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    Thanks Shirley. She can be very persistent when she wants to be! :wink:
    Btw, Nice to "see" you! I have been following the forum. Sometimes I wish there was a "like" button when I agree with the sentiments mentioned.

    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


      Fine... Fine... Fine... You want an update on the internationals, I'll give you an update.

      All HSTs have been counted (except those arriving this weekend from my Mom after she picked them up from DEBBIE!!!!!! Hee Hee). The boxes have been package, addressed, customs labels filled out and ready for delivery to the PO. Just finished them. Is the PO open tomorrow? I have about a dozen US packages that I will drop off too. There is one lady that her address label decided to go on walk-about, but she's been notified and will send it out.

      That's where we are. I estimate that mid week next week we should have about 99% of the packages in the mail or in your hands.

      How about that for an update?
      Love you Debbie. Must tease back.

      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss



        I almost attacked the poor postman when he was coming to the door. I saw he had my package and I KNEW what it was. He said he was glad he made me so happy. I had exactly what I was supposed to have and quite a few countries. Some repeats but I don't care about that. Didn't get any of mine either.

        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          Look at her, Lissette! SO cute and serious keeping your machine busy for you.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Got mine today at my studio. My next door neighbors, a salon, get my mail and I was SO excited I had to open up the package there and tell Susan (and the woman in the chair getting her hair cut) all about the SoTTTs! I'd kind of forgotten about it, since Debbie switched to a new chapter and I was automatically getting the updates. So of course I had to sit down and read everyone's posts. NOW off the look at my treasures!!!

            Debbie, Clara, and all y'all who participated: THANK YOU!!

            Helen in KS
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Originally posted by sugarmuffin57
              WOO HOO! I GOT MINE TODAY!

              I almost attacked the poor postman when he was coming to the door. I saw he had my package and I KNEW what it was. He said he was glad he made me so happy. I had exactly what I was supposed to have and quite a few countries. Some repeats but I don't care about that. Didn't get any of mine either.
              :mrgreen: I can just see the Internet Headlines Now: SUGARMUFFIN ATTACKS POOR POSTMAN BECAUSE OF HER UNBRIDLED LUST FOR SOTTT HST'S...but glad to make her happy :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

              I'm sorry, I'm going nuts waiting for my precious HST's :!: :mrgreen:
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                That's funny Shirley. I am sure if saw what was in the package he would think I was nuts.
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Originally posted by sforster395
                  This is a question for those of you who have EQ7: I bought EQ5 when we were in the midst of closing down our business and didn't have much time to learn to use it. Would it be best to just skip it and upgrade to EQ7? I've read mixed reviews about it being not as user friendly, but the newer features sound wonderful! I would love to be able to draw my Sue's and the guys on the computer than on paper, but I don't want to spend months learning how to do it! I'm open to any thots. Thanx! :lol:
                  Shirley, I'm using EQ6 and love it, even though I probably only use it to about 20% of it's capabilities! I need more bonding time, too!

                  However, I do have a suggestion for you. Learn EQ for your layout, but you might want to consider using Photoshop to design your Sues and guys. Maybe EQ will do it, but the ability to create separate layers in PS would be perfect for designing your costumes. You could start with the same basic shape (if you wanted to) like a nearly nekked paper doll, and dress each one with layers that are easily changed and/or completely removed. I use PS Elements software that came with my Wacom Bamboo tablet, so it's drawing with a pen-like stylus instead of trying to draw with a mouse. I'm lovin' in!! I took an on-line class through the Quilt Whisperer to learn PS and she will be offering another one this summer. http://www.quiltwhisper.com/forum/in...db5d3ebba7ac54

                  In the meantime, her is the tablet that I'm using: http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/BambooTablets.aspx

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Originally posted by PosyP
                    Also I wonder how it would look if you made the central pinwheels with the same dark colour, ie all reds, or blues, or purples?

                    Like this? These are from the Batiks-R-Us exchange:


                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Originally posted by liiddz
                      Thanks Shirley. She can be very persistent when she wants to be! :wink:
                      Btw, Nice to "see" you! I have been following the forum. Sometimes I wish there was a "like" button when I agree with the sentiments mentioned.

                      Great idea about the 'like' button. Why don't you send that to TQS as a suggestion? I suggested that they to add a Favorites Button on shows, lessons, etc. so we could save them. I used to have to write down where something was when I knew I wanted to find it again and I thought the 'Favorites' button could be helpful. They listened to the suggestion, added a cute red heart with a plus sign to many features, and they did it in less than a week! How's that for caring about the TQS community?

                      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                        Originally posted by Margo
                        Originally posted by PosyP
                        Also I wonder how it would look if you made the central pinwheels with the same dark colour, ie all reds, or blues, or purples?

                        Like this? These are from the Batiks-R-Us exchange:

                        Yes, but with the original scrappy ones around them. I haven't time to go and play with the pictures in Paint at the moment, I'm supposed to be doing the ironing for going away next week :roll: :lol:

                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                          Originally posted by ClaraLawrence
                          Fine... Fine... Fine... You want an update on the internationals, I'll give you an update.

                          All HSTs have been counted (except those arriving this weekend from my Mom after she picked them up from DEBBIE!!!!!! Hee Hee). The boxes have been package, addressed, customs labels filled out and ready for delivery to the PO. Just finished them. Is the PO open tomorrow? I have about a dozen US packages that I will drop off too. There is one lady that her address label decided to go on walk-about, but she's been notified and will send it out.

                          That's where we are. I estimate that mid week next week we should have about 99% of the packages in the mail or in your hands.

                          How about that for an update?
                          Love you Debbie. Must tease back.
                          Yeah!!! The 'real' P.O. should be open both tomorrow and Saturday, but the local store where I had the P.O. box is closed tomorrow thru Sunday. Job well done, Clara!

                          "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                            Shirley, I'm using EQ6 and love it, even though I probably only use it to about 20% of it's capabilities! I need more bonding time, too!

                            However, I do have a suggestion for you. Learn EQ for your layout, but you might want to consider using Photoshop to design your Sues and guys. Maybe EQ will do it, but the ability to create separate layers in PS would be perfect for designing your costumes. You could start with the same basic shape (if you wanted to) like a nearly nekked paper doll, and dress each one with layers that are easily changed and/or completely removed. I use PS Elements software that came with my Wacom Bamboo tablet, so it's drawing with a pen-like stylus instead of trying to draw with a mouse. I'm lovin' in!! I took an on-line class through the Quilt Whisperer to learn PS and she will be offering another one this summer. http://www.quiltwhisper.com/forum/index ... 3ebba7ac54

                            In the meantime, her is the tablet that I'm using: http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/BambooTablets.aspx
                            View My TQS Profile

                            Margo, I upgraded to EQ7 from EQ6 because of the photo capabilities. They are wonderful. I suspect QU has developed classes by now to boost your confidence; it's worth a look. And, yes, drawing with the tablet is much easier for those of us not steady with a mouse.

                            I'm still waiting for my package but am amazed at the speed they have been sent out. I figured it would be sometime in May before I saw them again. Great job, gals.

                            "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                              "Shirley, I'm using EQ6 and love it, even though I probably only use it to about 20% of it's capabilities! I need more bonding time, too!

                              However, I do have a suggestion for you. Learn EQ for your layout, but you might want to consider using Photoshop to design your Sues and guys. Maybe EQ will do it, but the ability to create separate layers in PS would be perfect for designing your costumes. You could start with the same basic shape (if you wanted to) like a nearly nekked paper doll, and dress each one with layers that are easily changed and/or completely removed. I use PS Elements software that came with my Wacom Bamboo tablet, so it's drawing with a pen-like stylus instead of trying to draw with a mouse. I'm lovin' in!! I took an on-line class through the Quilt Whisperer to learn PS and she will be offering another one this summer. http://www.quiltwhisper.com/forum/index ... 3ebba7ac54

                              In the meantime, her is the tablet that I'm using: http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/BambooTablets.aspx
                              View My TQS Profile

                              Margo, I upgraded to EQ7 from EQ6 because of the photo capabilities. They are wonderful. I suspect QU has developed classes by now to boost your confidence; it's worth a look. And, yes, drawing with the tablet is much easier for those of us not steady with a mouse.

                              I'm still waiting for my package but am amazed at the speed they have been sent out. I figured it would be sometime in May before I saw them again. Great job, gals!

                              OK, so how do I delete this duplicate message?

                              "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                                Shirley, I'm using EQ6 and love it, even though I probably only use it to about 20% of it's capabilities! I need more bonding time, too!

                                However, I do have a suggestion for you. Learn EQ for your layout, but you might want to consider using Photoshop to design your Sues and guys. Maybe EQ will do it, but the ability to create separate layers in PS would be perfect for designing your costumes. You could start with the same basic shape (if you wanted to) like a nearly nekked paper doll, and dress each one with layers that are easily changed and/or completely removed. I use PS Elements software that came with my Wacom Bamboo tablet, so it's drawing with a pen-like stylus instead of trying to draw with a mouse. I'm lovin' in!! I took an on-line class through the Quilt Whisperer to learn PS and she will be offering another one this summer. http://www.quiltwhisper.com/forum/in...db5d3ebba7ac54

                                In the meantime, her is the tablet that I'm using: http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/BambooTablets.aspx[/quote]

                                Oh, Margo, thanx a million for this info! It's what I was looking for. I'm going to check out all the online help and websites you and other "sisters" have suggested. Sew much to learn 8) ...I want to live to be 100 yo! :wink: I have decided to get EQ7 and check out Quilt University too. But your PS suggestion would be great for drawing...I think I'll begin with a nekked paper doll of Ricky and the Guys! :mrgreen: Looks like I need to get PS Elements as well. Many thanks to you and everyone else for all of this wonderful sharing. As far as I'm concerned, this is "Graduate Degree" work in quilting! I'm lovin' every post on this Forum! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                                "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


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