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    That turned out beautiful, Rita! There's so much going on that I didn't notice the tips until you mentioned them. They are not noticeable at all! I love the quilting that you did on it. It really compliments the piecing, adding a nice texture to the beautiful colors.



      Congrats on creating such a beautiful quilt AND for finishing it! I love scrappy quilts.


        Gorgeous quilt, Rita! It sounds like you had lots of fun making it...makes me want to dig into my scrap basket!

        from the Piedmont of North Carolina


          Gorgeous quilt, Rita! It's interesting that the quilt has a more traditional piecing style to it, yet, the quilting and colors give it a very modern look! Just curious, since you used scraps, do you have any left?


            Rita, That quilt is great. I can understand why that would feel like such an accomplishment. You used up stash. It seems like you were just able to sew and enjoy the process without too many weighty design decisions. Of course, finished quilts have a funny way of appearing as if the design just flowed naturally. The quilt as you go made the process less combersome. So not only do you have a lovely quilt it appears as if the process of making it was particularly satisfying. I remember you commenting somewhere about working on a quilt as you go project (Must have been this one.) because you were tired of wrestling big quilts through your machine. I thought about that while I quilted my most recent big project on the same machine you use, Horizon 7700 (I think that's the right number). Thing I noticed was the part of my setup that is most helpful while manuvering and accomodating a big quilt is that I have a large table to support it. That table has an L-shaped extension immediately to my left. Having a place to put the weightiness of the quilt seems even more important than the extra inches on the arm of the machine. I want to get to an even larger quilt to see if I still believe that extension cuts down my frustration with wrestlings quilts through my DSM. Again Rita, that is such a great quilt. Are you keeping that one for yourself? I imagine many of the scraps are from quilts you gave away. This might be a nice one to keep as your own. Thanks for sharing.


              Thanks ladies. Renata, sadly, there is still quite a big pile of scraps. I think the scraps elves come in during the night and refill my scrap box. :lol: However, I do have another scrap quilt on the go - which I will also do as a QAYG project so that should use up a few more. Lois, I do have an L-shaped set up at my sewing machine. My biggest problem is the arthritis in my left wrist - which happens to be the hand that does most of the shifting of the quilt while quilting. However, my DH heard on the news a couple of days ago that broccoli has properties that they have recently discovered can retard the progress of arthritis, so that will be my new favourite vegetable from now on. :lol:


                Great quilt, Rita. The quilting is really neat. Smart lady to use the QAYG method!


                  Great job Rita! Scrapy quilts are very special. Wonderful accomplishment


                    Good on ya, Rita!! I need to get out of my funk and start working on something productive. Maybe a new scrappy quilt???

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Rita - great job, I love the quilt. I am cutting scraps to use for one of Bonnie Hunter's scrap quilts from her Adventures with Leaders & Enders book. Which pattern of hers did you use?


                        Theresa, I can't remember what it's called but if you scroll down the page on the link below you will see her beautiful version.



                          Rita ! That's just terrific !! Love that straight line quilting ! and love Quiltville. Hope you post it to her on facebook
                          or to the site !! I'd love to see it pop up there. 8) 8)


                            Thanks Marilyn, I did send her an email with a photo.


                              Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                              Theresa, I can't remember what it's called but if you scroll down the page on the link below you will see her beautiful version.

                              I love that quilt. Your version is great too. I may have to make one also.


                                Brilliant quilt, Rita. I keep meaning to get a leaders & enders project cut and ready to go, but haven't managed it yet ops:
                                By the way, you don't have to have sashing strips down between the edges of a quilt as you go quilt if you don't want to. The first 2 quilts I made were quilt as you go quilts and I totally omited the sashing strips, and they still worked. the photo of my first 2 quilts is here see-quilts/quilt-gallery/


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