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The Artist's Way

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    I hear you loud and clear,same stuff here.

    Anger as a reality-check. Anger as a power source. How many of us are willing to endure our own anger long enough to hear what it is trying to tell us?

    I agree on that line I'm not going to endure it with out a voice spoken in return because it does become depressing to set and do what you Love doing then feel depressed over thier darn comments. I sit there "happily" and hear those comments running through my mind_"yeah I think they need a reality check at some point in time".They better be ready if theyre gonna be bucket heads. I truely sit there happy thrilled with the beauty I'm creating,I'm pumped because Kathy has learnt more and thrilled with her progress. It's not fair to be extremely happy with a sadness under lying. These people can_well never mind!LOL!

    Thank you, I took a break from quilting and I'm thrilled to say the feathers are quite fun,not perfect but looks pretty good_you pushed me in the direction to give it a go. My quilting patterns have began to grow. You got me singing too! LOL!
    This little light of mine_ Yelp I'm gonna let it shine.......



      :x Dang! I just had my very long post disappear while I was backspacing to change a word. Well.... maybe the universe wants me to make a long story short. heehee

      Just checking in....I've completed my morning writings every day so far and have done most of the tasks in ch 1. I've started on Chapter 2 and I went on my 'date' to my backyard. I took my coffee outside while the weather was cool and walked around my garden and listened to the birds and the waterfall and sat on my patio and contemplated my next project. I can become so inspired back there when it's quiet and peaceful.

      I've now read through chapter 2 and will need to read it again. I now realize that I'm not going to be able to zip right through these chapters to catch up with you all as fast as I thought I could... so I'll just come along at my own pace and keep reading your inspiring posts.


        Just keep plugging along. We'll be here. I know what you mean about getting something and being very enthusiastic about it until you start to work on it. It's like a soda gone flat, ya know?

        I read Week 3. Anger to me is just frustration with the world around me. Of course, it's at boiling point, but I have to try to get my head around Ms. Cameron's use of it.
        I'm behind on my tasks again, but I'm not going to stress over it. It's way too hot for me to do that.
        I'll see if I can do them tomorrow.
        PS-we're coming up on week 4, the no reading week. What shall we do?

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          I did have an artist date at a quilt shop in my dd college town. I plan to walk the campus next time I visit because there is so much to see, and also some memories(my alma mater). I was in church tonight(we have the option of Sat. night services) and I promise I was paying attention, but I also got some inspiration while I was there for a quilt...it was from the dress I was wearing! It isn't a new dress, I just saw it in a different "light".
          We'll see if I am able to keep to the task of no reading next week...I will have some trouble with that. Elizabeth

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            So you girls won't be posting next week at all? That is not a good thing. Maybe if there is nothing to read, I will get some quilting done. Judy in AZ


              I'm just not sure about the no reading for a week....I understand the concept, but what I read seems important..........oh my, I just don't know!

              I thought about paying my daughter to read everything to me, but I guess that would be a little like cheating wouldn't it? :twisted:

              Dana in Olive Branch, MS


                I'm going to read. That's just me-it's as natural as breathing to me and just as hard to stop.
                So, I'll be here if anyone needs to post. I'll do my week 3 tasks and post them here.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Opps! I meant to post here. My mistake! My post is showing up as a new topic instead. I don't know how to fix it!


                    Just copy and paste from the other topic. Then go to the other topic and click on the little X in the upper right hand corner. That should take care of it.

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      I had a taste of the no reading last night and I didn't like it. At storm without rain moved through and our power was off for about 4 hours. I used the time before it got too dark to fold paper try some sketches for a Rhapsody quilt.

                      As far as Week 3 - I did my morning pages 5 days on the computer. This week I am going back to writing. I don't understand but I think differently when writing on the computer and writing by hand. I don't which is better but this week I am trying to include positive statements. I did most of the tasks and it was interesting to think back to my childhood, favorite toys, foods, etc. The five people I which I had met who are dead was easy because in doing family research there are some people I want to know why they disappeared without a trace like my grandfather's parents. My mother had two brothers killed when lightening struck the barn they had taken shelter in during a storm. They were 19 and 22. My dad's mother; my mom's father.

                      My Artist Date - I think the paint store counts. Looking at the color cards and experimenting with what goes with what. Seeing what they recommended for each card. The colors were endless and I'm sure the manager thought I was having way too much trouble making up my mind on the paint I wanted. I knew when I went in what color I wanted but I was seeing fabrics.


                        Did anyone else catch the comment that Alex made in yesterday's episode (302) about having gone to a retreat for TAW? I wonder if that has had some impact on the way her quilting style is changing? I love the new stuff she is doing, and am beginning to think that maybe I can break out of the traditional rut a little, too!

                        I skipped Morning Pages on Thursday and Friday, but tried to make up for it with a really long one on Saturday! My artist's date was the class to learn digitizing and I'm excited about the possibilities that has opened up for me.

                        I am so blessed to be in a place in my life right now where I am really not bogged down with anger and/or depression. Been there done that, and it's a hell that I hope I never have to go through again. For those of you dealing with it now, you have my sincerest sympathy. I hope you get through it soon, because the life on the other side is ever so much more gratifing.

                        As for reading deprivation this week....I don't know if I can do that! :shock:

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:47 pm Post subject: The Artist's Way


                          This is too good not to share.
                          During week 3 I had an experience that really got my attention. Five different times I was thinking about a different concern and thinking that I would like to talk with (a specific friend or relative). Three of those times, within a few minutes of my thoughts, I received a phone call from the very person with whom I wanted to talk! Two of those times I received emails from the two friends from whom I wanted to hear. When I got to the Check-In and read #3 I had to laugh. I wrote an especially long entry in my notebook because I want to what God did for me during this week.

                          Last night I read Week 4 and had another laugh. God is working again. I have to spend the week with my mother which means no computer and very little reading time. I spend hours a day reading at the computer. I don't think that it will be a hardship after all.


                            Originally posted by Margo
                            Did anyone else catch the comment that Alex made in yesterday's episode (302) about having gone to a retreat for TAW?
                            Yes, I caught that too, Margo Maybe TAW is still alive and well after all. I first heard of it 4 years ago in a class with Freddy Moran. When I spoke about it with others, it seemed to already be history. I'm thinking it is one of those timeless concepts. I've certainly enjoyed and benefitted from re-visiting it!

                            I am so blessed to be in a place in my life right now where I am really not bogged down with anger and/or depression. Been there done that, and it's a hell that I hope I never have to go through again. For those of you dealing with it now, you have my sincerest sympathy. I hope you get through it soon, because the life on the other side is ever so much more gratifing."
                            Ditto on that one too, Margo!!! It is wonderful to be FREE.

                            Jan in Spokane, who is cutting back on SOME reading :?


                              I have a question.....does the no reading mean here too? I think I can go with out reading everywhere but here. Is that cheating?


                                OK...I've read the chapter for week 4. I've done the tasks or made notes to get them done this week and I've made some decisions about the reading deprivation.
                                Even though I had planned to work on my digitizing class this week, I will put that off because it involves a hefty manual to read.
                                I can do without the newspaper, and my nighttime novel before bed. I can ignore the stack of books and magazines beside my chair for a week and I can leave the quilting books on the shelf for a week.
                                I will try to get through this whole week by only checking e-mail and the TQS site ONLY ONE TIME A DAY!
                                Because TQS is my only social outlet, I'm taking some leaway here!
                                So....until tomorrow....I'm outta here....

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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