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The ROADS—Ask Questions Here

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    Originally posted by sewskeel View Post
    Should each upper road arc match the top of the small house wedge?
    Yes. There are 16 arcs and 16 trees.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      As Barbara predicted, I got very excited when attaching the roads because everything was nice and flat. Success! However, sewing the inner circle to the outer circle required some easing which has left me with tucks in a few of my houses. Not good. Any suggestions? Is the only way out go detach and try again?


        Originally posted by Eqthornton View Post
        As Barbara predicted, I got very excited when attaching the roads because everything was nice and flat. Success! However, sewing the inner circle to the outer circle required some easing which has left me with tucks in a few of my houses. Not good. Any suggestions? Is the only way out go detach and try again?
        Eileen, If it look mostly good, I would try to unpick the stitching near the tucks. Maybe an inch in front and behind. Stitch slow and
        stop with needle down and presser foot up to push the excess fabric away from the needle. Sometimes making a smaller stitch helps too. I would use a Purple Thang or something like that to push the fabric away from the needle as it bunches up. If the
        whole thing looks wonky, I would detach and try again.If you do detach I would measure the circumference on the sewing line of both the houses and the road. You can take a piece of yarn or string and lay it on the sewing line, cut it off when it completes the circle and then lay it on the other one on the sewing line and sew how close they are to being the same. If there is quite a difference I would start looking at our seam allowance from constructions of the units. When you put it back together use lots of pins, sew slow.Stop with needle down and redistribute and bunching as it occurs. Good Luck. HelenW
        Last edited by Helen W.; 05-20-2021, 06:49 AM.


        • Eileen Q. commented
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          Thank you, Helen, your tips worked after a good night's sleep. All is good again! Bring on the next houses!

        I just finished putting it all together with the roads....WHEW!!!!!!! It all lays nice and flat. However it does not measure 43 &1/2"Including seam allowances as you stated in the video Barbara. is that the REAL MEASUREMENT ? Mine measures 42" exactly going across across all the points of the compass edge to edge. My paper piecing patterns all have the 1" sq. I'm just going to proceed with it as is and hope all the rest of the building fit. will post a picture after I walk my pups.

        Thanks for all your help. I love this project!


          Originally posted by leeannas View Post
          I just finished putting it all together with the roads....WHEW!!!!!!! It all lays nice and flat. However it does not measure 43 &1/2"Including seam allowances as you stated in the video Barbara. is that the REAL MEASUREMENT ? Mine measures 42" exactly going across across all the points of the compass edge to edge. My paper piecing patterns all have the 1" sq. I'm just going to proceed with it as is and hope all the rest of the building fit. will post a picture after I walk my pups.

          Thanks for all your help. I love this project!
          Round and flat is great. You should be fine when adding the Tall Buildings. Be sure to watch your seam allowances carefully. Yes, 43.5” is the true measurement in a perfect world.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          • LeeAnna S. commented
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            Thanks for the reply and support. I did try to watch seam allowances but there’s lots of them going across the quilt. I too figure i will be ok going forward. Certainly not taking it apart....LOL

          I've cheated and done mine in 4 quarters. I nearly left my mariners compass as quarters too as it was starting to look like a drunkards path block. I'm undecided now whether to unpick the compass.


          • Sue G. commented
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            Happy to see you’re doing it this way. I’m also making Wendy’s Full Circle, which is pieced in quadrants. My Color My World isn’t going together very well so I’m unpicking, will divide all in 4ths, and re-sew. I’m finding the circle upon circle upon circle very unwieldy to handle. One fourth at a time will be better. Thanks for the idea!!!

          I put my inner road and compass together and it lays mostly flat. So now I don’t feel like a complete failure but I still am puzzled as to next step with mess called upper road.
          Susan Skeel
          Des Moines Iowa


            My diameter measurements is 39 inches tree edge to tree edge
            Susan Skeel
            Des Moines Iowa


            • Barbara B. commented
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              You are only short by 1/2”. Some assertive pressing may find it. Look for any places where the Inner Road joins the small houses where you might have a slight fold from pressing.

              If your Upper Road is the correct size, it will help bring the center to the correct size once attached.

            Originally posted by sewskeel View Post
            Yes my measurements on paper piece are as you said. I have ripped off upper road and pressed out the tucks. Now I feel like I have no arcs, what now ? Do I rip each section apart and press them to fit paper piece again? Do I go buy more fabric and start again? I feel like complete failure and very discouraged
            Sewskeel, The upper road is a very gentle arc. Not much curve to it. I would print a paper template from the pattern. Cut off
            the seam allowance and start laying it on top of each section in your road circle. If it is not exact on it, rip out that seam, fix it and
            then move on to the next road section and see if it is exact. Remember that every quilt winner was once a beginner. Don't get so
            frustrated when you encounter something new. You just need to find a way to do it that works for you. Seems like this might
            be your first circle based quilt. HelenW


              I just earned the Dummy of the Year Award. My roads are now completed with more frustration than was necessary as I was trying to sew the top of the upper road to the trees. When you do that you create a cup.
              Thanks so much to Barbara and Helen W for all the troubleshooting advice and major encouragement. I ended up only about 1/4 of an inch short of 43 1/2 so I’m happy.
              Thanks again
              Susan Skeel
              Des Moines Iowa


              • Helen W. commented
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                Susan, I am so happy for you. When you look at the template, there is not a lot of difference between the bottom and top.
                Hopefully you have just kept someone else from accidentally doing the same. Love seeing that picture of your completed center.

              Using the template, I decided to trim only the sides and not to trim the upper and lower edges until the paper piecing unit was done. That was easier for me.


                Call me procrastinator because stuff gets in the way and I haven't even started this BOM, but I have been downloading and printing all of the patterns. When I printed Month 5 for the roads I noticed that the 1" scale is a tiny bit smaller than all the others. The lines fall just inside my ruler markings. My printer is set to print actual size so I'm puzzled about this. My future self doesn't want to get to this point in construction and have my pavement not fit. Is the sizing right or do I have to have a discussion with my printer?


                • Barbara B. commented
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                  Jane, I just checked mine and the 1" scale box is exactly 1". You are correct to want to be sure they are the correct size, now rather than later. I loved your plan to have a "talk" with your printer!

                Looks like I fixed my problem. I downloaded the pattern into Adobe Reader instead of the way my browser was letting me view it. Perfect 1" scale now! Guess I have to talk to my browser now
                Thank you Barbara B for all the information you have posted!!!


                • Dot W. commented
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                  Thank you, will try the adobe reader download as I am having the same problem...exactly 7/8 inch. All prior months were exactly 1inch.
                  Love all the help and videos. Dot

                Hi is there anyone who can tell me what the measurements should be of the Mariner's Compass with the inner Road plus the measurement of the bottom of the houses? Thanks


                • Connie G. commented
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                  Funny you should ask, i just read it should be 14.5 inches unfinished! Im going to measure mine now

                Good morning from wet and windy England

                Please could you confirm the height of the house units. I have some at 11" and some at 10 1/2". I've sewn them altogether and popped the tree tops and aligned the bottom edges. Now I'm attempting to attach the outer road to the houses but I have a difference in the outer edge line of 1/2" in places around the circumference. Help would be most appreciated. Thank you
                Caroline Edwards
                UK Quilter


                • Helen W. commented
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                  Caz, The 11 inch ones are correct. You you said you popped the tree tops, does that mean you sewed them on. If yes, you will
                  need to take the 10 and 1/2 off and make them 11 inches tall to match the other. You could put a filler piece of sky fabric and then
                  replace the tree tops. At least that is what I would do. HelenW

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