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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    My reels arrived today, all I got to say WOW WOW what a collection of great fabrics. Thank you everyone. I have to put this project. On the back burner. Too much else to get done first. I will be looking what every one is going to do with this wonderful reels.



      went to the PO & Yay! an envelope from Lorna...Reel Arrival!
      Thank you, thank you one & all! Love all these pretties!


        the USPS link says that mine left San Francisco yesterday, I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow will be the day they arrive.


          I never got a notification from the Post Office that mine were on their way. I pulled the envelope from my box and thought, "I don't remember ordering anything. I was so tired last night that I haven't even looked through them. This quilt goes on the back burner, we are still moving and have boxes and boxes to unpack, and my daughter and son-in-law will be celebrating their first anniversary next week and the wedding quilt isn't done. Then my daughter and I have to put a nursery together, and there will be a baby quilt and baby blankets to make. Along with that, I need to make my blocks for Dalton's quilt.



              They're here ! And so pretty ! Thank you everybody ! Will post a pic. later...we're doing a garage sale
              ... in the unpredictable Idaho spring weather ! :roll: And it rained !...We're mostly under cover, tho.


                I got my reels yesterday - got to touch them all last night - they are all beautiful..

                Thanks to all who made this possible - I know firsthand that it is a lot of work.


                  Boo Hiss....I have nothing on my tracking number for my reels except the date of mailing. Ugh!! A Postmaster's nightmare!! How many times in my career did I assure my customers to be patient?!? Strange that the shoe is now on the other foot....hoping that my goodies will miraculously appear in my mailbox soon. Thanks for all the support I've received over the last few weeks. I'm trying to live each day by the credo my brother used throughout his struggle with cancer: Allow..Accept..Appreciate. I will Allow myself to be patient. I will Accept the fact that my reels are not here yet. I will Appreciate this opportunity to participate in an exchange.

                  From bright and sunny Cape Cod


                    Originally posted by maillady010
                    Boo Hiss....I have nothing on my tracking number for my reels except the date of mailing. Ugh!! A Postmaster's nightmare!! How many times in my career did I assure my customers to be patient?!? Strange that the shoe is now on the other foot....hoping that my goodies will miraculously appear in my mailbox soon. Thanks for all the support I've received over the last few weeks. I'm trying to live each day by the credo my brother used throughout his struggle with cancer: Allow..Accept..Appreciate. I will Allow myself to be patient. I will Accept the fact that my reels are not here yet. I will Appreciate this opportunity to participate in an exchange.

                    From bright and sunny Cape Cod
                    That credo of your brother's is very good - it is definitely worth remembering!


                      Yessss! Chris the mailman delivered my package today, which I ripped open immediately. Rosemary, thanks for the fab label! I looked the reels over and touched them, read out who made them and where she was from..... As Margo has said before, this is Too Stinkin Cool!

                      Even more beautiful in the cloth than in the pics posted here. I hope everyone else gets their reels soon.

                      I'm putting them aside for a bit since there are other projects in the works, but I pretty much know what I will do with them.
                      Thank you Rosemary and Lorna, for doing the hard work putting this exchange together and sending them back on a plane to the US.
                      thanks everyone who made blocks, they are super. I love having labels on them- Dawn, I saw yours with the info written into the seam allowance on your block!




                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Happy Dance!!!! My reels made it to Colorado. I also touched and looked them over, kinda funny one of the reels is from Ft. Collins which is only 40 miles and they went around the world. I also will have to put them aside for the time being, but have big plans for them.

                          Also, a big thank you to Rosemary and Lorna for your work, and the darling label.



                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            a pocket full of posys'

                            MY Preciouses!
                            What a fantastic photo! (I'm a bit late to the conversation!)
                            Thank you, thank you for the wonderful WotRott label!


                              I received my reels today!!! I can't wait to actually make my quilt but it will probably be awhile. I have so much to do right now. It was so much fun to see where they all came from and to actually recognize some of the names. Thanks to everyone who took part in this and for all the beautiful colors. Special thanks to Rosemary and Lorna for all your hard work and the cool label. It will be a great finishing touch to a wonderful quilt with many memories. I have been kind of a lurker, only posting a few times, but I have been reading and following every post and have enjoyed reading all of them.
                              Susan in Chewelah,WA


                                Mine were delivered in Oz as well today!! Wooohoo... this is one happy Aussie girl, with the spools from my international friends. Busy quilting at the moment, and a couple other projects to finish, before I start this one... but loving the process that starts now as the creativity planning begins! Thanks to Rosemary and Lorna for the label and all your efforts... Okay, running away now to play with fabric.


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