Thanks Loise, How sweet of you. My neighbor goes to that event... I think every year. Her name is Yvonne Hollenbeck and she is an award winning cowboy/girl poet, author and quilter. Her and hubbies ranch is just about 15 miles from us as the crow flies. You may have heard of her or met her. She is the best friend and neighbor you could ever have. Here is her web sight. http://www.yvonnehollenbeck.com/quilting.htm, she does "shows" all over the country for companies and groups and she does quilt trunk shows. She is awesome if you get to met her tell her you know her neighbor to the south Bren H. she will smile at you! My favorite poem of hers is about the quilts she bought from china and what she did with them... If you can afford it get her CD it is wonderful to listen to. She does this to supplement the ranch... Ranch life is a lot of HARD work and sacrifice, you give up a lot, and it has its rewards. no crowds, no jerks from the city who are flashing their money around...( no offense) Georgious night skies and the music the bugs and animals make at night and in the morning is to die for! The birds go crazy this time of the year in the morning. They are so happy it is spring! I know a lot of women who never made it out here and went back to their Friends and city hussle and bussel... bless their hearts... I hate the city the smell the noise...Most of the women out here go to town jobs to support the ranch. Not many of them like me still around... Once in a while I will meet a neighbor while I am out fencing in the spring, but usually not... most people don't go out in the middle of no where to work.. I do take someone with... when I go fencing the river pastures just so if I drown they will try to find my body! LOL! Most of the time we have to use a horse to drag the wires across and tie them up. horses can swim the deep fast waters way better than I can! LOL! One time I visited Izmir, Turkey (many years ago)(and surrounding towns) to see our son who was stationed over there and I couldn't wait to get back home... I loved the history of the Bible... the 7 churches... the Christian history over there is old and yet new, it was so awesome to walk the same streets that Jesus had walked...the people were so wonderful and friendly and curious about Americans, but there are just to many people for me. I think the population of their town was something like 6.8 million and the population of my local town is 3... plus 2 cats. My husband is a cowboy we ride horses and we rope cattle and brand the calves at a fire just like the old days only our fire is contained and fueled by propane. All the neighbors come over and help us work the calves in the spring and we go to their places and help them. We count on each other , when a baby is coming someone puts together a baby shower when one of the girls gets married some of us get together to have a bridal shower. Most of our children have left the ranch because they cant make a living out here any more. I cant say we ever made a living its more like we make a survival pact! LOL! Anyway thanks for you interest in us country / ranch folks. Pray for us! We are becoming extinct! LOL!


                        Bren, that is fascinating! I am also a "loner" but I live in town and totally understand your point of view! LOL!
                        I have to ask...is the wall and roof in your profile photo actually painted???

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Originally posted by gerbigk
                          I love your spools quilt. I think I will at least make a few blocks out of my stash and make something small. The HST exchange is all I could handle for now. I'm way behind on some baby quilts. We have overcast skies in SW North Dakota this morning. Not much rain here so far, but there are chances for some this week. It's kind of dry. We are still calving; the last ones always seem to drag out a little. We will soon have to pick a branding date. Have a good day.
                          I hope you have good weather. We are doctoring a few in the river pastures today.. they just cant hadle this cold wet wind and rain. Our date is set the same every year the 4th saturday in April. so I'm getting the food stuff and big cookers lined up and ready to go... I love to get it over with so I can enjoy the neighbors brandings. Good work outs for me! And I get more riding in than ususal.. Yahoo! I hope you dont get the heavy fast rains and hail like they got in Norfolk NE..


                            Originally posted by Margo
                            Bren, that is fascinating! I am also a "loner" but I live in town and totally understand your point of view! LOL!
                            Margo, My profile photo is my old quilting cabin next to my house. I painted it one summer I was bored, yes it is paint. the roof on the poor thing is just falling apart..(it was shingled like that when we bought it)... It needs a new roof... the hail, wind and rain out here on the prairie is horrible.... We bought two of these old camp cabin buildings when the bible camp our kids went to in the summer needed to build new building because they had so many kids coming, Jim and I bought them (400.00 each) to help them out (moved them to the ranch on old hay sleds about 10 mph for 200 miles) we were going to use them for storage on the ranch and we do... one is quilt storage/work area and one is other thing storage... (I didn't paint that one, but it needs painted, LOL) We never wired them because we rent the building sight we live on, the land lord is filthy rich (he owns 17 ranches now) and will not sell outbuilding sight to us. we have rented it for 35 yrs so we had to keep the cabins up on skids so if and when we move we can take them with us... yeah! So I run a power extension cord across the drive way and sew in it, I used to do that not any more...

                            I don't use it much now because I have my quilting studio in a old school building.. we re-did or (are re-doing) in our spare time. Still wrkg on that, as spare time comes and goes...The school board neglected it and we bought it because all 4 of our children went to country school in it k-8th grade. And we wanted to keep the memories alive for everyone... we had all windows to replace/fix (Still have about 6 more to fix) they were all broken, holes in the roof with 6 inches water standing inside with mold, wet books, desks, dead birds, wet insulation, sheet rock in wet piles on the floor... just a wreck, (it took me 6 days to clean out the wet books, wet insulation, moldy desks suck up the water off the floor) there were holes in “ALL” the walls I patched a bunch most of them (still have a few to do), textured it and painted my room the other room is my hubbies man cave or shop or both...

                            We are planning to shingle these building as soon as we have time and $ "CASH"... right now the holes in the roof are covered with old silage tarps (we were given) and have held up good through the winter. (I hope the wind doesn't rip it off now) We bought the property last October and you have no idea the work I /we have done to date and all the work that still needs done! We have the bathroom stool replaced and working there is a cook stove/oven, microwave and we bought a used frig (50 bucks) for the kitchen area, cut a big hole in the wall between my quilting room and the kitchen area we are going to put down used laminate (we were given) and make this a pass through/bar area... there is a couch with bed in it and a regular bed and a comfy chair to bind in with a lamp for evenings. So when our kids visit there is a place for them to stay and we have to put in a shower yet, just waiting for our ship full of money to come in! LOL!

                            My friends want us to move these old cabin buildings to the old school sight and fix them up and have quilt retreats but I don't see how we could ever afford all that.... We bought a roll of carpet for our Christmas gift to each other and will have it layied on May except where the laminate is around the bar area, I am trying to find a free kitchen cabinet to put under the bar counter top to store guess what?? “FABRIC”, LOL! And the bar top is a huge slab of wood that was given to us to use,,, not sure what I need to do to get it smooth but I think if it is the right size it will look good... Wondering how much we will get done because farming will start when the weather straightens out and cattle need to go to pastures and fencing and on and on....

                            I need a group of quilting angle roofers to come and roof these building s for me!LOL!

                            I am really quilt crazy... I have to laugh at my hubby because when we have company which is rare, he shows off my quilts... it kind of embarrasses me! But I look at something and I see a quilt, it is just crazy... So that is how my cabin got quilts painted on it...


                              Bren. It is so interesting to read about your ranch life. I grew up on a mixed farm on the prairies of Alberta. My grandfather and dad farmed it together when I was growing up and now my dad and brother farm the land and look after the cattle. I hope it goes to the next generation but one never knows. Like you say, farmers/ ranchers are becoming extinct. I think you guys should be a protected species!
                              Deborah W


                                Bren, that is amazing! Thanks for sharing part of your world with us!!

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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