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    Dear Sisters of the Traveling HST;

    Miss Alex has always been such an inspiration to me and I can not believe she is going to sign that many HST’s but then again she has to be the most giving quilting teacher in the business! I can not express to you how grateful I am to take part in this exchange, my very first. I have a handicapped arm & a bad shoulder so I am limited in the amount of time I am able to quilt each day. I am grateful we have until April 1st. I am not sure how many I will get done but I just take it day by day & keep going with my husbands support! My husband saw how much pain I was in with my arms the other night because I over did it a bit & he has offered to help cut some of the triangles. Thank you all for the tips, hints & tricks, they are much appreciated! And thank the organizers & sorters ! I love reading all your posts!
    S/ Barbara from Bluffton, SC

    P.S. Australia was hit by the soft side of the Cyclone so they should be okay but hopefully we should hear from one of our Australian sister quilter’s soon to see how bad it was as you can never tell since they have had so much flooding prior to the cyclone.


      If we are not sending 615 HSTs will we still get one from Ricky and Alex or will that be to much extra work for you wonderful ladies?


        So many of you have yours finished. I spent a week finding, pressing and cutting my fabric and have just started sewing. I'm leaving cold/snowy Iowa for I hope warm Mesa, AZ next week. I will return March 8 and am worried I will not get mine finished. The mail is always slow getting out of my town, if I'm several days late will that be OK?

        I think it's great to have our triangles signed. Thanks committee for all your hard work.

        Shirley 35


          I just recently became a member and just discovered the HST exchange, I would love to participate but noticed the deadline was Jan 25. Is it still possible to participate?? Jean <[email protected]>


            Originally posted by jellybeangirl
            I just recently became a member and just discovered the HST exchange, I would love to participate but noticed the deadline was Jan 25. Is it still possible to participate?? Jean <[email protected]>

            Please check this forum topic: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...bric-exchanges

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Originally posted by LadybugQuilter
              The TQS crew has posted a place in Show & Tell for quilts made by members of SOTTT exchange! Just found it this am ... how cool is that! 8) :wink:

              So where is this place to post SOTTT quilts?
              FluffBallQuilts (nancy in Mt. Pleasant)

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Originally posted by FluffBallQuilts
                Originally posted by LadybugQuilter
                The TQS crew has posted a place in Show & Tell for quilts made by members of SOTTT exchange! Just found it this am ... how cool is that! 8) :wink:

                So where is this place to post SOTTT quilts?
                FluffBallQuilts (nancy in Mt. Pleasant)
                From the purple bar on the main TQS page hover over QUILT GALLERY and choose SHOW & TELL from the drop-down menu.
                Then just click on Friendship Triangles.


                Who will be the first to post a finished quilt???

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  I say YES to Alex. How great is this?????? I plan on sending extra's for Alex, Ricky, Edyta, and all you wonderful ladies. It seems such a small gift for the amount of work you're doing for us and I want you all to know how very much I appreciate your hard work. This is definitely the most exciting quilty thing I've participated in in 15 years of quilting. My HST's will be in the mail next week for sure.


                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Originally posted by Shirley35
                    So many of you have yours finished. I spent a week finding, pressing and cutting my fabric and have just started sewing. I'm leaving cold/snowy Iowa for I hope warm Mesa, AZ next week. I will return March 8 and am worried I will not get mine finished. The mail is always slow getting out of my town, if I'm several days late will that be OK?

                    I think it's great to have our triangles signed. Thanks committee for all your hard work.

                    Shirley 35

                    April 1st is more than eight weeks away and I bet you can get yours finished and mailed by the deadline. We're willing to wait a little while for International packages only because of the delays with the various postal services involved as long as I'm notified that they're on there way. All our members are anxious to get their HST's returned to them, so we prefer not to have any unavoidable delays.

                    We intentionally allowed a sufficient time to allow for any possible issues due to ordering papers, etc., but Edyta's company has worked at breakneck speed to get them mailed, so I am confident that even the International orders have been sent and received by most everyone by now.


                    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                      Originally posted by Margo
                      Originally posted by eyeonquilts
                      I struggle with the Forum also. Is there a tutorial somewhere? I need a Forum for Dummies article!

                      Kalynn and Nancy, check out Tips for using the TQS forum here:

                      And instructions for adding a fun signature are here:

                      If you will print out the directions and carefully follow each step it will work.
                      And for what it's worth, it took me a couple of tries to get mine right, too!

                      EDITED! Thanks Nancy! I usually check the links....my bad!

                      Margo, you are soooooooo smart and soooooooooo kind! The instructions you sent for the signature were written just like I need - Simple! As far as the forum...well, that will take me more time to ingest! I'm a slow learner when it comes to computer related lingo. But thanks! I'll get there eventually. Thanks to everyone for being so patient with me!

                      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                        I have a question please. Since there are over 600 people participating, would it work better to use only two fabrics for all triangles so that everyone gets one the same from me, or is everyone making all kinds of different fabrics. I'll be happy to do whatever everyone else is doing. I originally thought to use different fabrics, but then questioned that thinking because of the number of people who are going to share. A little guidance please.
                        NancyW in Raleigh, North Carolina

                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                          Dear NancyW;
                          I was going to make a variety of triangles. I don’t know what everyone else is doing. I am doing only two sheets of the same fabric, which is 28 HST’s on each sheet - that is what I am getting out of a fat quarter. Some fabrics I have I only have enough for one sheet, which will be 28 HST’s. So mine will be a big mixture. Mine will be batik’s because I had a problem distinguishing between what I thought would be considered a tone on tone and what I would call marbled fabrics; so I thought I would play it safe and go with batik’s because I know for sure what batik’s are. I hope this helps and if I am leading you astray, someone please speak up quickly.. .this is my first exchange so I am not sure I should be advising you at all.

                          S/ Barbara Bluffton, SC

                          "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                            Originally posted by RiverOwl
                            Dear NancyW;
                            I was going to make a variety of triangles. I don’t know what everyone else is doing. I am doing only two sheets of the same fabric, which is 28 HST’s on each sheet - that is what I am getting out of a fat quarter. Some fabrics I have I only have enough for one sheet, which will be 28 HST’s. So mine will be a big mixture. Mine will be batik’s because I had a problem distinguishing between what I thought would be considered a tone on tone and what I would call marbled fabrics; so I thought I would play it safe and go with batik’s because I know for sure what batik’s are. I hope this helps and if I am leading you astray, someone please speak up quickly.. .this is my first exchange so I am not sure I should be advising you at all.

                            S/ Barbara Bluffton, SC
                            It was my understanding that any fabric was fine as long as it is quilt shop quality and that you use a light with a medium to dark. I am planning on using a variety of fabrics.
                            If I have misinterpreted the guidelines I hope someone will tell me!

                            "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                              I am so grateful to the ladies who took on this awesome and time consuming job!! You know that if it wasn't for them, there may not have been a SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING TRIANGLES! So thanks for finally getting me involved in something this big. This small townie won't know how to act when I get all those triangles back! You will be rewarded for all your work and blessed at the same time. Beth

                              "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                                Oh, dear - my local quilt shop is having a sale tomorrow. How will i restrain myself?

                                Seriously though, I'm thinking I will need a design wall to arrange all the lovely HSTs arriving this spring. Any tips for creating a design wall that can be taken down when not in use? (FYI - I also need a larger sewing room - I've spilled out into the guest room!)


                                Alexandria, VA


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