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    Originally posted by WendyCPA
    Oh, dear - my local quilt shop is having a sale tomorrow. How will i restrain myself?

    Seriously though, I'm thinking I will need a design wall to arrange all the lovely HSTs arriving this spring. Any tips for creating a design wall that can be taken down when not in use? (FYI - I also need a larger sewing room - I've spilled out into the guest room!)

    Wendy, this product may be something that you are interested in: http://www.vanishingdesignwall.com/

    You can also just use a 4' x 8' sheet of insulation foam (from a home improvement store) and cover it with flannel or felt. If you cut it down the middle and create a hinge (I used duct tape!) you can fold it in half and store it under a bed when you don't need it.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Originally posted by NancyW
      I have a question please. Since there are over 600 people participating, would it work better to use only two fabrics for all triangles so that everyone gets one the same from me, or is everyone making all kinds of different fabrics. I'll be happy to do whatever everyone else is doing. I originally thought to use different fabrics, but then questioned that thinking because of the number of people who are going to share. A little guidance please.
      NancyW in Raleigh, North Carolina

      Nancy, it's not necessary to use the same fabric in all your triangles since not everyone is sending in 600+ HSTs.

      I think everyone will agree that what is most important is that you write on your papers where the HST's came from and your name if you'd like.


      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


        Originally posted by ritzy
        If we are not sending 615 HSTs will we still get one from Ricky and Alex or will that be to much extra work for you wonderful ladies?
        As long as Alex and Ricky and Edyta send in enough to go around, we'll make sure everyone receives one from each.


        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          Originally posted by RiverOwl
          Dear NancyW;
          I was going to make a variety of triangles. I don’t know what everyone else is doing. I am doing only two sheets of the same fabric, which is 28 HST’s on each sheet - that is what I am getting out of a fat quarter. Some fabrics I have I only have enough for one sheet, which will be 28 HST’s. So mine will be a big mixture. Mine will be batik’s because I had a problem distinguishing between what I thought would be considered a tone on tone and what I would call marbled fabrics; so I thought I would play it safe and go with batik’s because I know for sure what batik’s are. I hope this helps and if I am leading you astray, someone please speak up quickly.. .this is my first exchange so I am not sure I should be advising you at all.

          S/ Barbara Bluffton, SC
          Barbara...a variety of triangles is fine as long as there's one light and one med/dark in each triangle. ANY type of fabric is OK as long as it's quality fabric. Marbled fabrics are beautiful and you can most definitely use those too.

          This is a great opportunity to use up some of the smaller pieces in your stash!!!


          "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


            Wendy, a flannel backed table cloth makes a nice design wall. You can tape it to a wall or large glass door, then roll it up for storage. Angie


              Originally posted by NancyW
              I have a question please. Since there are over 600 people participating, would it work better to use only two fabrics for all triangles so that everyone gets one the same from me, or is everyone making all kinds of different fabrics. I'll be happy to do whatever everyone else is doing. I originally thought to use different fabrics, but then questioned that thinking because of the number of people who are going to share. A little guidance please.
              NancyW in Raleigh, North Carolina
              I have read post of both options. Some are hitting their stash and others are using the same fabric for all. Do whatever you want? Just have fun with it Myself. I haven't made up my mind yet. I keep thinking of different ideas and I'm just going to have to do it. At least I'm having fun with it. Hope that helped. Clara


                Originally posted by WendyCPA
                Oh, dear - my local quilt shop is having a sale tomorrow. How will i restrain myself?

                Seriously though, I'm thinking I will need a design wall to arrange all the lovely HSTs arriving this spring. Any tips for creating a design wall that can be taken down when not in use? (FYI - I also need a larger sewing room - I've spilled out into the guest room!)

                No kidding. I need a pop up design wall. You know like those tents. You open the tab and pop you have a design wall. Clara


                  Thanks ladies for your responses. I have a beautiful batik that I could pair with many different "lights" and have different combinations; however, the triangles would read as the same colors by using the same batik as the dark. I guess my question was is that a good idea so that everyone in the exchange would have this batik and a light? From your answers, it may be that everyone is using a variety of batiks (colors) which is great, too - I just wasn't sure what others read in the wonderfully written directions for this exchange. This one is my first with a large number of participants and I want to do right by everyone! I think Alex offering to sign the triangles is a lovely idea - very generous. I THANK the leaders and organizers for their hard work and patience!!!

                  Also, I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying reading everyone's little tidbits of sharing through this exchange. What a lovely way to make new friends from everywhere. Have a happy sewing weekend ladies. NancyW


                    It is safe to say from what I'm reading that everyone would want a HST from Alex, Ricky and Edyta. If they send enough for everyone. We can start the sorting with theirs first. Kinda like an opening ceremony if you would. If they only send a few, we will hand these out randomly and that is about the best we can do. Debbie if you can put aside Alex, Ricky and Edyta's packages when we get them I would be grateful, and mark a big star or their name big on the envelope that might help too. Clara


                      Originally posted by NancyW
                      Thanks ladies for your responses. I have a beautiful batik that I could pair with many different "lights" and have different combinations; however, the triangles would read as the same colors by using the same batik as the dark. I guess my question was is that a good idea so that everyone in the exchange would have this batik and a light? From your answers, it may be that everyone is using a variety of batiks (colors) which is great, too - I just wasn't sure what others read in the wonderfully written directions for this exchange. This one is my first with a large number of participants and I want to do right by everyone! I think Alex offering to sign the triangles is a lovely idea - very generous. I THANK the leaders and organizers for their hard work and patience!!!

                      Also, I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying reading everyone's little tidbits of sharing through this exchange. What a lovely way to make new friends from everywhere. Have a happy sewing weekend ladies. NancyW
                      About fabrics. Important points and then you can add your spin to it.
                      -Quilt Shop grade fabrics
                      -HST have a light and a med/dark side (looking for contrast)
                      -Be as accurate as you can
                      Have fun with your fabrics. Happy Quilting! Clara


                        Originally posted by ClaraLawrence
                        It is safe to say from what I'm reading that everyone would want a HST from Alex, Ricky and Edyta. If they send enough for everyone. We can start the sorting with theirs first. Kinda like an opening ceremony if you would. If they only send a few, we will hand these out randomly and that is about the best we can do. Debbie if you can put aside Alex, Ricky and Edyta's packages when we get them I would be grateful, and mark a big star or their name big on the envelope that might help too. Clara

                        I had already planned to put Alex, Ricky and Edyta's packages aside. My thought was that instead of trying to distribute them along with everyone elses, they would be kept separated and included in each package as it's getting readied for mailing. That way, there's not any mixup in the distributon and no chance that someone will miss getting them...and that's assuming there's enough for each member. If not, as Clara said, they will be handed out randomly. 8) 8)


                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                          I woke up to 5 inches of snow this morning. That is on top of the ice and snow we already had. I guess I will just have to cancel my plans for today and stay home. Yeah!! I'll be back to the basement soon with my machines. I plan on driving to Omaha, NE Thursday. Hopefully the roads will be cleared by then. I am going to help my daughter sew costumes for a homeschoolers production of Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat. I will take my embroidery machine and do some fancy work on Joseph's coat. I'll also take my triangles to work on. I am so enjoying the exchange. It is my first too. I am using a variety of fabrics. I picked up a few more fat quarters yesterday. It is so hard to resist. :lol: Thanks to everyone who is organizing, sorting, packing, and mailing. I wish I was close enough to help. Bless you all.

                          OOPS forgot to sign my name. Cathy ops:


                            Originally posted by NancyW
                            Thanks ladies for your responses. I have a beautiful batik that I could pair with many different "lights" and have different combinations; however, the triangles would read as the same colors by using the same batik as the dark. I guess my question was is that a good idea so that everyone in the exchange would have this batik and a light? From your answers, it may be that everyone is using a variety of batiks (colors) which is great, too - I just wasn't sure what others read in the wonderfully written directions for this exchange. This one is my first with a large number of participants and I want to do right by everyone! I think Alex offering to sign the triangles is a lovely idea - very generous. I THANK the leaders and organizers for their hard work and patience!!!

                            Also, I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying reading everyone's little tidbits of sharing through this exchange. What a lovely way to make new friends from everywhere. Have a happy sewing weekend ladies. NancyW
                            Nancy, you are making it too hard on yourself if you want to "do right by everyone!" We are all so different, and we all have different tastes, so the main thing here is to put together a combination, or many combinations, that YOU like. If you are happy with it, then that is what you need to go with. Personally, I probably have about 6 different combinations that I thought went together nicely. Some who receive them may not like them. That's life. I will cherish each HST I get, as it is a mini piece of the maker!

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              I agree with Dawn about the fabric pairings. Take a close look at the quilts shown on Edyta's episode (#803, I think).
                              The combos in each HST are great & they look fabulous all together in her quilts. Love the idea of just going with the flow.
                              I've chosen fabrics & will separate the 6 1/2" x 21" pieces into 2 baskets, the lights in one & darks in the other...close my eyes & just reach into each & sew together whatever appears in my hands!


                                Originally posted by QUILTINGANGIE
                                Wendy, a flannel backed table cloth makes a nice design wall. You can tape it to a wall or large glass door, then roll it up for storage. Angie
                                I've been using a flannel backed table cloth for years. It's hanging behind a door with push pins. When I need a larger area I hang 2 side by side in a different room. I also found that Command Poster Strips by 3M work if you don't want holes in your wall.


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