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Blog posting trouble

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    Blog posting trouble

    I was trying to post a new blog and kept getting an error message when I clicked on UPDATE "query failed--you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the mannual that corresponds to your My SQL server version for the right syntax." And then it would end with a choppy quote from a line of my text. When I clicked on the back button the text would be erased. What's going on? I've never had this happen and now I can't even submit a question in the Contact Us help option. I get the same error.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    I had the same problem, JaneAnne; but, I was able to send a message on "contact us" on the purple bar.


      I'm having that same problem -- both in blog text and in blog comments. I was able to get around it by not using any apostrophes (') in my text. Those seem to be giving the errors. So, no contractions -- not easy to do!!



        Sorry you all have had this issue but relieved that is isnt' just me! I typed a LONG blog and it was even ALL about quilting and it disappeared into cyberspace with the same message you all got. The same thing happened when I tried to post comments on others' blogs. Sure hope they fix this soon!


          I've sent a note to Bob and John. They will respond.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Thank you Margo for contacting them. As I said earlier, I wasn't able to send a note myself so I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out. Kalynn and Nancy it is comforting to know I wasn't alone in this since my first concern was that it was a problem with my computer! I realize it's the weekend and will be waiting patiently to hear from John or Bob. I know in the past they have been pretty immediate with responses to my concerns.



            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Terry, I see you were able to post a blog entry. I tried to comment on it but am still having the same issue I was having previously - the long error message. How did you get yours to work?

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Kalynn, I don't know why it worked. I didn't do anything different and interestingly, my previous attempts to blog were there too!


                  I was trying to upload some photos onto a blog and it wouldn't let me do it. Hope they get this fixed soon.


                    Just got a note from Bob. He is working on it.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Oh I didn't doubt it... I was just sayin'. I have been trying to comment on some of the BOM show and tell images. It will let me do some but not others. :roll: I am sure it will be sorted asap.


                        Sorry you're having problems. After testing the Member Blogs and the Blog comments, I can't seem to duplicate the problem through using a variety of different characters that might create an issue, like a single quote ( ' ), but was not able to get it to return an error.

                        Can anyone send me text that causes a problem so I can look at it. You can email me directly at contact

                        If you're copying/pasting from MS Word (or the like), there may be characters that create a problem, but I would need the original text to test it myself.

                        Bob Bigelow
                        Tech Support


                          Bob, I just successfully posted with no problems whatsoever! Yay. I was actually timidly writing the post, updating constantly to see if I got an error message and never had a problem. Thank you for your attention to this so quickly and if I have any more problems, I'll let you know. Smooth sailing for now.



                            Ok, great to hear. Please email me in the future should you have any further problems.

                            Bob Bigelow
                            Tech Support


                              I tried to do a post yesterday, but when I went to update/save the text I got the same problem and the whole lot disappeared into the ether. So I don't have any text to send you to try out. I gave up after that as I just didn't have the time or inclination for the hassel. Will probably try again in the next couple of days and will let you know then.


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