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Month 1 -- Ask Questions Here

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    I finished my grapes at lunch today. I seriously doubted I could do these. LOL, I almost used buttons. I'm glad I tried, because it wasn't THAT bad. Question: Do I remove the gathering string? Snip it? Tuck it in? That darn string is giving me anxiety. lol

    Also, I fussy cut my flowers and I've pleased with the results.
    Last edited by Shannon K.; 01-21-2022, 01:22 PM. Reason: edited for typo


    • Barbara B. commented
      Editing a comment
      Leave the gathering string, just clip it off once the berry is finished so it doesn’t come out from behind the berry. Nice job.

    Barbara……I just made my first of 4 side triangle borders After working to get the points correct along both long sides…..I wondered if it would be easier for me to foundation paper piece Irene’s pattern which is only concerned with the background points. I understand I’ll need to extend one of the sides of her triangles for stitching. I wanted to run that by you as I don’t have much experience with fpp and appreciate your help. (Btw, thanks for all you do).


      [QUOTE=Lahoefer;n891414]Barbara……I just made my first of 4 side triangle borders After working to get the points correct along both long sides…..I wondered if it would be easier for me to foundation paper piece Irene’s pattern which is only concerned with the background points. I understand I’ll need to extend one of the sides of her triangles for stitching. I wanted to run that by you as I don’t have much experience with fpp and appreciate your help. (Btw, thanks for all you do). [/QUOTE]

      I suppose you could FPP Irene's border, extending the line to the outside edge. Not sure it would be any easier, the process is the same. It would create just a bit of "breathing space" along the outside edges, since the colored triangle points would not go all the way to the outside edge. But there would be a visible seam on the background in that space.

      Try it to see if you like that method better. I haven't ever seen this kind of border FPP that way.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        My version of the 2022 TQS BOM cover. You are welcome to share.
        Best wishes,
        Last edited by Mike E.; 01-26-2022, 08:52 PM.


          Can I do raw edge appliqué on this quilt?


            [[email protected];n891564]Can I do raw edge appliqué on this quilt?[/QUOTE]

            Sure. The same steps as for turned edge, just do raw edge instead.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              Does anyone have a source for an 1/8 inch bias tape maker?


                [QUOTE=MikeBlueEarth;n891610]Does anyone have a source for an 1/8 inch bias tape maker?[/QUOTE]

                The one I know of is Karen K Buckley's Perfect Stems--not a bias tape maker like the Clover 1/4" tape maker, but a plastic bar that makes a 1/8" stem.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  For the circles, whether large or tiny, since there is no fusible inside, should we use a stabilizer behind the piece for machine stitching? If so, what kind? Is anyone machine stitching those tiny circles, and is it easy to do?


                    [[email protected];n891705]For the circles, whether large or tiny, since there is no fusible inside, should we use a stabilizer behind the piece for machine stitching? If so, what kind? Is anyone machine stitching those tiny circles, and is it easy to do?[/QUOTE]

                    Great question. I didn't need any thing behind the circles as they are thick with the gathered seam allowance behind them.

                    Machine stitching those TINY circles is slow and tedious--stitch, pivot, stitch, pivot, etc. It would probably be just as fast to stitch them by hand--you decide. The larger circles went more quickly for me--stitch, stitch, stitch, pivot, etc.
                    Barbara Black
                    Huntsville AL
                    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                    • Connie H. commented
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                      Thank you Barbara! Those tiny circles scare me!

                    New to the "PARTY". I just got all my fabric pulled/purchased. I know it has been suggested we wash everything. I always wash and starch my fabric before I quilt. My question: Do I starch for this project as well? I would feel better about it, is there any reason not to starch?
                    Becky Jo


                      [[email protected];n891709]New to the "PARTY". I just got all my fabric pulled/purchased. I know it has been suggested we wash everything. I always wash and starch my fabric before I quilt. My question: Do I starch for this project as well? I would feel better about it, is there any reason not to starch?[/QUOTE]

                      There could be a reason not to starch. Most of the fabric will be used for appliques. Try a small sample of starched fabric, starched as you usually like, and prepare and applique a couple shapes from Month 1--a circle and a leaf, for example. If you get good results with starched fabric on the curves and are happy with it, you will know it's OK to starch. I would find it difficult to get smooth edges with starched fabric but I don't typically work with starched fabrics. Try it to see what works best for you.
                      Barbara Black
                      Huntsville AL
                      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                        Barbara. I asked a question in another place …. So I’ll ask here. Do we need 2 copies of your pattern for the second sawtooth border? And….I have not removed my paper from the last border, when would you suggest doing that…after I attach the ‘vine’ border?
                        Elizabeth Anderson
                        Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


                          [QUOTE=LizAnderson;n891732]Barbara. I asked a question in another place …. So I’ll ask here. Do we need 2 copies of your pattern for the second sawtooth border? And….I have not removed my paper from the last border, when would you suggest doing that…after I attach the ‘vine’ border?[/QUOTE]

                          The pattern pages for month 2 paper pieced Dogtooth borders make 2 borders. As there are 4 borders you will need to print two copies of the patterns.

                          I remove the paper as soon as the border is made and trimmed to the proper size. The paper has done its job at that point, the rest is regular piecing.
                          Barbara Black
                          Huntsville AL
                          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                            Hi I could do with some help / advice with the turn edge appliqué for the concave bits of the flower petals. I’ve tried various methods but can’t seem to stop the fabric fraying inner point.


                            • Connie P. commented
                              Editing a comment
                              I am having the same problem with the "D" flowers in the middle of the block!

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