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English Paper Piecing, Hexies and Beyond!

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    Andree, at a recent quilt expo I purchased a small Sue Daley "playing with papers Pack 11"
    It has the 1" per side honeycomb and 2 size squares, 1" and 2" I realized after I got it home, that is what the quilters are using for the smaller size Lucy Boston squares, in case that is what you are thinking about doing.

    I know one thing, I like Sue's acrylic templates for fussing cutting way better than PaperPieces'. Sue's have a 1/4" seam allowance, PaperPieces' have a 3/8" seam allowance. I'm having to trim down everything before I do my glue basting. Too wasteful of fabric and time.

    And speaking of Sue http://www.busyfingerspatchwork.com/ who is in Australia here is another opinion
    Since I've converted to glue basting I like her slick papers better, for sew basting PaperPieces are great.

    Anyway the point of my story is, in the US you can order off her Aussie site, the order is then filled by her US office and the shipping reflects that. Cool...because I contacted 3 different quilt shops that quilters assured me carry Sue's papers and they couldn't be bothered with shipping. Which is ok, their choice...also their loss

    Maybe we could get TQS to carry them, isn't there a store connected with this site?
    Quitting time here, Quilting time now!


      There must be more members with EPP projects on the go. I would love to see photos of what others are doing?


        Hi Rita,
        I just took pictures and am trying to figure out how to post them.
        Does anyone know what file format is best to use for posting?
        Is there somewhere on the website that says how to post them?
        I can sew, but I am terrible at this website stuff.

        Judy in Virginia


          Hi Judy, here's what you do. Firstly, click 'reply topic' to go to the message box. Put your mouse over the box marked 1. on the Attachment bar below; click on it and it will give you an option to choose a location from which you can choose your photo - for example your desktop, photos etc. - click 'choose' and then you click 'insert' beside the attachment bar. You should see a lot of letters and brackets etc., in the box where you have been typing your response this will be the image file you have chosen. When you have finished typing your reply click 'Submit' and it should appear with your next comment. Good luck.


            I have tried my best to post pictures. I get an internal server message #500, which says this is usually a temporary problem and to contact the website. I emailed them.

            Thank you for your help, Rita. You gave very clear instructions. I appreciate that. I will try again later.

            Judy Austin


              Love your colors. Going to try this.will start small to see how hands react. Beautiful.


                I am trying again to post EPP pictures.


                  Well, I did everything I can think of.
                  Tried JPG, JPEG and PNG.
                  Reduced the file size.
                  Tried reposting again later.

                  I still get error message 500.
                  "Error 500 - Internal Server Error
                  An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance."

                  I have tried for hours. This is pretty frustrating.


                    Okay, I am trying again...
                    I inherited a Grandmother's Garden quilt made of original 1930's and feedsack prints. It was stolen from me. I miss it, so I decided to make one myself. I have made 130 flowers so far, and have 126 flowers to go. I would like to make each flower of a different fabric. I find that I really enjoy the handwork. I try to make one every day. I make more when I am not feeling well. I tuck a few into my purse to work on while waiting at the doctor's office. I don't mind the wait any more!

                    Okay, I am trying again...
                    I renamed the file without the apostrophe. The message posted without the picture.
                    Think I will go sew.
                    Thank you Sue and Rita for trying so kindly to help me.



                      How many quilters love BOM block of the month projects? How about one in english paper piecing?

                      This quilt shop owner http://www.katjasquiltshoppe.com/
                      who has a hexie book out, is partnering with PaperPieces.com for a block of the month very much in the milleflori style
                      If you want to take part in it, sign up on the right on her website.
                      Here is her facebook page with a black and white image of some of the project

                      As best I can understand, each month papers kit can be purchased from PaperPieces.com in time for the month's free instructions from Katja. She indicates you will need her book. I haven't seen the book but I'd think if she had a quilt like this it would have been on the cover But perhaps she has her own good ideas our prepping and organizing that quilters might like to know along with the BOM

                      I've no affiliation, just thought it looked interesting. I have my next epp already working up in my mind, but if any of you do the BOM I know we'd love to see images!

                      I should have a couple more of my rosettes ready to share by tomorrow. Here is a close up of the original maker's. Not crazy about her colors but sure am crazy about the quilt


                        Judy, I know just how you feel! I had this happen to me the first time I tried to post a photo on the new website. Please try again.

                        Try this as an alternative - but it might not work either. I use a Mac and things are slightly different but I think the principle is the same -

                        1. drag the image you want to post to your desktop. It should be there with letters and numbers below it including jpg or something similar.
                        2. Click on the attachments box below where you are typing your reply, which should open a drop-down menu. Find your desktop and click on it. You should now see the image from your desktop.
                        3. Click the image to highlight it and then click 'open' at the bottom of the drop down menu.
                        The file name/numbers, letters should now be appearing in the attachment box.
                        4. Now click 'insert' and that same file should appear in the typing box. When you have finished typing what you have to say click submit.

                        This is what I do and it has been working for me. If anybody has any other suggestions or if you think it is different on a PC please let Judy know.
                        I hope it works this time.




                            Yum! Eye candy.

                            aka ladyquilter

                            Troutdale, OR
                            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                              Success Judy! They look just lovely. My fingers are itching to put them together. What size are the hexagons?


                                My least favorite part of EPP is preparing the hexagons for sewing. I get impatient with that. I keep trying different ways to prepare them more efficiently. My favorite way now is to use the AccuquiltGo cutter and this die. I cut the foundations with fusible watersoluble paper. This is much faster than thread basting. It also eliminates the need to remove the paper, as it can stay in the quilt.
                                I cut the paper foundation pieces.
                                Then I put a touch of gluestick on the nonfusible side of the foundation piece, and place it fusible side up on the wrong side of the fabric. (This holds it in place for the next step.)
                                Then I fold over the edges of the fabric around the foundation, and iron the edges down on the fusible side, one side at a time. I use a Hobbico craft iron with a teflon coating that doesn't gum up.
                                I make a big batch of these and let them cool down before storing them.
                                These are easy to sew together. You can fold them in half to make the flower easier to handle while sewing. They don't fray. You don't have to remove them.


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