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It looks fantastic
My blocks completed . I decided to not use appliqué in this quilt so changed month 2 to stacked squares block.
Here is a link to the post Lynn made about all her favorite tools: -
Pamela, I found it and fixed it--all gone!
I’m just joining this BOM. So I have posted the first 3 months together. I liked the Grandaughter collection best, but...
More progress - this is the right half. I've got 28 of those flower blocks and I'm gonna use them all. Still getting that...
Really glad Month 3 blocks were simple - gave me time to finish up my applique from Month 2!
Beth Harris -
My first go at one of the BOM patterns - finally finished my Month 2 blocks! Using my own fabric, but wanted to follow the...
I have March done but one set of blocks does not have a lot of contrast. I may change my fabric.
I really like this green!
Love the colors
Looks great!
Suzanne F. I see no one has answered your question. Could be that no one knows how. You could call customer service and...
I'm very happy this month was quick piecing and I am done. Now I can go back to working on the applique Feb blocks, which...
I like it, but you also have to make a quilt that you like.
It looks like a bright and happy quilt to me!
I’m thinking my background fabric is too busy.
I love your creative applique. I so enjoy looking at the different ways people adapt their designs
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Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
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Hi There,
I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing... -
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I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
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https://bbquiltmaker.b... -
Hello - I know someone has solved this problem...I seem to remember a question arising when we put the inner circle together...
Cap'n John showed me a new feature--you can see all the photos posted on any particular topic--at once.
Open... -
I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
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Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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MONTH 12 --Ask Questions Here
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It was incredibly irritating to have no diagram for the star part of the border. I found the wording rather confusing and a diagram would have helped immensely. It's kind of a pain to have to come to the computer to look at the quilt zoomed in when my sewing room is on the second floor and my computer is on the first floor. My husband keeps telling me it is OK to get more exercise going up and down the stairs, but I would have been much happier with a diagram for that part of the block. Everything else got a diagram!
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I feel your frustration. I have never done a TQS BOM before, but I feel the instructions on this are lacking. Even when the instructions stated 'this was done the same as in month x'. I think a copy/paste would have been possible to include in the current month.
What helped me was I printed a picture of the quilt & slid it in the cover of my 3 ring binder I've been using.
I haven't started month 12 yet....wish me luck!
I agree with your comment… as I was too cheap to print out a color copy of the front of the quilt. I often pulled it up on my iPad and referred to the picture…
If it weren’t for Barbara I would have also become more frustrated with the instructions… correct placement of the stars on the left side of the border should have been emphasized.
A million thanks to Barbara Black for providing clarification to directions and much guidance during this BOM project for 2023. I do not think I would have continued to work on it without her help. Although I am behind, I know I can still see her entries and tutorials to get me to the finish line. She is an amazing online teacher (tutorials and her blog). I had the pleasure of taking the Antique Rose Star class she taught yesterday at the International Quilt Festival Houston. She is an awesome teacher: patient, great knowledge/techniques to share, uses teachable moments to help everyone and is like the energizer bunny running around the classroom all day to help her students. I can't wait to take another class from her next year. Thanks Barbara!!
A thanks to The Quilt Show for being such a reputable company. When additional fabric was needed for the 2023 BOM, it was provided to the kit purchasers in a profressional and timely manner. I look forward to another year of shows, patterns, and classes. Your subscription is the best present I give myself each year!
- IP
11-06-2023, 03:00 PMThis reply by PaolaRB has been deleted by PaolaRB
I have started looking a Month 12's instructions and I am finding some issues that are creating confusion for me. Maybe someone can clarify them for me. On page 2 under the cutting instructions for the strips it mentions fabric 1 (which is the smallest strip- I believe from Tiny Dots Peacock fabric). However on page 3 is states that "fabric 1 is used for the Cabin Units and Star B units." Isn't this an error? When I look at the photo of the quilt it seems to me the the cabin units and star B units are surrounded by the background fabric. Am I missing something? Also the measurement for the strip fabrics when sewn together is written as 9 1/2" X 6 1/2". Is this correct? It has left out fabric 1 the smallest of the strips. -
Originally posted by PaolaRB View PostDitto! The instructions were lacking and I too had to constantly look at my photo of the completed quilt in order to understand what was going on. Without Barbara's blog I would have been lost.
I spent more than 3 hours trying to figure out Month 12 when I was checking the pattern in September 2022. Several of the diagrams were wrong and it was a real struggle to understand what was supposed to happen. We finally got corrected Diagrams, that helped.
All I can say is, read the pattern carefully and ask here if you still have questions.Barbara Black
Huntsville AL
"I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson
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Yes I did. In fact I went back and removed my questions with fear that it would have confused others. I had not read ALL of the instructions for month 12 which created problems in my understanding. When I went back and reread everything it became much clearer. I will now stop and read your blog before I go forward. The blog has been my lifesaver! Thank you!
Not a question and not a criticism but just a suggestion. When a kit has fabrics that are going to be used in various months for applique and then, in this case, for rectangles cut from 1 1/2" strips, it would have been helpful in Month 1 to include cutting instructions that said to cut a certain strip from the fabrics to set aside for month 12. The reason I am suggesting this, is I did not have 7 1/2" of Tiny Dots Bluebell intact for the Color 5 requirements. I had to be very creative at harvesting from what remained after pulling circles in Month 2, flowers in month 8, bird bodies in month 9 and triangles in month 10. Three of my 1 1/2 x 5 1/2 rectangles will be pieced from remnants. Totally my fault because I used my Brother Scan n Cut but had I known to set aside five 1 1/2" strips, I would have reconsidered how to get the appliques from that fabric.
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Donna, you have it right. Four go like your sketch, four have the aqua/white strip on the left side.
I agree there could have been more, better diagrams. I had to focus on getting all the incorrect instructions and diagrams corrected. Hopefully, you have it figured out and will soon have a beautiful quilt top.
Thanks. I just realized the same error… will have to unsew 4 of them
I wish this had been clearer also
Originally posted by terimeggers View PostDo we know when the 2024 quilt will be announced? I am really excited to see it.Barbara Black
Huntsville AL
"I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson
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Originally posted by sharongail View PostI am having an awful time figuring out measurements on the cabin.I’ve read and reread info.unfortunately, getting nowhere. Would someone please give me the dimensions of the cabin? I’ve got the roof and flying geese done.ha.where do I find the correction in the pattern….that may help Black
Huntsville AL
"I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson
- IP
Barbara, I need your help. I’m getting a late start making this quilt. I’ve acquired all of the fabrics and have downloaded all of the patterns and will start on it this next week. I know the patten will no longer be available after January, but, my question is, how long will Sarah’s videos and your forum will be available on the website for me to view? From what I’m reading, I doubt I will be able to complete the quilt without them. Should I be figuring a way to cut & paste them?
- IP
Barbara -- I'm still working on the homeward bound quilt I've finished months 6,7,8, 9 and I plan to review previous forum posts before I decide whether to go forward with months 10 or backward to month 1 -- I need to review the forum posts for specific months e.g., month 1 -- how do I search the forum to find the forum posts I need to review. I tried the search forum area but I'm not sure of the wording -- I keep getting "nothing found". Please help.
- IP
I typed Month 7 in the SEARCH THE FORUM box. It brings up many Topics that start with Month. You could scroll through them to find the specific month you are looking for. You can also scroll through all the pages of Topics under the Homeward Bound BOM list, you may see other Topics that interest you.
My blogs are posted by calendar so each month they are posted by date, usually around the start of each month or end of the previous month.
It looks fantastic
My blocks completed . I decided to not use appliqué in this quilt so changed month 2 to stacked squares block.
Here is a link to the post Lynn made about all her favorite tools: -
Pamela, I found it and fixed it--all gone!
I’m just joining this BOM. So I have posted the first 3 months together. I liked the Grandaughter collection best, but...
More progress - this is the right half. I've got 28 of those flower blocks and I'm gonna use them all. Still getting that...
Really glad Month 3 blocks were simple - gave me time to finish up my applique from Month 2!
Beth Harris -
My first go at one of the BOM patterns - finally finished my Month 2 blocks! Using my own fabric, but wanted to follow the...
I have March done but one set of blocks does not have a lot of contrast. I may change my fabric.
I really like this green!
Love the colors
Looks great!
Suzanne F. I see no one has answered your question. Could be that no one knows how. You could call customer service and...
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