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MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here

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    MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here

    Please use this TOPIC to ask questions.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    Barbara, in the video today you referenced a Sue Garmin float border technique. I'm glad you have it your instructions, but it occurs to me that I might want to get her instructions on this as well. Did it come from a particular book or pattern?


      [QUOTE=PatinNC;n894002]Barbara, in the video today you referenced a Sue Garmin float border technique. I'm glad you have it your instructions, but it occurs to me that I might want to get her instructions on this as well. Did it come from a particular book or pattern?[/QUOTE]

      Pat, I am glad you asked. Yes, almost every pattern Sue wrote has her "floater border" instructions. I learned it with her Washington Medallion quilt, and Stars for a New Day, and Ruffled Roses--the last two were BOMs for The Quilt Show and are still available from her shop, [url]www.comequilt.com[/url]

      Because I wanted to keep the info readily available, and with her permission, I created a Tutorial on my blog for "Floater Borders". Find it here:


      It is the one technique I am most happy I learned because I love pieced borders, make them often, but want then to FIT. The Floater makes that happen. It is also called a "coping border"--because it lets us "cope" with odd size borders.

      I hope this helps.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      • Pat A. commented
        Editing a comment
        Perfect! I've read your blog post and it makes sense. Exactly what I wanted to know.

        I'm afraid my personal quilting and piecing style falls into the category of "fudge quilting." So I'm always looking for ways to get back on track. Pieced borders are something I want to do more in the future so this helps a bunch.

      Barbara, Great month 9 video and information! I especially liked the outer border advice on fabric choice/construction method. Thank you. I am woefully behind, I am just starting May block seven, an am hand stitching using Apliquick tools and QS print and piece fuse lite and QS pre-wound multi-color bobbins. (Love how stitches disappear!)

      My question: is it possible to have the rough cut sizes of blocks for months 10 and 11? I want to make sure I have large enough background pieces set aside before I start the monkey wrench blocks.
      UPDATE, please disregard my question, I found the answer in your June 3rd post. Thank you.
      Last edited by Terri S.; 09-03-2022, 01:16 PM. Reason: Found the answer in the Forum!
      terri s.
      Quilting is my daily fiber therapy!


        Barbara, I would like to have my GPDU quilt a little larger all around so it will fit the top of a queen-sized bed. I am thinking of adding an applique border similar to the one in Month 2. Would appreciate any suggestions or ideas you have to accomplish this. This is my first attempt at BOM and am appreciating all your instruction and advice. Amy


          [QUOTE=98Amy;n894071]Barbara, I would like to have my GPDU quilt a little larger all around so it will fit the top of a queen-sized bed. I am thinking of adding an applique border similar to the one in Month 2. Would appreciate any suggestions or ideas you have to accomplish this. This is my first attempt at BOM and am appreciating all your instruction and advice. Amy[/QUOTE]

          Amy, you can certainly add an additional border or two. Applique beyond the Diamond borders would be perfectly fine.

          Figure out what size you want and start drawing. Work with paper half the length you want and design from the center out to the edge, so you only have to draw half of the border--flip it over for the other half. Center is where the design really shows so put some element you like there.

          There are many shows here on TQS about applique and borders. Use the SEARCH box at the very top of each page to find them. You can also look at quilts in the Gallery that show lots of borders too, to give you ideas. And there is always Pinterest to look at Applique Borders--you will get tons of ideas there.

          I look forward to seeing what you do.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            Hi Barbara, how do I find your GPDU sample quilt, I really like your colors. Your sample helped me figure out last months colors. Thanks Pam


              [[email protected];n894074]Hi Barbara, how do I find your GPDU sample quilt, I really like your colors. Your sample helped me figure out last months colors. Thanks Pam[/QUOTE]

              Here is mine in the Studio in Dallas August 2021. My blog always shows my blocks for that month's information too.
              Barbara Black
              Huntsville AL
              "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                Hi Barbara I haven't been available to work along with Garden Party Down Under but wonder.... Will the videos be available after 2022 even though the pattern will no longer be available?


                  [[email protected];n894421]Hi Barbara I haven't been available to work along with Garden Party Down Under but wonder.... Will the videos be available after 2022 even though the pattern will no longer be available?[/QUOTE]

                  Yes, the videos remain. And my blog posts remain at my blog, providing lots of information.
                  Barbara Black
                  Huntsville AL
                  "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                    what is everyone using for a backing for garden party down under I was thinking of this? what do you think?


                      I was offline for the last three months....how can I get Month 11 and 12 of this pattern?


                        [QUOTE=SimoniQuilts;n895410]I was offline for the last three months....how can I get Month 11 and 12 of this pattern?

                        Contact Irene Blanck through her website to ask about buying them from her. After December 31, 2022 we no longer have the rights to provide them. It is also copyright violation for anyone to give them to you. We want to honor and protect the rights of our designers.
                        Barbara Black
                        Huntsville AL
                        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


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