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    aubergines / eggplant... mmmmh
    most obvious recipe there would be the greek moussaka mmmmmmhhh
    or maybe slices breaded in parmesan cheese and baked, then a little fresh tomato sauce to go with it and a good hunk of rita's brown bread ohhhhh this makes me hungry...
    and i've just looked in for that ferny fabric that someone was asking the name of - i think i have the same in green
    but i can't find the post anymore to check.... and if it's the same, give the manufacturer and style nr..... grrrrrrr
    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


      Lotti, is this what you were looking for: community/my-profile/gayles

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        super - thank you margo - i knew i saw it last night or this morning - but thought it was in the forum not on the blogs - no wonder i couldn't find it again.
        unfortunately not the same fern pattern
        Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


          Thanks for the beet ideas. I have a great recipe for pickled beets that my mother used to make. Pickled beets are great, even if you don't like beets. I will dig out the recipe. I know it has oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves, and of course sugar and vinager. You can make it as spicy as you like with the oils. The recipe is old, so it just says season to taste. :? :? I use the same recipe for sweet chunk pickles. That is a 10 day job to first brine the cucumbers. They are really good too. I will read over the other beet recipes and maybe try some. I won't turn in a recipe I did not try and like! :lol:
          Rita, I would love your bread recipes too. My DH and I really like homemade bread and I love to make it.


            Aren't burgandy and merlot maroon? I'm not sure what someone can make/cook with them, but by themselves they are wonderful. And, port wine! Our church always used a low end maroon wine for communion. Came in a big jug. But, there were always a few designated grape juices for those participating that were not 21, or could not tolerate alcohol.

            In beautiful Northwest Montana


              Originally posted by Scoopie
              Aren't burgandy and merlot maroon? I'm not sure what someone can make/cook with them, but by themselves they are wonderful. And, port wine! Our church always used a low end maroon wine for communion. Came in a big jug. But, there were always a few designated grape juices for those participating that were not 21, or could not tolerate alcohol.

              In beautiful Northwest Montana
              Coq au vin?
              or if you are using Marsala wine - Zabagalione http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-zabaglione (my sister was taught to use 1 eggshell of wine to 1 egg yolk, when she worked in an italian restaurant. By the way it is possible to make in an ordinary saucepan over boiling water - and very yummy!)

              Mulled red wine is also very good, especially in winter


                Originally posted by sugarmuffin57
                Hey, Beets are maroon aren't they? What?.......... No one wants to eat beats? :lol:

                Originally posted by lorra
                I mailed my reels today. I have not figured out a food name for them yet. Set A is a maroon color and set B is lavender/lt. purple. I was thinking of berry dumplings with whipped cream for the purple. I will have to puzzle over the maroon ones for awhile. :roll:
                I love beets... especially beet pickles with home made mac and cheese. The best comfort food. And (I know this is weird) squash is one of my favourites--I would pick it over dessert most of the time. Gotta love those vegetables! :lol:
                Deborah W


                  When are these cuties due? Thanks, Barb
                  Deborah W


                    barb, see page 29 of this thread for all information.
                    rosemary or lorna need the reels by 29th of february - to make sure they have all of them for their sorting day.
                    have fun sewing
                    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                      Originally posted by scottishquilter
                      Or the Sotted Wot Rotts! Geez, this is a fun group! :lol: :lol:

                      Love it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :P
                      WooHoo! This is getting better every time I open the posts! I don't yet have a 'recipe' for my buttercup yellows... Might have to be a citrus salad with nuts and coconut. :lol:


                        Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                        Originally posted by lotti
                        rita, once you're sober again - i would really really really love to have the recipes for both the spinach soup and the brown bread - i'll walk for miles for good soda bread since i had my first proper irish brown bread at a great little B&B who knows where (i think it might have been on dingle) a long long time ago
                        Funny that, I just took these loaves out of the oven! The one on the right is 'Brown Bread' and the one on the left is a white soda with onion seed. One of these days I will do a blog with photo instructions to make it easier. The great thing about Irish soda bread is that it helps absorb the alcohol. :lol: :lol: Hic! ooops. :wink:

                        Looks "laripping" - a term commonly used in rural Texas for "OMG good!" I do appreciate good, hot bread out of the oven... We are a family of bakers, too.


                          Originally posted by Margo
                          Jamai, ironing the seams open on these narrow strips makes the bulk more evenly distributed, and was shown in Rosemary's photo instructions on page one.
                          However, it was really small print. If you send them pressed to one side, I will press them open when I get them.

                          Not to worry, Margo. I "fixed" them, and oh, wow. When I did I found out they get BIGGER! I suppose everyone else knew that, but I did some adaptation. It's all good now. The "Citrus Salad" will soon be on the way! :roll:


                            Originally posted by quiltwhinny
                            When are these cuties due? Thanks, Barb
                            If in any doubt re-read the first post! :wink: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...-rott-exchange
                            If that doesn't answer your questions - then panic! :lol:


                              Thanks for the link to the first post! I have to do one more set, and would like suggestions from the group as to a colorway they think we still need. Thanks for your help! I believe I'll call my first set Mango Cream Jello, and the recipe is so yummy! Barb


                                I might be wrong but I think that apart from Rosemary's pinks we don't have any others that colour. Maybe some rose flavoured turkish delight for after dinner? Or coffee for those on a diet. :lol:


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