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Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
Loving your southwest theme. Super fun ideas you are coming up with. It will be a unique
variation of Lynn Wilder's... -
I used wool for dots and hearts. The flexi fuse worked great....
They look great. I have never appliqued and am hoping to use the same method.
Like your applique Motivs. The will give the quilt very much interrest.
Thanks for Posting your eq Fotos. You did the work for me too. I have not decided witch fabrics i will use from stash...regards...
Great idea. I think i might try this
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Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
Hi There,
I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing... -
I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
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https://bbquiltmaker.b... -
Hello - I know someone has solved this problem...I seem to remember a question arising when we put the inner circle together...
Cap'n John showed me a new feature--you can see all the photos posted on any particular topic--at once.
Open... -
I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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Wayward and Adoptable HSTs
new posts
Originally posted by ClaraLawrenceI am thrilled that this thread got started. We all tried our best and the beginning of the sort got a little crazy. So, I know there was some mistakes. Thanks to many quilters for stepping up and doing things the honorable way. Makes me proud to be a quilter!
To be frank, I'm seeing triangles everywhere. Clara
Clara & all the sorters;
I don’t see how anyone could have done better & certainly not faster! I haven’t gotten mine yet but I am sure the Sisters can work out the last little details and sent on the little lost HST’s onto their owner’s. Don’t worry. But I think I speak for all the sister’s when I say we just really want to be sure you have the number of HST’s you & Debbie are suppose to have so please please after you catch your breath please don’t be shy in letting us know how many you are short so we can take care of you two!! That is what this is all about to give & receive. Okey dokey????
Love your quilting sisters
- IP
Originally posted by RiverOwlOriginally posted by ClaraLawrenceI am thrilled that this thread got started. We all tried our best and the beginning of the sort got a little crazy. So, I know there was some mistakes. Thanks to many quilters for stepping up and doing things the honorable way. Makes me proud to be a quilter!
To be frank, I'm seeing triangles everywhere. Clara
Clara & all the sorters;
I don’t see how anyone could have done better & certainly not faster! I haven’t gotten mine yet but I am sure the Sisters can work out the last little details and sent on the little lost HST’s onto their owner’s. Don’t worry. But I think I speak for all the sister’s when I say we just really want to be sure you have the number of HST’s you & Debbie are suppose to have so please please after you catch your breath please don’t be shy in letting us know how many you are short so we can take care of you two!! That is what this is all about to give & receive. Okey dokey????
Love your quilting sisters
You're absolutely right!!! We can take it from here and get shorted ladies some triangles directly without placing anyone in the middle. Another nice sister stepped up to the plate to organize this to connect people, but we may be able to do that right here on the Forum by contacting each other as someone lets the group know they need something. Then no one will have to coordinate.
After my post yesterday, I've already received several e-mails from ladies who want to be sure that Debbie and Clara have the same advantage as all the members of the SOTTs. I'm sure we'll have others who want to participate in being sure they aren't cheated and I have volunteered to take care of this for us. Debbie sent a post requesting that we not worry about that, but when the "terribly tired" wears off from our leaders, they really may wish for a few extras to make something wonderful. Again, if anyone wants to help on this project, contact me and I'll give you my address.
- IP
I was out of town last week and was thrilled to find my envelope in the mail when I got home Sunday night. I had knee surgery Monday morning, so am laid up on the couch with knee elevated. One of the first things I did was tear into my bag and look through my HSTs. How exciting! I haven't counted yet so will go back and do that. I did note that I have 2 of the little baggies of signed squares, so let me know if anyone is short one of those goodies. I will count and let you know if I have extra.
- IP
Originally posted by Lorna1021I was out of town last week and was thrilled to find my envelope in the mail when I got home Sunday night. I had knee surgery Monday morning, so am laid up on the couch with knee elevated. One of the first things I did was tear into my bag and look through my HSTs. How exciting! I haven't counted yet so will go back and do that. I did note that I have 2 of the little baggies of signed squares, so let me know if anyone is short one of those goodies. I will count and let you know if I have extra.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Woo Hoo! Clara
- IP
I checked mine after I herd some people were short..I have 26 extra and would be happy to send them to who ever is short.
You can contact me at
mailto:[email protected]
with mailing info
- IP
I think my count is over what I sent in...I kept losing count as I went through, since I'd sent in over 700.I won't know for a few days, as I've got a lot on my plate until after my son's wedding on the 30th. Anyway, even if I'm not over, I can share a few. Email me privately should you want some.
BTW, sorters, you did a WONDERFUL JOB ON A MASSIVE TASK!!! Thank you again. Mine arrived today and they are wonderful! I can't wait to get a chance to look at them more closely. Of course, I got some duplicates, but I actually welcomed them, as I had a pattern in which I wanted to have a few more matches!...And, I couldn't believe the number of states and countries participating! WOW! This has been great! Now to discipline myself to do something spectacular with them!
- IP
I received my HST's on Saturday, BUT I live in the Houston area, I think I was short perhaps 4 or 5, but am not worried about it at all. I think the group did a wonderful job getting it all organized, sorted, and mailed back, sounds like a herculean effort to me, I'd still be seeing triangles myself, no doubt about it. Kudos to everyone who had anything to do with it, ALL I had to make were the HST's and mail them, that was the easy part. Thank you all again, Heidi
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I'm so impressed by everyone's willingness to share the extra's they received with those who didn't get enough. Since so many are short or over in the 26-27 range, which would have been one stack of 'almost 28' :roll: . It was difficult concentrating 100% when counting and stacking! You can imagine how many 'wait' hand signals went up on sort day when someone started talking to someone who was counting!
Thanks to all of you for proving that we are a true 'sisterhood' and 'brotherhood' that wants everyone to share equally.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss
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I received my HSTs today and everything else stopped so I could count and admire them! In sorting, I find I have 41 states represented and the note said there were 45 US states involved. The states I'm missing are: Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and South Dakota. I realize 5 of these 9 states didn't have any participants, I just don't know which states those are. And if any of you are from those states and would like to swap just a few with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email through my profile.
I was thrilled to see many names I recognize, a little disappointed at the number that were blank, and surprised I only got one of my own. Sending in 672, I thought I might get more than one of my own back. And I did get 2 others from Alabama, including one from my city, which, unfortunately, wasn't signed. I also received about 26 from overseas, representing 6 countries. MARGO: if you want to swap me for some of these, just let me know. You mentioned you got only a few overseas HSTs.
Thanks to Clara, Debbie and all the sorters for the overwhelming task this must have been. Now to press them all and figure out what to do with them AND the papers!
North Alabama, USA
"I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson
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Thanks Barbara, but I have plenty of HSTs for the layout that I'm planning to do, and am really not worried about the distribution of participants.
The spirit of this exchange is what warms my heart and a large quilt will soon warm my bod! :wink:
When I get the top assembled, I'll post my remaining HSTs for anyone who needs more if they are willing to take them already pressed and trimmed but without papers attached.
It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
- IP
Originally posted by sewingbyjanetI checked mine after I herd some people were short..I have 26 extra and would be happy to send them to who ever is short.
You can contact me at
mailto:[email protected]
with mailing info
Bluffton, SC
It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
- IP
Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
Loving your southwest theme. Super fun ideas you are coming up with. It will be a unique
variation of Lynn Wilder's... - Loading...
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Finally doing something with my HSTs - And getting a warm fuzzy seeing all the names and places...
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