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    "Man, it's hard to sew and babysit at the same time, but I've taught the little guy to pick out pins from the pin cushion and give them to me one by one, and then when I've done, I give them back to him one by one, and he puts them back." Crocus999

    I can relate to this. When my little grandson would be with me when I was sewing, he liked to arrange the pins in my pincushion by color. Each time he came back he had to fix them and would admonish me for not putting them back in the right color group.



      One of the women in my quilting group likes to arrange the pins like flowers - in fact she is happier doing that than quilting!

      Terri enjoy having your grandson with you and I hope his daddy quickly recovers after his operation. If there is another exchange I will make a point of letting you know - that is if I know myself. I would love to do another one too.


        Originally posted by crocus999
        Hi there! This is another one of those times when I haven't received notices from the exchange topic for days now.
        Terrie, if you will click on "View New Posts" at the top of the forum page each time you check the forum, it will give you a list of everything posted that you haven't read yet!
        You will probably be able to tell by the topic title if a new exchange has started.

        Hope that helps!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
          Renata, traditionally we don't use dates in a tea-brack - but you can put whatever fruit you like into it.

          Here's the recipe:


          16oz dried fruit (we just use raisins and sultanas)
          16 fl oz strong black tea
          4 oz soft brown sugar
          4 oz granulated white sugar
          1 egg
          14 oz plain white flour (without raising agent)
          1 heaped teaspoon mixed spice
          1 teaspoon baking powder

          Put the raisins and sultanas into a bowl, cover with the tea and leave overnight to allow the fruit to plump up. The next day preheat the oven to 160C/320F. Line two 2lb loaf tins with baking parchment. Add the sugar and egg to the fruit and tea and combine well. Sieve the flour, mixed spice and baking powder and add it to the fruit mix stirring thoroughly. The mixture should be softish. You can add a little more flour if it seems too runny or a little more tea, or milk, if it seems to dry. Divide the mixture between the two loaf tins. Bake at 160C/320F for 30 minutes and then turn down the oven to 150C/300F for a further 20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack - if you can wait that long - and serve with butter and a cup of tea. Enjoy.

          I have to tell you I went through memory lane last night looking for Rita's Irish Brack bread recipe. I have a sandhills friend coming to see my quilting studio and I wanted her to have some yummy Irish bread this morn but man was the recipe was W A YYYYY B A C K in our forum...Something like page 62 or something like that... I thought it deserved moving it forward today LOL! I can't believe we are at 100 pages already!... I'll be thinking of you today Rita! Happy quilting all! HUGS from SD, USA

          Bren for "it's suppose to rain today in SD!"


            Boy, I really wanted that recipe! Thanks!. It's delish! Since Lotti brought me hers (with apricots and cranberries), I have been really wanting to make some too.

            Thanks, Margo for the info. Nice to 'hear' your voice. I do click 'new posts, but don't uderstand why for a long time I get the notices for the posts, and then for some reason stop getting them. :roll:


              :idea: Perhaps we ought to start a new thread and just enter all the recipes from this thread on it, so we can find them easier :wink:

              Anybody got a few days to trawl through and find them all to re-post? :lol:


                :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL @ Rosemary!!


                  Okay here's what you do if you want to save any of the recipes:

                  1. Highlight the recipe
                  2. Go to Edit in your toolbar at the top/bottom of your computer
                  3. Click on copy
                  4. Open a new word document
                  5. Paste from the edit menu
                  6. Save the word document somewhere sensible that you can find it again.
                  7. Enjoy forever (or at least until your computer crashes forever). :mrgreen:


                    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                    Okay here's what you do if you want to save any of the recipes:

                    1. Highlight the recipe
                    2. Go to Edit in your toolbar at the top/bottom of your computer
                    3. Click on copy
                    4. Open a new word document
                    5. Paste from the edit menu
                    6. Save the word document somewhere sensible that you can find it again.
                    7. Enjoy forever (or at least until your computer crashes forever). :mrgreen:
                    First - Find your Recipe!!! :twisted: :lol: :lol:



                      Thanks for the info! I always learn stuff from your posts!
                      L/ Your sewing sister Barbara


                        I admire anyone doing cathedral windows. I started once and was going to make a quilt. I made two windows and made a pin cushion. Never again. I would love to be in another swap. Can it be another of Edyta's. Have you all seen her new fabric range. Called "over the raindbow" by Moda. Boy is it eye candy. Maree Tasmania


                          New recipe thread started :shock:
                          Recipes from TQS Forums
                          Feel free to add, yell at me and correct if I missed yours, whatever... :wink: :wink: :wink:
                          I forgot to enter the page reference for the first few I copied, hope to amend these later on
                          I also loose the pictures when I copy the recipes, so if you feel like it and can make the time, add your complete version and I'll delete the 'copy'. :P
                          Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                            Thank you Lotti. I've added a Key Lime Pie recipe to the list since that's what I called my reels. Will be baking it this weekend


                              Originally posted by maree7316
                              I admire anyone doing cathedral windows. I started once and was going to make a quilt. I made two windows and made a pin cushion. Never again. I would love to be in another swap. Can it be another of Edyta's. Have you all seen her new fabric range. Called "over the raindbow" by Moda. Boy is it eye candy. Maree Tasmania
                              I did a cushion with cathedral windows long time ago for my mother but it was TQS-BC as Lois calls it and I used poly cotton and batiks :roll: I don't know if she ever washed it but I don't think it would fare very well. ops:

                              I would love to do her tumblers quilt, I don't know if that would work for an exchange. And no Rosemary I am not offering to be in charge. There seems to be only one of me her in Ireland who is prepared to make themselves known on TQS and I couldn't cope with an exchange all on my lonesome. :cry:


                                Lotti, you are amazing the way you found all those recipes so quickly - did you have them saved to your favourites or something? I am a little embarrassed that I seem to have posted so many ops: Come on everybody get your recipes on to the recipes thread so I don't look like I am trying to hog the show :roll:


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