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Wayward and Adoptable HSTs

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    I just counted my HST's and I'm over by 25. If you need them, let me know and I'll send them to you directly.


    PS Darlene from Saginaw, I got one of yours! I'm from Sanford Lake not far from you

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Originally posted by hannes52
      Hi Im Darlene from Saginaw Michigan and yesterday recieved my HSTs in the mail. My girl friend call before I got home and said hers were in. OMG It was like xmas in April, 0ver 600 triangles from all over the world at my finger tips. Well a warm fussy feeling came over me and people are complaining about how they recieved them in the mail. OMG have any of you that are complaining think about the number and the work entailed for us to have these triangles. And if you didnt get one from Edyta Sitar shame on you. Take one of Edytas classes, shes the sweetes person and only Like us sent in her own HSTs to recieve back like us. I cant Thank the People who made, helped, sort, and mailed what ever. THANK YOU !! THANK YOU!!! from the bottom of so many hearts. this Quilt that I will make I will cherish it for ever!!! Warm and fussys Love Darlene

      Thanks, Darlene!

      BTW to all SoTTT'smembers: Everyone will have received one HST from Edyta in your bag of Golden Tickets, but that one may or may not have been signed. That was explained in the note that was included in your package. She was not able to sign them all, but she did send enough for everyone. Edyta's was the one in the baggie that had been pressed open.

      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


        Unless you were there, you just can't imagine how many there were !!!!!
        I'm soooo proud to be a quilter and a member of TQS!!!
        What an honorable group !!!
        And Nancy , that was stacks of 28 lol


          I've counted twice and have come up with different numbers, which is why I want to do it again. It would have definitely been easier to count before I started pressing. I had no idea they might be over/under count until I'd already pressed the majority of them. That's about the time I saw the posts of those who were missing some and also others who had too many. I'm sure I'm somewhere between 20 and 30 over, but since they're not in an increment of 28 over, that's why I want to do a third count. Then I'll post for someone who needs more. I received 40+ that had no name or state on them.


            Originally posted by fiquilts
            I've counted twice and have come up with different numbers, which is why I want to do it again. It would have definitely been easier to count before I started pressing. I had no idea they might be over/under count until I'd already pressed the majority of them. That's about the time I saw the posts of those who were missing some and also others who had too many. I'm sure I'm somewhere between 20 and 30 over, but since they're not in an increment of 28 over, that's why I want to do a third count. Then I'll post for someone who needs more. I received 40+ that had no name or state on them.

            Counting and having to recount is a good indication of what we were going through with 224K+ :shock: :shock: of those little buggers :evil: . Even getting a good grip on them to count and sort wasn't easy. One member sent me a whole box of surgical gloves and a lot of our 'sorter helpers' found those to be very helpful. I thought that was an excellent idea and I'm so glad :lol: she sent them. I used them for everything I counted, so I'm sure none of my counts were incorrect :roll: :roll: ...ROTFLOL!!!! OK guys...please don't take me seriously with that last statement!

            There's no rhyme or reason why some were 20 over, 26 over, 28 over...people were counting in stacks of 28, but occasionally people lost count and those stacks of 28 could have easily become 20, 24, 26, 30, etc. So the increment of 28 really doesn't play too much of a part in the whole scheme of things.

            There were also a LOT of members who did not write anything on the HST's at all and when those members sent in 600 or 700, it's easy to understand why a package could have a number with nothing on them. Since it was only a suggestion, I'm guessing that some people did not think it was that important or just didn't have the time to do it.

            "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


              If i sounded like I was complaining about the HSTs I wasn't . I wrote on the wrong site. and I did know the triangle was from Edyta that was in the bagie. All of you gals and guys that helped did a great job. I truly love each and every triangle. I must of look at them a good four hours last nite. Thank You again!! : :wink: :lol:

              "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                You all know that I am severely mathematically challenged, but I just tried a little math with the help of my trusty calculator.

                When you stack all of the 224,472 HSTs into stacks of 28, you have 8, 017 STACKS!! :shock: :shock: OH MY!! :shock: :shock:

                If there were 30 helpers for the task, each one would have to pile up 267 stacks. I couldn't even get my 21 stacks to come out right! :roll:

                Just thinking about that makes my head hurt!! The sorting team are all wizards!! THANK YOU!!!!

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  [quote="Tamara"]I just counted my HST's and I'm over by 25. If you need them, let me know and I'll send them to you directly.


                  PS Darlene from Saginaw, I got one of yours! I'm from Sanford Lake not far from you [ Tamara I also recieved one from you. Small world go thought Sanford all summer long . It was just like Christmas wasn't it ? Darlene

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Now all this talk about stacking. Let me add one more variable. What if someone comes up to you and asks you something or just even has a conversation with someone else. Crap. What number was I on? Then you have to count all over again. Distractions were everywhere. Clara

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Happy day. I just received my HST today. Unfortunately after counting a few times I am 21 short. So if anyone has extra, it would be greatly appreciated. It was a lot of fun reading where they all came from. Thanks again for all the hard work that went Into this project.

                      Disregard my shortage. I just separated by states and countries, and with paper and pen was able to get a more accurate count. I am actually one over. I have 39 states, 8 countries, and 18 unsigned. YIPPEE!!!!.

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Originally posted by hannes52
                        If i sounded like I was complaining about the HSTs I wasn't . I wrote on the wrong site. and I did know the triangle was from Edyta that was in the bagie. All of you gals and guys that helped did a great job. I truly love each and every triangle. I must of look at them a good four hours last nite. Thank You again!! : :wink: :lol:

                        Darleen, I didn't get the impression you were complaining at all. I thought it was wonderful that you were so thrilled with yours.

                        I just figured that was a good opportunity to explain a little more about Edyta's HSTs since you had mentioned it...and not as a complaint about what you received.

                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                          Okay, I counted for a second time after dividing into states. I was curious how many states and countries were represented -43 states plus four other countries. After using my desk calculator (never have like the new one) I got out my new Droid 2 phone, which tries to prove it's smarter than I am :roll: and added them up twice - came out with just under the 616 I sent in. To double check those numbers, I added them up again - twice - the old fashined way, before calculators. Same number, so I'm good with what I have and don't have any over. Whew!!! Glad that's done, now I can remove papers and play


                            Woohoo!!!! Mine came yesterday. I tried to count them, but it was too much trouble. I gave up on that and moved on to the joy of looking at each one! Woohoo again!!!!!!!!!


                              I sent in 515 triangles and guess what? I got 515 back. I received 38 states, 10 countries and 43 unmarked, love everyone of them so am very happy. I did get 25 from Coleen L in Ohio so if someone needs Ohio I can trade. Coleen I am very happy with yours triangles and will only part with them if someone needs them. Also if someone didn't get some from Iowa I made extra in the beginning and will be glad to send you some. Love this group and am looking forward to another exchange.


                                I think I have 27 extra--so anyone who needs some contact me.


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