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SOTT - Medallion Quilt

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    SOTT - Medallion Quilt


    While I haven't finished pressing and stripping the paper off my HSTs, I'm starting to plan my quilt. I'll be making the cover quilt from Edyta's book. I wondered if anyone else would be making it as well.

    If so, perhaps a new topic to share ideas for layout, tips, photos, and/or progress reports would be fun. Anyone else "in"?


    Alexandria, VA

    That's the one I had planned to make from the beginning. I just started removing the papers from the HST's today. This is going to take some time....


      My choice as well. Wanted to do one of Edyta's as she was the genesis of the 'Sisterhood'. As I've got LOTS of HSTs, this one accommodates the collection.
      The package just arrived yesterday - counting and sorting is complete, now to trim and press. I'd love to share the process, but, will be a little slow to get on it.
      Two must finish projects are by the machine. I'll keep checking to see how everyone is doing and will contribute ASAP.


        I'm leaning towards the medallion quilt also. I will decide for sure after Easter weekend. :roll: :!:


          I'm planning to do the Madallion quilt, but have two graduation quilts to make by May 28. One is hardly started and the other has the top done. I'm very eager to start but am making myself just look and admire. Shirley from Iowa


            I really liked the blue and white quilt on the cover of TQL this month. Since it is all HSTs, I was thinking about trying that in a scrappy version with our exchange HSTs. Haven't even started ironing yet though.


              Lorna, I have been thinking about doing that quilt also. Dixie


                Sounds like we have the beginnings of a small group!

                I've been wondering where I will place the Golden Triangles and the international HSTs. Initially I thought the Golden Triangles belonged in the center - unfortunately, they a a little too scrappy for my taste. Perhaps the four corners? (I'll also add in Debbie's and Clara's alongside the GTs!) Or we could play "find it" and let them fall where they may!

                For the international, maybe they would grace the center and work their way out to make a nice big square? Or, I could select the right "ring" and place them so they fall in line on the grid based on how many I have. BTW - I plan to label each international one with the country of origin!

                Any suggestions?

                Alexandria, VA


                  My golden tickets will be part of the label!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    I love the medallion quilt! In fact, it is why I decided to join the exchange. Then it became much more.
                    It will be fun to turn my HSTs into the beautiful medallion. Now, to find the time......



                      The medallion quilt is the pattern I have been planning on making. Now that I have received my hst's I am a little concerned about how to lay them out so they look really good together. Scrappy is not easy for me. I will be watching for suggestions.


                        I finally got up a design wall while waiting to receive my HSTs. I had participated in the Batiks R Us, so I tried the Tree of Life pattern on the wall, and then a mini medallion. I think the medallion wins. I have 4 red HSTs, so they look really neat in the center. Might try the center reds as a windmill block - to see it it gives some more interest, or if it will be distracting. I guess I should have taken a picture of each to show and then ask for 'preferences. It's always nice to get someone else's opinion. My DH liked the Medallion better too.


                          Scrappy is not easy for me either, but I decided to just go for it. I am putting the golden tickets in the center of the medallion.


                            For those not comfortable working with lots of colors, you might be happier with your projects if you concentrate more on the placement of the VALUE of the colors rather than the actual colors. The amount of lightness or darkness in the fabrics should dictate placement more than just the colors which will be less obvious in the assembled piece.

                            You might also think about adding a generous amount of a neutral or solid fabric to help the assortment play better together. Your project can take on a whole new flavor by changing the value or the color of the added neutral. BTW...red can be a neutral!

                            It will also make your project large enough for a usable quilt instead of a wall-hanging.

                            Decisions, decisions!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Thanks to Margo for the tip on value. I did try not to cluster similar values together too much. But I'm not so comfortable with the scrappy look yet. Please offer your thoughts on the partial layouts below (just a portion of one quarter of the center medallion).http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...edallion-quilt

                              This first one is just all colors with red at the last two spots on each row (to get the added border that Edyta mentions in the book.

                              I thought the brighter blues seemed out of place so I removed them in this version:

                              Next I removed the pinks and some other odd balls:

                              Alexandria, VA


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