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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
    Do you mean that you are advancing in years yourself Rosemary? If so Many Happy Returns!
    Not me, my birthday was back in Feb, and I get my delayed pressy next wednesday - Whoo-hoo!

    No it is a certain Little Miss who will be hitting double figures :shock: and I will have 9 of the little 'darlings' coming around for the afternoon!

    Balloons - check
    menu - check
    rabbit jelly mould found & dusted off - check
    disposable plates & tablecloth - check
    party bags - check
    pass-the-parcel wrapped - not yet! eeek! it takes ages wrapping the same thing 20 plus times :twisted: but it sure makes the game last longer :wink: Last year I even used fq's for some of the layers (and counted them back in at the end :!: ) as a reusable solution
    make a pinata to look like a sunflower seed but much bigger -err not yet.... sorry folks I've got go get me off this 'puter NOW!


      [quote="Millboroquilter"] Nancy how do you get notifications from the USPS?

      I assume it was a computer-generated notice when she perhaps printed off the return mailing labels online? Not sure how USPS linked my e-mail address to that....but my techie-knowledge is not very extensive! Nancy


        Hi everybody,I was lucky enoughto be able to fill in for someone who had to drop out. My colors are red and white. I washed them five different times in hot water with color catcher sheets. I also soaked them in vinegar and salt to try and set the colors as I do not have any synthropol.The last time I washed them the color catcher came out a light pink. I am just giving everyone a heads up as i do not want to ruin anyones quilt. I probably would not have used red but that was what i had enough of to do in my stash.Been enjoying reading this topic.


          Originally posted by loise98
          I don't have access to series 6. That will have to be next on my list to buy. I have been collecting the DVD's and have Series 1- 4. Why does the "I want" list never end. I am like a kid in a candy store. I need more eye candy. I need to create more eye candy. LOL. Lois
          I sent you an email Lois.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Nancy, good to hear the system is working!

            There are a few packages that I have started to mail that aren't waiting for the slow boat from Australia. As part of my prep work before the sort, I entered all the addresses into a USPS address book under my account. I also included the emails. I prepared a few of the labels last night. I can send the notice Nancy (and others?) received by remembering to click the box that asks if I want to send the notification. (I might have forgotten a couple times.) I can buy the postage and print the label (with postage) all on line. I took two to the post office today and all they had to do was stamp and attach the customs slip. QUick as a wink and pretty darn cool! I didn't know it would notify until I actually mailed the package. I will mail a small group of about 13 by the 30th. I'll let you know as I actually mail them.

            Then we will wait for the last package to arrive...



              Yahoo I got a notification in the email too! But it says ...("The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on March 27, 2012 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.")...Maybe it is on the way and maybe it isn't but I got a feeling... and its a good one! SMILING! With BIG Dimples!
              Bless your hearts Lorna and Rosemary, you two have such a big job to do... I am so very impressed...This task is enormious in my eyes and yet you two seem as if it's a breeze.... I know I would fail miserably at a task like this...


                Photos from the combination sort -

                First up we drafted in any helpers we could find

                Then we got out one group from Lorna's mailings.....

                and got down to some hard work....

                Bearing in mind this was after some serious traipsing around York and a barbeque 8) but we thought we ought to do some of the swapping about before we ran out of weekend. :lol:


                  One thing that was pretty amazing was the international colour matching that happened in our swag!

                  The fat quarters came from Maree in Tasmania, and the reels of thread came from Marinella in the Netherlands - and a better match you couldn't hope to achieve!

                  I would like to say thank you to everyone who put a 'little something' in their parcels for Lorna & myself, I've had great fun planning & organising this swap, I've loved the banter, and how we seem to have also become 'cooking corner' as well! I hope we also manage to achieve the 'Reels & Recipes' book too.


                    Glad you mentioned the book, Rosemary.
                    Just a thought...for those who wish to submit a recipe, please send me an email
                    (click on the little envelope icon under my photo)...since we're on tinterhooks waiting for our reels.
                    Tell me your screen name, reel name (if you named it), color name, and of course, the recipe.
                    And remember, no one must feel obligated to submit a recipe!

                    Then when all the quilts/etc. are completed we can match them up.
                    Let the TQS "hunger games" begin!!


                      Wow Lorna and Rosemary Wish I was there. Looks like you were having fun and I am sure those two pictures do not tell the WHOLE story (oops sorry three pics). Know you had a great time. It is really amazing when I stop to think about the people I am talking to that they are REALLY from the other side of the world. It is soooo neat. and then when I make a quilt with Spools from around the world it will mean even more.
                      This is truly a unique group that I am so happy to be a part of. If any os you are going to the Cincinnati Ohio Quilt Show let me know, cause I will be there.


                        Thank you so much Rosemary and Lorna, for coordinating this exchange! I know it took some time and work, but I also know it was fun for you, as most projects like this are. I'm sure I have gained 5 pounds just reading all of the recipes that have been posted. I will be looking forward to receiving my reels/spools. Thanks again!

                        In beautiful Northwest Montana


                          Lorna and Rosemary, Ditto here from Colorado. I also wish I was there to help and have fun with you. The recipes also sound good, except of course, any rhubarb, but we've been through that already. LOL Thanks again for all your hard work and doing this for us.

                          Hugs, Sharon in colorful Colorado in the 80's today.


                            Thank you Rosemary and Lorna for the sorting. It looked like you enjoyed yourselves. "Reely" looking forward to receiving the reels.
                            Is anyone going to the Loch Lomond Quilt Show - 16th - 19th May?


                              Thanks to all
                              Lorna & Rosemary: for all your efforts in making this exchange possible
                              Rosemary: for your idea, time and input to organize the recipes. You'll be getting mine next week
                              Rita: for your recipe publications. Can't wait to try both the brak and the soda bread next week
                              All: for the fun, interesting and never ever boring banter and chatter back and forth.
                              Love this forum :P
                              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                                Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                                I can't believe the weather here either. It was 18ºC yesterday. That is our summer temperature if we are lucky!

                                And here is where I ran them together. Isn't it cute?

                                Thanks for posting the photos of your stitches Rita, They are really cool! Now I am wanting another new machine! LOL


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