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  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
  • Justin's Test Account
    This is a test...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
  • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
    I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
  • Color Question
    I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
  • Month 2 Applique blocks
    I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
  • Deleting Wish List Items
    Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
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    Originally posted by Margo
    Bren, the new photo of your old quilt studio is wonderful!! I'm sure that anyone who looks at it must break into a big smile!!
    It's true, I know that I did!

    Lorna, you are right the UK is a great place to be stationed. Lots of interesting places and things to see and do. DH and I have promised ourselves that when the kids are self-sufficient we will tour around the UK and visit all the sites we have wanted to for years. Enjoy it while you can.


      Your so funny Rosemary... You always make me laugh! I have never been to England but my cousin and family lived and worked there and they used to watch the Queens horses go by their flat or house or what ever it is called over there, while they were being exersiced or somethiing like that, I didnt quit understand it all when they were out here to the ranch riding our rodeo/ranch horses and telling us about it... but their daughter was in heaven to get to ride a real horse... I guess we dont look at riding horses like others. It's work for us and its hard on your old bones after a day in the saddle you really do walk like your legs are curved... Mostly your just glad to be standing on the ground for a while!


        Originally posted by Margo
        Bren, the new photo of your old quilt studio is wonderful!! I'm sure that anyone who looks at it must break into a big smile!!
        Yeah it makes them smile alright...right up until I ask them to help me put a new roof on it... that pretty much changes the face expression! LOL!

        It's a pretty good land mark when I give directions, "you'll know your there when you pop over the hill and see a big red and white quilt on the side of a building" "Just trun in by the mail box and head for the quilt"! LOL!


          Well that was my break for the day... back to pairing out cattle... Will try to get a photo of DH and me riding the willow tails...


            As promissed, here we are, we just finished pairing out about 50 pairs. I'm on Toby and DH is on Gold. Long day today... The ground was really wet and slick.. no one slid or fell with either of us... Thank God! The neighborhood brandings start next Saturday and today I feel old and out of shape! But I'm happy I got one quilt block made... Will try to figure out blog on TQS, would it count if I had a blog somewhere else? Or does it have to be on TQS. Have a great time quilting everyone!


              Originally posted by "Millboroquilter
              By the way for the city girls reading this you can flush your toilet during this no electricity 12 day period of time, all you have to do is take an empty 5 gallon bucket to the creek, chop a hole in the ice, fill your bucket with water, carry it back to the house and pour it in the stool... it will flush magically! With or without TP in it! LOL!
              I'm enjoying reading your stories about your ranch life and your painted cabin. A mop bucket filled from a bathtub works too when the plumbing is broke and your DH is too busy to fix it. I'm doing that right now. And although I'm technically a city girl I grew up on a farm and my DH and I have owned a ranch for 35 years where we've spent many weekends. It looks like we will be spending more time there after we build our retirement home this summer. I think I will enjoy the peace and quiet as long as I have my quilting supplies close at hand. I would never be able to do what you do on your ranch. My DH does most of the work on ours, or pays someone else to do it, and it's mostly for entertainment, fishing and hunting, so we have to work in town to make our living.


                Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                As promissed, here we are, we just finished pairing out about 50 pairs. I'm on Toby and DH is on Gold. Long day today... The ground was really wet and slick.. no one slid or fell with either of us... Thank God! The neighborhood brandings start next Saturday and today I feel old and out of shape! But I'm happy I got one quilt block made... Will try to figure out blog on TQS, would it count if I had a blog somewhere else? Or does it have to be on TQS. Have a great time quilting everyone!

                Love your picture, as I look close it looks as if you and your husbands stirrups are touching ? How many cattle do you run? Your energy and hard work are very inspiring. We have 100 head of cows and raise
                alfalfa, barley and wheat. Your quilts and story are great. Please give lesson's on how to find time to quilt.

                From the southwest corner in Montana (Dillon)


                  Great photo of you and beautiful horses. I can imagine all four must bee very tired after a day working like you do

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                    ... Will try to figure out blog on TQS, would it count if I had a blog somewhere else? Or does it have to be on TQS.
                    Bren, if you already write a blog, you can certainly post a TQS member blog and just add a link to it for us! Several members do that.
                    Here's a recent one: community/my-profile/HelenQ

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                      As promissed, here we are, we just finished pairing out about 50 pairs. I'm on Toby and DH is on Gold. Long day today... The ground was really wet and slick.. no one slid or fell with either of us... Thank God! The neighborhood brandings start next Saturday and today I feel old and out of shape! But I'm happy I got one quilt block made... Will try to figure out blog on TQS, would it count if I had a blog somewhere else? Or does it have to be on TQS. Have a great time quilting everyone!
                      You guys look great! It's Bren, Toby, Gold and your DH would be? I love seeing your quilt house but it is really nice to have a picture of you in my mind when I read what you have to say. If you are really asking my opinion about where to blog, I'm selfish, I want you right here. After the title of the blog some people put NQR (not quilting related) which I might imagine would apply to what you write about in your busy times on the ranch. But think of it this way. Blogging here is another way to keep you connected to your quilting. I love the wide divercity of our community and you have so much to add. Thanks so much for the picture. Stay safe. Keep us posted. Lois


                        So that's what you look like Bren! I am with Lois, I like to read the blogs here on the member blogs too.


                          Originally posted by Millboroquilter
                          As promissed, here we are, we just finished pairing out about 50 pairs. I'm on Toby and DH is on Gold. Long day today... The ground was really wet and slick.. no one slid or fell with either of us... Thank God! The neighborhood brandings start next Saturday and today I feel old and out of shape! But I'm happy I got one quilt block made... Will try to figure out blog on TQS, would it count if I had a blog somewhere else? Or does it have to be on TQS. Have a great time quilting everyone!

                          Nice picture!!. I wish we had water standing like that. Tonight and Tomorrow we have a good chance of rain.


                            Copied from the recipes thread

                            This isnt a recipe BUT it is an observation about them.

                            Lorna & I had been discussing her oatmeal cookie recipe and it calls for '1/2 cup (1 stick) & 6 tbsp of butter'. This direction does not make sense to a Brit - because British recipes are gauged by weight. Over here we buy a 'pat of butter' which used to be half a pound (8 ounces) in weight, but is now 250 grammes (about 9 ounces)

                            (Besides which I've always thought packing a cup with butter and making sure that there are no air gaps to be a messy way of doing things) However following Lorna's explaination about butter packets, markings and amounts 1 stick = 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons = 4 ounces things became much clearer.

                            I have since come to the conclusion that USA recipes must be gauged by volume.

                            When you take this weight versus volume into consideration it makes it much easier to understand the differences between USA & UK recipes.


                              Rosemary, And don't forget to add that a US pint is 16 oz and a pint here in England is 20oz. (I thought those pints of ale in the pubs looked pretty big!)

                              I was amazed by the quoted gas mileage on cars here. I was thinking why the heck can't our cars in the states get that much gas mileage. The trick is a gallon is bigger here so of course it has more miles in it.



                                Originally posted by Lorna1021
                                Rosemary, And don't forget to add that a US pint is 16 oz and a pint here in England is 20oz. Lorna
                                Oh No It Isn't!
                                Oh Yes it Is!

                                Oh, sorry - I just had a panto moment there :lol: Actually Lorna, a pint is 16oz here too.


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                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
                                • Justin's Test Account
                                  This is a test...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
                                • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
                                  I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
                                • Color Question
                                  I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
                                • Month 2 Applique blocks
                                  I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
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                                • 14 Years Later...
                                  Finally doing something with my HSTs - And getting a warm fuzzy seeing all the names and places...
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