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    Thanks for the help....I will try that....

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      alll right....Finally got it.....Learn something every day. Never to old to learn..... :lol:

      Thanks Lotti and Margo.....

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Dear, dear SoTTTs Members,

        Except for receiving Rosemary's incredible gift package, today was definitely not a good day for receiving HST packages and I'd like to bring a few items to your attention before you mail you package. I received 29 packages today and it has taken me well over five hours to go through them all because I had so many problems to resolve and figure out. This is actually the first time I've encountered so many issues which is something to be said since I've now received 423 packages.

        1) Please read and follow :wink: :wink: the Checklist posted most recently on PAGE 61...if you do, that should resolve most issues. I've been reposting the checklist every couple of days and will continue to do so until a couple of days before the deadline when they should have all been mailed.

        2) Please do not send more than 700 HSTs...the probability is extremely high that you will receive many of your own back. We do not have that many members even sending in 700, and definitely only a few who have sent more than that.

        3) Please provide a TOTAL count of your HTS's (it doesn't count if you told me in your notification email because I'm not referring to that when I open your package!) Today I received several packages that did not provide a total count and one was a package of 700 HSTs. The HSTs had been put into individual baggies ranging from 14 to 56 in each bag, but nowhere on the envelope or in the package was the total count provided. At least the individual baggies had numbers :roll: on them. I had to start adding up all the various baggies to figure out how many had been sent.

        4) Please do not put your HSTs in individual baggies. Those HSTs have to be removed from the individual baggies and incorporated into one large bag as soon as I receive them and before the sorting process.

        5) Please do not press open your HST's...in the last week, I received four packages with them all pressed open.

        6) Please cut your HST's apart. In one package today, they have not been cut.

        7) If you are International, please include a copy of your PayPal receipt and make sure that you have charged a sufficient amount of postage for your return package. Include your mailing label too...and no return envelope.

        8) If you want to know when your package arrives, be sure to send me an email through My Profile page and not as a Private Message.

        9) Now for the topper...this is a very sensitive area to discuss and I don't feel comfortable bringing it up at all, but I do feel that it now needs to be addressed because it happened with two packages today and one other several weeks ago:

        If you are a smoker or someone in your home is a smoker, please do something to air our your HSTs thoroughly before they are mailed. I cannot in good conscience insert these smoke-filled HSTs into everyone else's return packages since it could permeate all the other HSTs and it could cause problems for people who may be allergic or have breathing problems. The first package I received a few weeks ago contained 700 very strong smoke-filled HTS. I put them in a couple of lingerie bags and let them air outside for a couple of days. When that wasn't successful enough, I then sprayed them with Febreeze and let them continue to air outside. That helped a little, but I still had to put them in my clothes dryer with fabric sheets to try to help more. The Febreeze and dryer caused the HST paper to roll, which mean I had to then start pressing someone else's 700 HSTs. And today, I have to go through the entire process all over again.

        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss



          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Originally posted by lotti
            hello charlotte
            for what it's worth - when i want to have my signature show - i have to open the full editor (when writing this post) and check the "Attach a signature" option - i have to do this for every post if i want my signature to show
            took me a while to figure out that that was the problem...
            Hmmm! It should just say "image" below your text and then that word is automatically replaced with the actual signature you set up. Not sure why you have to go to that trouble each time. I will see if I can recreate that problem.


              thanks ladies - think i figured it out, it was the:
              "attach my signature by default" that i had messed up (or not marked yet)

              yup - that did it thought i knew how to read, guess not :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                could i have help please i need clara to email me her pay pal today as i need to get the triangles in the mail i have emailed her and i need to get it in the mail today please can anyone help i live in australia
                lv toni
                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                  Originally posted by tannes
                  could i have help please i need clara to email me her pay pal today as i need to get the triangles in the mail i have emailed her and i need to get it in the mail today please can anyone help i live in australia
                  lv toni
                  Sorry, I was at a cub scouts meeting this evening with my boy. I sat down right away and went through my emails. Habit whenever I pass the computer this last couple of months. I'm sure Debbie has the same problem. Anyway, sent the info right away. Got something to drink and received an email from Margo. Thanks Margo and sent the email off again. Then I realized I sent it to you twice. You are well covered now. Hee Hee.

                  By the way, I'm curious. I'm typing this at 8:30 pm. I wonder what time it is in Australia right now. Haven't a clue whether you made it there in time or not. Clara
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    I am a late comer, signed up in the wrong area, but they found where I erroneously signed up and let me join. I am excited to be a part of this exchange. Looking forward to see what I get in return.


                      When you ask for total number of triangles, do we include those for Norway, New Zeland, and Australia in that total?


                        Originally posted by SuperJudy
                        When you ask for total number of triangles, do we include those for Norway, New Zeland, and Australia in that total?
                        Total number of triangles for the exchange only. Norway, New Zealand and Australia are separate and aren't in the count. We just add them to the collection. Clara


                          clara its 1.07pm tuesday


                            As I say good night, you say good afternoon. Thanks. Clara


                              triangles have just been sent and they are airmail


                                Aren't you sweet to Air out the HSTs for us Debbie. You truly go above and beyond. I will certainly appreciate it.
                                Hang in there, just a little while to go. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


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