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Architectural Quilt Challenge

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    I think I'll be joining - although I have more projects on the go and waiting than I should - this is really getting more and more interesting to me... Will have to seriously find some sewing time this winter!
    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


      Originally posted by Learning-As-I-Go
      Originally posted by Sewdreamy

      Tiled patterns as you describe them are clearly an architectural element. The 25 by 40 was a suggested size because we didn't want anyone to go smaller and that is a very good size to work with. I think bigger is ok. So join the fun with us!
      thanks, Betty Jo! Now to figure out how this quilt will fit in my current quilt schedule.....I have *way* too many projects wanting to be worked on! :mrgreen: But am thrilled to have a "reason" to bump this one up in the line; I've been a bit afraid to start it. Now's a good time, though, and this is a good reason so I will get a move on!

      Shall we post our progress here? Blog it? Both? Are there any rules for that sort of thing?
      Heather, there will be an additional explanation coming soon.

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
      Betty Jo


        Ooh exciting. Thoughts are going round in my head

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Originally posted by Learning-As-I-Go
          Okay, one question from me.....would tiled patterns in cobblestone sidewalks be considered an architectural element?? I have a quilt design already planned, fabrics bought, and with my new sewing machine I could even get it done by April 2013, I think. I have *NO IDEA* if I'd be brave enough to even attempt to submit it anywhere, let alone Houston (!!!), but for the purposes of playing along with you lovely TQS ladies, would a quilt based on cobblestone sidewalks be considered architectural?

          If so, I'd love to play along! (also, for your challenge, can it go bigger than 25"x40"? My design is more "snuggle under on the couch" sized..... I'll be doing this quilt at some point anyway, so if I can play along in your challenge that would be a nice bonus for me :-) Just to feel connected to a group in this way, share progress, etc. Of course, if not, I'll be sharing here anyway so do be honest if you think it fits for your particular challenge, Betty Jo.

          And -- what a fun idea! I"m really glad you opened it up/suggested it here as well, rather than keep it just between you & your friend.
          Hi back Heather - I've been wondering how you were getting on with your new machine, did you have a good time with your folks etc?

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Originally posted by PosyP
            Hi back Heather - I've been wondering how you were getting on with your new machine, did you have a good time with your folks etc?
            Hi Rosemary! thanks for asking about me

            We had a wonderful visit --- too short, very busy, and just back in Brazil not even a week yet. The machine is lovely and the class on it was fantastic!! I now feel like maybe I can manage this thing after all, though I've not played yet since getting home.

            I did not finish the baby quilt in time, but my husband said no problem, just wait on it (it's for his sister's baby) and I did show her the in progress top and she loved it, so that's good. And doesn't mind waiting until she comes here to see us (March 2013) to get it, so even better!

            Have missed you all and look forward to being back around the forums again!

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Been thinking about you and your trip home, not to mention the long shopping list you had in hand. How did it all go? Are we going to see a picture of the new lovely machine? We've missed you!


                Did you buy everything we recommended?

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Hi Lois & Wendy! The shopping was lovely! I will have to take a picture of the new machine, and did photograph all the new fabric/projects that I brought home!

                  I took my shopping list with me and bought most of what was suggested, as budget allowed. Well, I went quite a bit over budget due to way too much interesting fabric, but that's okay. I did get all the basics though --- extra needles in the main sizes/types that I will need for my machine; loads of bobbins so I can have some loaded with the main colors (many thanks for that tip!!), extra rotary cutter blades for all the fabric cutting I'll be doing, and all the feet/machine accessories I needed, plus some notions (velcro, fusible stuff) and then glue sticks and my dear friend Joyce brought me marking pencils/pen, Crayola washable markers, another rotary blade and a fun clutch purse/wallet she made for me! So, I think aside from the books and gloves and grippy stuff, I got all the list items I'd jotted down

                  I think I can get books on Kindle, though, and do have a few already in my collection, so that should be okay, and I know I can get shelf grippy stuff here and also vinyl stuff to use for the sliding mat, but since my table isn't big anyway, most of you said I could skip that.

                  I did buy my first ever commercial "kit" of sorts --- well, it was pattern & templates (Radiant Suns) and then pick-your-own fat quarters to go with it. I saw this quilt on display at a quilt shop in South Dakota, but not the multi-colored version that is the pattern cover, but a version done all in blues for the background and yellows for the suns, reminded me much of Van Gogh's "Starry Nights" and just stopped me dead in my tracks, jaw dropped. I wandered the entire quilt shop rebelling at the idea of buying a pattern/fabric to do a quilt just like the one on display (remember, my first I found the pattern but did a totally different color-way than the example, and since I've designed my own, not used a pattern at all). Finally admitted that I was so distracted by this quilt I wasn't even seeing the fabric in the shop, no matter how many times I walked around looking so at that point I gave in, bought the pattern, chose the 8 blues and 8 yellows (and tweaked it by doing 4 dark-darks, 4 lighter blues and then 4 yellows, 4 silvers, and mine will be suns/moons....) and then was able to see what was in front of me and found some clay roof tile fabric that is PERFECT for the Brazil/sidewalk quilt which I'll be doing for this architecture challenge!!

                  So, all in all, a very successful shopping trip (or rather, several; went to 3 quilt shops in 2 states, very fun!) and I was so glad to have my list from here with me!

                  (sorry, Betty Jo, for the hijack of your thread! I didn't mean to go so long winded! LOL!)

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    good for you - the basics are so important.
                    have fun with that kit!
                    a tip: make sure family & friends know you're into quilting - and drop little hints that bits and pieces would be ideal b-day & x-mas prezzies - rotary cutting blades, needles, pins, and other small stuff are ideal for sending inside a card or a small package.
                    i've also learned that when i visit canada & the states, if i take my friends / family to the quilt-shop with me - they ooh and ahh - and i get to "collect" prezzies on-site.
                    those visits to the quilt shops are often followed by a visit to the nearest post-office - shipping is generally cheaper than overweight surcharges - and if declared as presents - and declaration of value is kept to a semi-believable minimum - i do not normally have to pay import taxes on those! most customs officers have no idea about the value of fabric - and fabric cuts could be just about anything...
                    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                      Originally posted by lotti
                      good for you - the basics are so important.
                      have fun with that kit!
                      a tip: make sure family & friends know you're into quilting - and drop little hints that bits and pieces would be ideal b-day & x-mas prezzies - rotary cutting blades, needles, pins, and other small stuff are ideal for sending inside a card or a small package.
                      i've also learned that when i visit canada & the states, if i take my friends / family to the quilt-shop with me - they ooh and ahh - and i get to "collect" prezzies on-site.
                      those visits to the quilt shops are often followed by a visit to the nearest post-office - shipping is generally cheaper than overweight surcharges - and if declared as presents - and declaration of value is kept to a semi-believable minimum - i do not normally have to pay import taxes on those! most customs officers have no idea about the value of fabric - and fabric cuts could be just about anything...
                      Great tip about shipping it home! I hadn't thought of that! Luckily for us, with 5 in our family we get 10 suitcases, and Brazil allows 70 pounds (35 kgs) so we are pretty good on luggage space/weight. Extra good, as Brazil also has the highest shipping prices (to/from, whether via UPS, FedEx or US Post Office). We tend to use my fabric cuts for stuffing around fragile items, which works nicely except then there is a lot more pressing needs done, LOL!

                      and you are so right about letting family know! My family has done a pretty good job so far on that
                      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                        Apologies to BJ from me as well. It was my question that got us off track. But I think it has come to be expected on this Forum. And we always do manage to find our way back to the topic at hand.


                          I think it's fun to watch these things develop...no apologies needed. I'm off to PA for the Quilt show there.

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


                            Lois, I'll be able to read my email at night, so send me an email if you are going to make it to the show and maybe we can arrange something. For that matter, anyone going could send me an email through TQS and maybe we can meet.

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                            Betty Jo


                              Originally posted by loise98
                              Apologies to BJ from me as well. It was my question that got us off track. But I think it has come to be expected on this Forum. And we always do manage to find our way back to the topic at hand.
                              well, that *Is* why I mentioned the fabric I bought that will go in this project, LOL! didn't want to get too far off topic....

                              Betty Jo, I can't figure out how to quote two at once, but thanks for the understanding! Have fun in PA!

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                              Betty Jo


                                I'm laughing myself silly and thought this would be the most appropriate topic to post in. This is so funny.(to me) Speaking of archictural features,, we just had to get 2 new toilets in a hurry. On the bottom of the invoice, where they tell you to sign, and the name of the plumber...........'John". Really!

                                I now have two old toilets sitting in my driveway. I could take pictures and, do something with that for the challenge (NOT)

                                2 new toilets and payment for John's work on my new johns - there goes my budget for Houston!!!

                                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                                Betty Jo


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