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    Originally posted by Laynie View Post
    Hi is there anyone who can tell me what the measurements should be of the Mariner's Compass with the inner Road plus the measurement of the bottom of the houses? Thanks
    Laynie, The Mariner Compass is 14 inches finished. The roads 2 inches. So the diameter is the 14 plus 2 on the right and 2 on the left side of the circle to make it 18 inches finished. Barbara said the inside circle at the bottom of the houses is 17.5. HelenW
    Last edited by Helen W.; 05-25-2021, 07:13 AM.



      Thank you

      I took the plunge earlier today and managed to successfully sew both the inner and out roads on to the mariners compass and small houses ring. I used 10 1/2 " for the height of the houses and the roads fitted in perfectly and flat . Hopefully I will not have a problem moving forwards. The diameter of the finish unit is 43".

      Barbara- is this ok?
      Caroline Edwards
      UK Quilter


      • Barbara B. commented
        Editing a comment
        You are only off by 1/2”. That should be easy to make fit across the big circle of Tall buildings to come. And assertive pressing might find that missing 1/2”

      I was having a brain cramp wrapping my mind around the method for piecing the roads. Especially since my compass was 1/2 inch too small, and I took most of the month to decide how to resolve that problem; either redo the compass or just add 1/4 inch extra to the bottom of the inner road. I finally figured out a solution to my dilemma... First, I decided it would be easier to modify the road than to redo the compass.

      Second, I also decided it would be easier for me to modify the templates to make them 100% paper pieced, instead of doing the strip piecing and hoping I aligned the road pieces properly.

      So I took the 2 templates, and made 2 copies of each template so that I could Mark them up and make 2 new templates for the inner road, and 3 new templates for the outer road. I marked new seam lines for the white fabric. Then, I marked new outside seam lines (reference picture) so that I could cut apart the template. I think the whole thing was much easier for me to piece from the modified templates, and everything is fitting together nicely.
      Beth Bell Lavoie


        Originally posted by BethBellLavoie View Post
        I was having a brain cramp wrapping my mind around the method for piecing the roads. Especially since my compass was 1/2 inch too small, and I took most of the month to decide how to resolve that problem; either redo the compass or just add 1/4 inch extra to the bottom of the inner road. I finally figured out a solution to my dilemma... First, I decided it would be easier to modify the road than to redo the compass.

        Second, I also decided it would be easier for me to modify the templates to make them 100% paper pieced, instead of doing the strip piecing and hoping I aligned the road pieces properly.

        So I took the 2 templates, and made 2 copies of each template so that I could Mark them up and make 2 new templates for the inner road, and 3 new templates for the outer road. I marked new seam lines for the white fabric. Then, I marked new outside seam lines (reference picture) so that I could cut apart the template. I think the whole thing was much easier for me to piece from the modified templates, and everything is fitting together nicely.
        Beth, I like the way you think out of the box to make things easier for yourself. Very creative. HelenW


          My upper road is almost 4 inches bigger than the houses. I have 16 units that were all cut the exact size of the template and the upper road section. I don't have any missing houses--32. I don't know how to trouble shoot what went wrong. I have been using the Bernina 97D foot so I think my 1/4 seam is pretty accurate. Ugh, Karen


          • Helen W. commented
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            This may not be the answer, but one person sewed the top of the upper road to the top of the trees accidentally instead of the
            bottom of the upper road. Since you are so far off, that might be a possibility. HelenW

          Thank you, Helen. A new day so I am ready to press assertively, double check each seam, and which side of the road I am pinning!


            Originally posted by gradyk View Post
            My upper road is almost 4 inches bigger than the houses. I have 16 units that were all cut the exact size of the template and the upper road section. I don't have any missing houses--32. I don't know how to trouble shoot what went wrong. I have been using the Bernina 97D foot so I think my 1/4 seam is pretty accurate. Ugh, Karen
            Karen, each Upper Road arc should fit a tree on two small houses. Compare those to see which is off. My guess is seam allowances are off on one of these.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              Thank you, Barbara. I think it is the trees. There was the slightest curling of the circle once I had the trees sewn, which I ignored, but it looks like the trees are curling forward because they are a tiny bit smaller than the background fabric, multiplied, of course. I am re-sewing the trees today.


                Barbara and Helen, Just want to let you know that after the delay in road construction for "tree work" the upper road fits PERFECTLY. Karen


                  Originally posted by gradyk View Post
                  Barbara and Helen, Just want to let you know that after the delay in road construction for "tree work" the upper road fits PERFECTLY. Karen
                  Great news!
                  Barbara Black
                  Huntsville AL
                  "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                    Today I am looking at the Month 5 scale box and measuring with my ruler, it is off. When I downloaded to my computer over Memorial Day, I noticed the scale wasn't right, so I printed it 100% scale. It changed so I was thinking it is OK. I am having quite a time with my inner road being too small for my houses. So today after pinning and adjusting the house seams (between the trees without bias tape) to make them bigger seams, (which makes them a smaller to fit the roads), still not fitting. I now think I have to make the roads again, because the scale is totally off, even when I printed again at 100%.

                    BTW, the 1" scale does not look like last months scale. I looked at Barbara's background sheet too, and there is a nice clear 1" scale....and it does not match the Month 5. This has not been corrected on the pattern. Today it is still off.

                    How can I print it to 1" scale if the pattern is off? I surely do not want to redo my roads, but I will have to add material so it will look decent. Make a speed bump to make up the difference? I feel if the scale box is off on the pattern, the rest of the quilt I will not go together correctly either.


                      I looked and printed out Month 6 Tall Buildings and it has the same scale as Month 5.

                      On the BOM 3 Houses it has the correct scale. Can you advise me on the pattern for the roads or how to make/print the 1" scale correctly besides '100% scale' on my printer.


                        I am having a terrible time trying to make my inner road fit my Mariners Compass. I have remade my Compass and I still can’t get the inner road to fit. The outside of the inner road does fit the houses. I don’t know how to fix this. Help please



                          Originally posted by Quilterbees View Post
                          I am having a terrible time trying to make my inner road fit my Mariners Compass. I have remade my Compass and I still can’t get the inner road to fit. The outside of the inner road does fit the houses. I don’t know how to fix this. Help please

                          Heather, Measure your compass. It should be 14.5 unfinished or 14" finished diameter. If you do that you can find out if the compass is problem or if the inner road bottom is the problem. Check the seams allowances on the back to troubleshoot
                          if your diameter is too large or too small. If you drifted off the seam allowance line at the end of each piece that will really add
                          up quickly. Another way to check your compass and road separately is to take the compass and lay it on your cutting mat.
                          Line up a vertical line on the mat with the 12 o clock position on the compass. At each of the 90 degree mark on the mat is the
                          compass seam right on that line. If it is short or over the line, your seam allowance is off. Do the same thing for the inner road
                          attached to the houses. If both of those look correct, it could be that your printer size was off. Let us know what you find. HelenW


                            Originally posted by ToniFairchild View Post
                            I looked and printed out Month 6 Tall Buildings and it has the same scale as Month 5.

                            On the BOM 3 Houses it has the correct scale. Can you advise me on the pattern for the roads or how to make/print the 1" scale correctly besides '100% scale' on my printer.
                            Toni, I just printed Month 5 and 6 from a Download of the File to my computer. The 1" scale box is exactly accurate on both. So if the 1" scale box is not accurate on your printed copies it is a printing problem on your end. Check all your printer settings.

                            Use the Search the Forum box on the left above for Printing--this will bring up at least 33 posts about printing issues starting in January 2021. You may find helpful information there.

                            Do not re-make the roads until you have the pattern the correct size.

                            I hope this helps.
                            Barbara Black
                            Huntsville AL
                            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


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