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SOTT - Medallion Quilt

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    I worked forever last night trying to lay mine out and thought it was going fine but this morning I looked at yours and another one and realize I totally messed up. I did not put them on point. How did I miss that? Ugggggghhhhh!
    Guess it is back to the design board. :roll:

    Alexandria, VA


      Personally, I like a scrappy lay-out better. If you want to use a controlled lay-out using the orange/yellow HSTs because you've already picked them out, maybe you could use those in the center and work out to darker values, or put them around the edges with the darker values in the center? It might give the illusion of a glow in the center, or a glow around the edges.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        If you are not a scrappy person, which I am not either, this is a perfect time to try it. Just put them up as they come. I was amazed how well it worked. Our next quilts can be planned. I am really glad I just went for it with scrappy. I have one seam to go and I will be ready for borders. Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to post a picture.


          Originally posted by ladyz
          If you are not a scrappy person, which I am not either, this is a perfect time to try it. Just put them up as they come. I was amazed how well it worked. Our next quilts can be planned. I am really glad I just went for it with scrappy. I have one seam to go and I will be ready for borders. Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to post a picture.
          Paula, it's easy to post a photo! Here are some tips to help: http://forum/forum-questions-and-sug...-the-tqs-forum

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Know what? I just so happened to see a mini-mini picture of my quilt that I posted on the back of my digital camera, as I was going to take yet another picture, and then again on the photo album 'cover; on my computer. What a different perspective. I always thought you had to step back and take a look from afar, but by seeing that quilt in miniature, I could really 'see' what I couldn't see on my wall or in a larger picture. It was 'off' one side was nice - the other side was dead. - I then proceeded to take down everything, put all the HST's into a large bowl. Then I put up a UFO on the wall to work on that for a while, and then I will go back to the HST project. ( I only got this 'design wall' a few weeks ago as the HST were still in the mail. ) I had been unsure whether to do the Medallion, as originally, I wanted to do the Tree of life (at least that is somewhat controlled LOL) So, I thank everyone VERY much for their input, and I will really try true scrappy soon enough. I'll let some time pass, get it out of my system, and then try again.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              After I realized I had not put my medallion quilt on point I went back up to my design board to look at it and decided I like it this way. I don't know what this design is called. When I get a picture I will post it and you guys can tell me. Now I just need to sew it together.

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                this is what I plan to do with my HST. Dumped them into a basket, and pulled out randomly. Then tweeked some of the triangles for the corners due to same tones.

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Cheryl--this is the design I laid out for my HST's. I was going to try to organize but decided I would have to make a bunch more so just went scrappy and think I am going to like it.

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    cjbeg ---Okay. Now that looks really neat. I am am getting braver to try to totally scrappy look.

                    I will stop being a control freak. I will stop being a control freak. I will stop being a control freak. I'm gonna try totally scrappy and will ( gulp...) post my picture. (Maybe I need a glass of wine first, except with this migraine coming on, I don't think I'll do that soon. :roll: )

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      You are all going to have it so easy with your scrappy quilts and they are all looking great. I'm still in the process of squaring my blocks but am getting close to finished. I will be sorting them in groups of 9 that go together and that will take some time. I put a scrappy pieced border on a quilt over the weekend and had it assembled in groups of 6 and placed them around the quilt. My DD dropped by for a few minutes as I was getting ready to label the locations and I noticed a couple fabrics that were too close to the same fabric at the corners. My DD said it was supposed to be scrappy so leave it alone and that I didn't do scrappy well. While I was waiting for her to leave I was picturing the border shifted 2 fabric pieces all of the way around and decided that would work better, so after she left I proceeded to make the change which required unsewing 2 seams and resewing 3 I had already unsewn. The border looks great now and I won't tell her if you won't!


                        Originally posted by ajclapp
                        You are all going to have it so easy with your scrappy quilts and they are all looking great. I'm still in the process of squaring my blocks but am getting close to finished. I will be sorting them in groups of 9 that go together and that will take some time. I put a scrappy pieced border on a quilt over the weekend and had it assembled in groups of 6 and placed them around the quilt. My DD dropped by for a few minutes as I was getting ready to label the locations and I noticed a couple fabrics that were too close to the same fabric at the corners. My DD said it was supposed to be scrappy so leave it alone and that I didn't do scrappy well. While I was waiting for her to leave I was picturing the border shifted 2 fabric pieces all of the way around and decided that would work better, so after she left I proceeded to make the change which required unsewing 2 seams and resewing 3 I had already unsewn. The border looks great now and I won't tell her if you won't!

                        Can't wait to see it, Annis!!!

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Cheryl, I love it!!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by cjbeg
                            this is what I plan to do with my HST. Dumped them into a basket, and pulled out randomly. Then tweeked some of the triangles for the corners due to same tones.
                            Cheryl, I think this is very pretty. 8)


                              Hey I love that. I don't think I have the patients to make those light lines in mine. It is laid out the same except for that. Amazing what these little triangles can do.


                                Cheryl - Truly lovely variation!

                                Alexandria, VA


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