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Let's put all our finished quilts here to admire.

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    Let's put all our finished quilts here to admire.

    Just thought we could share our quilts in the one space.
    So we can easily admire each others fabulous work.

    The top is complete. I made a triangle border instead of what was in the pattern. I have the backing made, but I usually pin in our dining room which is off limits due to ceiling painting going on.
    Jean Etheridge
    Huntsville, Alabama


    • Peg commented
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      like the border!

    • Peg commented
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      lovely soft scrappy quilt- quiet use of color

    • Nan L. commented
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      Love your border. What size did you make your triangles?

    Thank you for sharing! I am in the process re-doing those pesky pineapple blocks -- again! If the third time isn't the charm, they will be "wonky" pineapples! Trees and roads are under construction for Color My World. Too many competing priorities, too little time.
    terri s.
    Quilting is my daily fiber therapy!


    • Helen W. commented
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      Terri, Do you know how to do paper foundation piecing? You won't have to worry about wonky pineapples. HelenW

    Finished piecing checkerboards and sashing. I’m very pleased with it so far. The sections blend together very well, although the colors have always photographed stronger than they actually are. I am going to finish the borders in the manner of Barbara Black’s multi-bordered quilt. I really like her finish of continued scrappiness and pattern. Looking forward to the quilting...should be lots of fun!

    Dee, thank you so very much for your lessons, support, and inspiration. You are an excellent teacher, and I have learned so many new things in this Long Time Gone quilt along.


    • Dee C. commented
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      You are welcome. I have enjoyed making this quilt along with all of you.

    My finished top - This has been both fun and challenging - and I still have scraps! I am putting orphan blocks from my practicing into the backing - it's ready to go to the long-armer for quilting as soon as I get the top free of stray threads... Photo has lost some of the bright color of the actual top - but this shows I finished it!


    • Dee C. commented
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      It turned out beautifully! Well done.

    Here's my finished top


    • Dee C. commented
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      Love the green. It turned out beautifully!

    • Christine B. commented
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      Your colors are outstanding! wow

    My top is quilted but not yet bound. I looked at other Jen Kingwell quilt patterns for ideas for the floral border. I love how the flowers grow up out of the bottom border. I did hand appliqué (my new passion). I also sashed all around the outside of the block sections to set the center off from the border. I decided I wanted the quilting to blend in so decided not to quilt on the prints unless I had to. Most of my backgrounds are gray tones. Because I ironed most of my seams open I could not stitch in the ditch so I quilted about 1/8" away- looks pretty good! I got ideas for quilting online- check out Karen Marchetti (sp?) TQS guest years back. She has good photos of LTG she quilted. I have a Sweet 16 sit down machine and just did one block at a time so it wasn't so daunting. 8" borders makes the quilt finish at 80x80".


    • Helen W. commented
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      Peg, What a beautiful quilt you have made. I love the applique border. I am always drawn to quilts that have both applique and pieced blocks in them. Thank for sharing your sharing about the quilting. I have just started doing my quilts using Quilting In Sections techniques from Marti Michelle's
      book Machine Quilt In Sections. I have a regular domestic machine, but like you said if you take in
      in small parts it is not do daunting. HelenW

    • jptousley commented
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      I love your quilt! The appliqué border is wonderful and complements the pieced center perfectly. Thank you for sharing.

    • Dee C. commented
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      Wow! wonderful work and love your choices for quilting it. The appliqué adds so much to the overall design.

    Thanks Dee
    Just finished it up. I learned a new pinning method, how to make a pineapple block and how to draw and make the Peaky and Spike triangles while working on this quilt. The corner were a huge challenge and I am sure there is an easier way of making them than I did. Now to clean up my sewing room so I can get going on my next adventure in Quilting.
    Susan Skeel
    Des Moines Iowa


    • jptousley commented
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      Beautiful! Love your colors and borders!

    • Dee C. commented
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      I love your quilt. The colors are relaxing and beautiful. I am so glad you learned some new techniques to take with you on your next quilting journey.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_8813.jpg
Views:	0
Size:	125.5 KB
ID:	885554 Well...I finally finished sewing all my blocks together this morning. Have not put on borders yet. Mine is almost a square, so want to think about making it longer. This quilt was a real challenge for me. Learned a lot. Thanks Dee. ~~Cathy


      Created some but not all of my leftover mask fabric.


        I love everyones work .
        Amazing ladies
        Searching for more ideas as to the finishing off and sashing . Just wondering Dee ... Did you put up your finished quilt . Would love to see it if you have


          Here is my finished quit. I mainly echoed the blocks when I quilted the top


            Started late, but did get my top done. I opted to do a plain border that let me fit this into a quilt holder in my entry way. I have a plethora of Minick and Simpson fabric, so used that, along with a light gray Grunge for the sashing. Dee's tip about not sewing all of the lines through the paper for the pineapple blocks was brilliant, since I really have a hard time getting that paper off. Not with her method though.


            • Dee C. commented
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              Connie, it turned out beautiful. I like the clean fresh look of the light background.

            Finished as a christmas Gift for my parents. I quilted in sections and then joined
            them all together. I had so much fun. Love it .


            • jptousley commented
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              Beautiful quilt and very effective border! I love it! I imagine your parents were thrilled with this lovely Christmas gift.

            Originally posted by Primera View Post
            Finished as a christmas Gift for my parents. I quilted in sections and then joined
            them all together. I had so much fun. Love it .
            Primera, Did you have double batting in the seams since you did quilt in sections? Or did you cut the batting 1/4 inch smaller
            than the sections. I am thinking about doing this year's BOM Garden Party as a quilt in sections quilt. Any advice you have after going thru the process would be appreciated. Your quilt turned out beautiful. Good Job! HelenW


            • Primera commented
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              Trank you Helen. I quilted the sections with backing and batting larger then the section. But i stopped quilting about half an Inch away from the ends. Flippend backing and batting away from the top. Joined the top sections with 1/4 inch seam … cut away overlayed batting and Hand Stiched the batting together. Than joined the backing by Hand. Does this make sense to you? Greetings from Germany

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