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The Artist's Way

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    I cut down on my reading this week, but didn't follow the rules 100%. I am getting so much out of this without being legalistic about it, I am sure you all understand!
    I just got back from my artist date(and yes my dh went too). We went to the OKC Museum of Art and saw the Roman Art from the Louvre. It was awesome. I have recently read a series of historical fiction books about Rome, so this was perfect timing for me.
    I bought the book about the exhibit, so I will be able to continue the tour at my own leisure, as often as I would like!
    Friday night we went to see Mamma Mia, and I don't know if it would be considered an artist date, however, it was very colorful, and joyful.


      I want to apologize to everyone for being absent this past week. I've been obsessing over having RSD and trying to find out more about it.
      I'm still working on week 5 but if everyone else is ready go ahead to week 6. I'll catch up by Tuesday.
      I did notice that there's been no activity since last Sunday. Are we continuing or shall we stop?
      I've missed you all this week.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        It has been a quiet week for posts. Maybe everyone is busy doing tasks and being creative. I am very glad I am doing this-- one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I plan to continue on :-)

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          I've been out of town for a few days and completely out of my routine, but I am definately going to continue with week 6.
          I'm counting my trip as my very selfish artist's date. I drove to Virginia to see my brother and his family so that I could personally deliver the quilt I made for my nephew's high school graduation. Two full days in the car by myself, and one day to visit, but I enjoyed the drive and no responsibility but to drive and listen to a book on tape!
          I'm still doing the morning pages (except for the days I was gone), but don't know if I'm writing about the right things. I think I'm doing it more like a diary than a journal. Just recalling events of the previous day, but not necessarily artist stuff. Is that wrong??? I'm still not sure I understand the purpose of writing in the mornings, but I AM sure that I don't look forward to it!!! :?

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I haven't done well following this journey, but I don't want to quit either! There has been too much stress lately for me to pin myself and my mind down and concentrate on the journey. I am doing all the reading, but only one or two of the tasks. The artist's date might be just be watching the last TQS. The morning pages might get done twice a week, on a good week.

            The morning pages are sometimes prayers, sometimes venting, sometimes full of questions for God. I guess I'm not consistent enough to get much out of them. What is the "truth point"?

            I hope most of us who are taking this journey are getting something out of it. I know some of you will really "get it"
            And I can't wait to see the renewed creative energy in your quilting!



              I’m sitting here in front of the computer trying to figure out what happened last week. I just shut down. I did not sew, I have not walked in 6 days, I did not do my morning pages, etc. I don’t feel like I accomplished anything but it was still a busy week.

              Work has been really busy but it has been exciting. We are moving our web sites from html format to Microsoft Sharepoint and I am in charge of getting my groups site up and running. This is management’s solution for us taking back control of our web pages rather than dealing with the Web Master (her term not ours) who listened to no one. It has been fun learning to use Sharepoint and teach others to use it.

              Tuesday night we went out to eat with ladies my husband works with. One of the ladies had won the Cash 3 lottery and put back $100 for us all to go out and eat. Dan won the Cash 3 lottery earlier this year and he started the tradition. Cash 3 pays about $600. I was up most of Wednesday night getting ready for my colonoscopy and Thursday I rested per doctor’s orders. Worked Friday and Saturday I piddled. I tried to clean out the spare room where I moved all the bedroom junk the week before when I painted but just did not accomplish much. I did get the 3 bookcases I took out of the bedroom moved downstairs. They were in the middle of the living room for a week. We kept my brother’s dog while he and his girlfriend went to a car show in Kentucky and Johnny was like a little kid, every step I took he took.

              In other words, I was not in control. Everything happened whether I wanted it to or not and we all have days and weeks like that. Things started improving yesterday. I turned Johnny’s care back over to my brother, I printed out the August BOM and got it taped together and the vinyl block cut so I can trace the pattern. I decided on the block I am doing for Mickey’s challenge to use a piece of her hand dyed fabric. I’m having second thought about my choices but the fabric it cut, it is too late. I should get it finished tonight. My fabric and Bubble Jet finally arrived Saturday. I am definitely back on the treadmill tonight.


                Oh, Sandy! Those speedbumps in the road to life! We just need to remember where we are headed, and get back on track! :wink:

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Margo- I am sorry you still don't like the morning pages- I look forward to them every day. they seem to settle my mind before the day begins. I even get up early on really busy days to make sure I do them. - which in itself amazes me because I do not like getting up any earlier than I have to!!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Goodness!! Maybe it's something in the water. I've also fallen down on the morning pages...didn't have an artist date last week and as for the timetable.... felt like I was getting farther behind instead of moving forward. I also wondered if I'm even doing the journaling right in the first place. When I first started this I thought she had said to just write down whatever came to mind. Don't think about the topic ... just write.
                    Well....I did that for days and days the first couple of weeks and then moved on and kept reading and still just writing the nonsense in my head. I don't think what is in my head is exactly what she is talking about. :cry: :wink:

                    So ... after a very non-productive week last week I've decided that I've been focusing on the wrong thing concerning my journaling. I'm going to move on and just do whatever I think I should do. This is My Way after all ... so I'll take this trip the only way that makes sense to me.
                    Already I have read parts of the different chapters and sat in amazement as I recognize my life and the steps I've already taken. This has opened my eyes to WHY I changed some of the situations in my life causing me turmoil. Perhaps I was listening before I even had this book to tell me that I needed to listen.

                    At any rate...I'm feeling good about where I'm at right now. Still a bit behind but moving forward.
                    I think even if we've fallen we just have to get up and get on.
                    That's what I'm doing. I'm reading Chapter 5 now.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      I'm the same way with morning pages and I think that is why I have a block about doing them. I'm writing whatever pops in my head and while that might get the nonsense out so I have room for creative thoughts it doesn't feel right. I am going to start focusing on positive things I want to accomplish whether it quilting or life in general. I think if I concentrate on what I want then I have a better chance of getting there.


                        I am trying to keep up with all the things that come my way. The morning pages are only a challenge when I don't wake up extra early. I try to write something even if it isn't 3 pages. I mostly put down what I hope to accomplish each day and what bothered me the day before. I do find that they help to keep me focused and to realize that I did accomplish something.

                        I have fallen back on the tasks. I haven't done last weeks task or this weeks task/assignment. The week isn't over and I will work at catching up. It's a new day.


                          Originally posted by LinJoa
                          Margo- I am sorry you still don't like the morning pages- I look forward to them every day. they seem to settle my mind before the day begins. I even get up early on really busy days to make sure I do them. - which in itself amazes me because I do not like getting up any earlier than I have to!!
                          Because I'm also working on loosing weight and keeping fit (another forum topic!) when my feet hit the floor in the morning I get dressed and go for my early morning walk (2-4 miles each morning). That 30-60 minutes of my daily routine is where I really "settle my mind". When I get home and start the morning pages, I feel like I'm repeating myself!
                          I think, like Sandy, I need to re-focus what I'm writing about and make more effort to concentrate on the creative aspects.
                          I am reading WEEK 6, and it looks like this will be a tough one, too.
                          However, I've already had a serendipity thing for week 6! One of the "tasks" is to collect 5 rocks. While I was visiting my brother in Virginia over the week-end, I went down to the beach where we grew up and happend to pick up a rock that I brought home!! Not a shell....but a rock!! I have it in my pocket right now!!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Good for you Margo-- that's lots of walking. I can see where you would feel like you were thinking the same thoughts twice! I do my pages before I exercise-- maybe that's partly why I don't mind them so much. I think it was in this chapter (or maybe last week) she said something about the page and a half point where your writing changes and the good stuff comes out. After I read that I realized that's been happening to me. The first part is usually clearing my head, and what I'm going to do etc, and then lots of times my writing will change to projects and ideas and sometimes i start drawing quilting designs. Does this happen to anyone else??

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Ho, ho! I never thought about quilt patterns being 'allowed!' This might give me a new lease on life! I'm still in the whining and crying about morning pages stage. Just like a 2 year old having a tantrum. Only do it about 4 times a month. But am doing lots of other growing and thinking anew, so................

                              But I could get used to using the pages as another delay for getting to the gym. Not too crazy about exercise either, but it's necessary! ha


                                I just do a stream of consciousness. Whatever comes out, comes out. At the end of the pages, I do some affirmations. I've been doing that since the start. I think it's like a little prayer for me to start the day.
                                Don't over think the morning pages. It's not supposed to be so hard-it's supposed to flow, even just a little.
                                I've been good about them, but sitting down and doing the tasks has been hard for me. I definitely know I'm trying too hard.
                                I'll read Week 6 this evening and get started. You know, once we finish the 12 weeks, we can wait awhile and do them again. That's what a group on Yahoo does. Wait about a month or so and then see if we want to do them.
                                Here's to creativity!!!!!!!!!!

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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