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    Your block is just great, Judy! The yo-yos are so fun!

    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


      I'm just now starting the March border. I've foundation pieced my heart, not literally ha ha, and am on to the hexagons. I've never done hexagons before and am a little befuddled by the instructions. Why are there two sizes of hexagons? One is a small one with 3/4 inch sides. I think that is the one I am supposed to use. What is the larger one for? When I am basting I am actually stitching through the paper, right? Maybe Lynette demonstrates this on the show, I will take a look. Thanks for any help. :unsure:


        The smaller hexagon template is for the paper, and the larger is for the fabric (it includes the seam allowance).

        I've always been told not to stitch through the paper but just to grab a thread or two from each adjoining hexagon. It is easier to pull out the paper when it is still "loose" and not caught in the stitching.

        Hope this helps -

        Barb in Alabama
        where pine tree pollen season is rampant achoo!


          Chickadd24....there are many tutorials online....and many methods....a picture is worth my many words ! :unsure:
          And I'm sure you will find one that is easiest for you. :cheer:


            I watched a couple of videos to help me with the hexagons and that certainly helped. I used glue at first and then found if I just pre-crease the folds and then baste around the hexagon that works well without the glue. I cut Sulky stabilizer using the small hexagon template, ironed that to my fabrics, then cut out with a quarter inch seam allowance, then creased on the template edge all around, then basted. Worked like a charm! I had vowed I would never make hexagons, they just seemed too fiddly, all that fuss....eating my words now...I actually like doing this!


              Hi Chickadee24!
              I've printed all the monthly patterns but alas have not even started. Love to see your hexagons!



                NOW they add the hexagon video! LOL...oh well, I like the way I am making mine without the glue.


                  Off topic ..as usual ! :lol: Here's my happy little valley ! Spring is creeping in....but cold and drizzil-y today !
                  Will get brighter and prettier with each rain/sunshine sequence ! Happy Easter ! :cheer:

                  Photo by Geoff Cole
                  Now... on topic....can we get Lynnette's Hexie papers here in the US ? or do we order only from her shop in OZ ?
                  Sure would like some rather than making my own.....doing that and love it ! but would be nice to speed
                  up the process. :unsure:


                    What a beautiful place to live I can smell the fresh spring air.

                    Which month are you on Marilyn and Chickadee? I shall get on with Feb this week just can't decide whether to do the flowers in felt or make them circle things

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Lovely valley. Thanks for sharing!

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Beautiful valley, Marilyn!!


                          Wendy...I'm only starting with Feb. I got seriously stalled with all my projects ! when DH landed in the hospital ! :S
                          Update: he's doing very well...follow-ups good...not back to Dr. for couple of months for lab work. However, it was
                          a rapid transition to Retirement ! hmy: And I really am not used to all the interruptions ! Slowly evolving ! :dry:
                          All will be well eventually ! And I'm lucky in that he has many interests to keep him busy....unlike some other of my friends !
                          I'm trying to get back to my sewing room............ :blink: I thought about combining wool ....but then there are "use" issues.
                          strictly wall....not washable.....etc. Yet to be determined.......


                            Beautiful valley, a sight for sore eyes.

                            How about printing your own papers at home http://www.printablepaper.net/category/hexagon_graph


                              Yep ! that works ! And I have one better...I have a Fiskars punch for my 1/2 inch ones and will use that for BOM.!


                                Sorry to hear about your husband, Glad he's doing well now, what a worry. Must have been a shock having to adjust so quickly.

                                My husband has just retired though he planned it and health is good I hope though he may not live long the way he's going! :lol: We're planning work on the house but he's hopeless just can't make a decision and worries about everything it's all such a big deal. I on the other hand know what's needed but he dismisses that out of hand grrrr Never mind we'll get sorted. I put a diary on the fridge of what I do before he retired so I can carry on with my plan. Looking forward to a good summer with him, lots of walks and cycling.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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