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    You lost me on the cricket - not being really sports minded, BUT when I received my HST package on Friday, one of yours was in my group. I'm thrilled! Hope your vacation was great. :mrgreen:

    NancyW in North Carolina


      Rosemary, you forgotten to mention that it's not a good idea for a player to have a 'leg before the wicket'.
      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Rosemary--clear as mud.
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Originally posted by PosyP
          Especially for Shirley & for all those who would like the 'short' description of cricket

          [color=#0000FF]The Rules of Cricket

          You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

          Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, ...:
          This is absolutely hilarious! I'm going to try to forward this to a few of my Brit friends and see how they react. Reminds me of the American one about 'Who's on first?' explaining baseball.
          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


            Originally posted by PosyP
            Originally posted by printmaker
            Boy have you gals been chattering today! :mrgreen: When I checked last at 1a.m.before going to bed we were at page 35 of this chapter. When I finally got back to my computer at 3:30 this afternoon, I had 3 FULL pages of posts to catch up on.
            Jackie in Texas, where we got a very little rain on Saturday and a mist this a.m. but not enough to make a difference :cry:
            You ought to try going on holiday for a week, I left at about page 32! and now look where you lot have got to :!: :roll: :lol:

            Welcome back, we have been missing you!
            Sending all the internationals express speed on getting your HST's package.

            Happy sewing
            Dillon, Montana USA
            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


              Originally posted by PosyP
              Especially for Shirley & for all those who would like the 'short' description of cricket

              [color=#0000FF]The Rules of Cricket

              There you go - simple really! :lol: :lol: :lol:

              You may not believe it but that's EXACTLY what happens! :lol: :lol: :lol:
              Robyn - Australia


                The Rules of Cricket

                You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

                Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

                When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.

                Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

                When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.

                There are two men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.

                When both sides have been in and all the men have out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

                There you go - simple really!

                Embroideress Extrordinaire & Mad Hatter


                This is very similar to a game we have here in the States called Baseball only we have the men go in and out nine times. :lol: :lol: :lol:
                But our men that are out try to get the men that are in out & we have three bases and a home plate along with a pitcher. The pitcher; doesn’t drink though unless he is in; anyway, once the men that are out get all the men that are in out, then the men that are out get to come in and the men that are out now try to get all the men that are in out again. And the pitcher that was out and is now in gets to drink before he is out again. It is very slow though. The best part is people in the stands get to drink beer & eat hot dogs & popcorn no matter who is in or out.

                P.S. I forgot to add that these men get paid incredible salaries & a lot of them behave very badly :roll: You may even see them in commercials advertising shoes, cars and the like

                Bluffton, SC


                  I love these explanations of Cricket and Baseball. How is USA football played?



                    Not SoTTT or Cricket related but.....DId you see the short video on BBC website about the making of the lace for THE dress?

                    Nan in Scotland


                      Originally posted by PosyP
                      Especially for Shirley & for all those who would like the 'short' description of cricket

                      The Rules of Cricket

                      You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

                      Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

                      When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.

                      Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

                      When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.

                      There are two men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.

                      When both sides have been in and all the men have out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

                      There you go - simple really! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                      :lol: :lol: :lol:
                      Posey, you are too much! Now I know what to do next time I see a cricket. By the way, I got one of your swell hst's. Thanxs



                        Originally posted by RiverOwl
                        The Rules of Cricket

                        You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

                        Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out.

                        When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.

                        Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

                        When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.

                        There are two men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.

                        When both sides have been in and all the men have out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

                        There you go - simple really!

                        Embroideress Extrordinaire & Mad Hatter


                        This is very similar to a game we have here in the States called Baseball only we have the men go in and out nine times. :lol: :lol: :lol:
                        But our men that are out try to get the men that are in out & we have three bases and a home plate along with a pitcher. The pitcher; doesn’t drink though unless he is in; anyway, once the men that are out get all the men that are in out, then the men that are out get to come in and the men that are out now try to get all the men that are in out again. And the pitcher that was out and is now in gets to drink before he is out again. It is very slow though. The best part is people in the stands get to drink beer & eat hot dogs & popcorn no matter who is in or out.

                        P.S. I forgot to add that these men get paid incredible salaries & a lot of them behave very badly :roll: You may even see them in commercials advertising shoes, cars and the like

                        Bluffton, SC
                        :lol: :lol: :lol:
                        Barbara, that was hilarious! Moreso because it almost makes sense.



                          OMG - this is too much fun, however I still have no idea how cricket is played BUT If we start explaining football then it turns into futball which now becomes soccer. WOW how confusing it that going be. shock: :shock:


                            Originally posted by crocus999
                            Originally posted by PosyP
                            Especially for Shirley & for all those who would like the 'short' description of cricket

                            [color=#0000FF]The Rules of Cricket

                            You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

                            Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, ...:
                            This is absolutely hilarious! I'm going to try to forward this to a few of my Brit friends and see how they react. Reminds me of the American one about 'Who's on first?' explaining baseball.
                            8) 8) 8) You all heard it here, folks, we've gone from a "short" :mrgreen: abbreviation of cricket to Abbott & Costello's "Who's on First?" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: What about Margaret Hamilton who wore a magical hat? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: You guys have been playing with too many HST's lately :!: :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



                              This is very similar to a game we have here in the States called Baseball only we have the men go in and out nine times. :lol: :lol: :lol:
                              But our men that are out try to get the men that are in out & we have three bases and a home plate along with a pitcher. The pitcher; doesn’t drink though unless he is in; anyway, once the men that are out get all the men that are in out, then the men that are out get to come in and the men that are out now try to get all the men that are in out again. And the pitcher that was out and is now in gets to drink before he is out again. It is very slow though. The best part is people in the stands get to drink beer & eat hot dogs & popcorn no matter who is in or out.

                              P.S. I forgot to add that these men get paid incredible salaries & a lot of them behave very badly :roll: You may even see them in commercials advertising shoes, cars and the like

                              Bluffton, SC[/quote]
                              :lol: :lol: :lol:
                              Barbara, that was hilarious! Moreso because it almost makes sense.

                              Roine [/quote]

                              :roll: :roll: :roll: I think this SoTTT Forum has turned into a Saturday night Reality Show :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I can't wait to hear the bantering back and forth about tennis :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


                                Originally posted by sforster395

                                This is very similar to a game we have here in the States called Baseball only we have the men go in and out nine times. :lol: :lol: :lol:
                                But our men that are out try to get the men that are in out & we have three bases and a home plate along with a pitcher. The pitcher; doesn’t drink though unless he is in; anyway, once the men that are out get all the men that are in out, then the men that are out get to come in and the men that are out now try to get all the men that are in out again. And the pitcher that was out and is now in gets to drink before he is out again. It is very slow though. The best part is people in the stands get to drink beer & eat hot dogs & popcorn no matter who is in or out.

                                P.S. I forgot to add that these men get paid incredible salaries & a lot of them behave very badly :roll: You may even see them in commercials advertising shoes, cars and the like

                                Bluffton, SC
                                :lol: :lol: :lol:
                                Barbara, that was hilarious! Moreso because it almost makes sense.

                                Roine [/quote]

                                :roll: :roll: :roll: I think this SoTTT Forum has turned into a Saturday night Reality Show :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgree n: :mrgreen: I can't wait to hear the bantering back and forth about tennis :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: [/quote]
                                Shirley! Do you think we could make it on Saturday Night Live??? By the way, there is no such thing as "too many hst's."


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