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MONTH 1 Ask Questions Here

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    MONTH 1 Ask Questions Here

    Please use this TOPIC to ask questions about Month 1. Month 1 will be released December 29 when the show featuring Lynn Wilder goes up.

    Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-24-2024, 06:37 PM.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    I ordered the 60 wt thread however the 80 wt is not available. Would it be ok to use the 60 wt in the bobbin. I am on the waiting list for the 80 wt.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Yes, that will work fine. The 60 wt has a cotton wrap around the polyester core so it is slightly thicker than the 80 wt. Very little difference.
      Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-26-2024, 09:28 AM.

    I think it would be helpful to know where these blocks are located within the quilt for those of us doing the scrappy version like myself. I think I have figured it out that they are the first two diagonal blocks on each corner.
    Barbara the blog is great and Lynn your instructions also very good. Love your cabin!
    Linda H
    Happy Quilting 


    • Barbara B. commented
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      They are in the diagonal rows but are not adjacent to each other. Two blocks in each of the four diagonal rows. I looked at the quilt sketch to see where they go.

      Glad you are finding the blog helpful.

    • Rose L. commented
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      I think that is a great idea. I’m a visual person so I’m having a hard time figuring out where they go. I am using my own fabric also.
      Thank you so much for all the information so far Barbara and Lynn.

    • Susie R. commented
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      I am also using my own fabric. So excited for this years BOM. I do applique but much rather piece. I also would like if you could point out where each block is in the quilt.

    Do you know if the kit material allows for starching before cutting? My understanding is starching slightly shrinks the material?
    Last edited by ; 12-28-2024, 10:50 PM.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Lynn told me there is a “little” extra in the kit. I don’t starch heavily so don’t know how much shrinkage you expect. Lynn starches her fabrics so I am sure she took that into consideration.
      Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-30-2024, 09:36 AM.

    • commented
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      Looks like Lynn starch drenchs her material also, as shown in her first month video. I can't easily buy Best Press in Australia and use a product called Crisp. When drench starching my material before cutting I lose roughly 1 1/4 inches from my width of fabric. Does "little extra" in kit material allow for this?

    I can’t view the video. A click takes me to YouTube
    Susan Skeel
    Des Moines Iowa


    • Barbara B. commented
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      That is where the video is. I just clicked the start arrow to play it.

    • Barbara B. commented
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      Or are you asking about the Show? The show is posted under WATCH--the current show is there and in the FREE SHOWS section.

    In the video, Lynn said that we were making the centre block in month 1. Is this a the real month one or a teaser? I wouldn't mind a schedule so that I can check things off as we go.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      In the show Lynn did say we are making the center block in Month 1. That was taped in August. As she worked on the instructions she changed the plan of what is being made each Month. The center block now comes later in the year.

      We won’t give a schedule in advance but each month on my blog and the LIVE broadcast I will tell what is coming next. Consider it a “mystery “ but each month will add to the overall quilt.
      Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-29-2024, 01:21 PM.

    How can I find the fabric requirements? The link from the forum page is 404 error.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      I just used the links to get the Fabric Requirements for both Autumn and Spring. Not sure why you are having trouble. Try a different browser, I use Chrome.

    • Susie R. commented
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      Try view tab first then print. I also got an error message when I tried print tab.

    We will make 8 blocks (4 in each colorway) in the first month. These eight blocks repeat diagonally in all four corners with the same colorway. Should we not make those simultaneously since we are already cutting the fabrics for the first set? It's logical to make all the flying geese blocks in the same color scheme simultaneously. Based on the coloring chart, there seem to be at least 52 identical flying geese blocks, but obviously in different colorways. I am just concerned that we are only making 8 blocks when the quilt has roughly 225 blocks in total. To finish the quilt in 12 months, we would have to make at least 18 to 19 blocks a month to finish in a year.
    Last edited by ValFuto; 12-29-2024, 12:01 PM.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      The designer has the pattern worked out so it is all done in 12 months. The first month we are only making 8 blocks total.

      Yes, there are more of these Four Patch in a Star blocks in the full quilt, the other fabric combinations come later in the year. People using the Kits can figure it out by looking at the photo of the quilt. People using their own fabric can work ahead if they please. There is no reason to do that however.

      We present the pattern as intended by the designer. Take your time and enjoy the journey.

    • Lynn W. commented
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      That's a good question. There is one month where you will be making 48 half square triangles which are very easy to make (8) at a time. The easy months will give you time to work on the applique if you choose to include it in your quilt. --Lynn

    I downloaded the pattern but to my surprise it came out black & white is that supposed to happen if not please let me know how to fix it


    • Helen W. commented
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      Chances are your printer is set to black , on my HP you can set it to color or to black. HelenW

    • Barbara B. commented
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      The patterns are in full color. Are you saying you printed them in black and white? I
      f you see them on your screen in black and white you must have a setting that needs to be changed.

    would you need to cut the C strips larger if you use your directions in your blog? forthe flying geese



    • Barbara B. commented
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      No, 4" is correct

    Hi Barbara. Are you posting monthly videos as well as the videos from Lynn? In your introduction to the project you spoke you would have some fabric changes and alternative block from the applique blocks.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Yes, I do a LIVE broadcast each month. December 20 was Getting Started. January 3 will be Month 1. Find them all here, after they have aired:

      In Month 2 I will show alternative pieced blocks. My blog will post January 31 and I think the Month 2 LIVE will be that day also.
      Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-29-2024, 03:07 PM.

    Hello, is there a master cutting pdf that will give directions for cutting all the fabric to get ready to sew the blocks?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Not for the entire quilt. Each month's pattern gives the specific cutting instructions for that month's blocks.

    Hi I was wondering if the blocks will be posted on a certain day each month for example 1st Friday or 10th. Just an idea of when we need to check for new blocks
    Tammy W


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Usually the first day of each month or a day or so earlier. Month 1 was available December 29 since Lynn’s show first aired today. Look for Month 2 no later than February 1.

    Thank you Barbara for such a quick answer.
    Tammy W


      I noticed that Lynn pressed some of her seams open in her star block. I have always found that seams that are pressed open are much harder to match. (At least for me. ) I would love to know if Lynn has any tips for matching these open seams. I do pin my blocks before sewing, but still have problems matching.


      • Lynn W. commented
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        Usually when I press my seams open, I don't have to match them up to a corresponding seam. If you look closely at the quilt, you can see that many of the blocks 'touch' the HST, and you don't have to match any seams. That's one of the ways this quilt design is going to be a bit easier than it appears. --Lynn

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