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Architectural Quilt Challenge

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    Lois - your house is adorable!!..and being a house - it very much is architecture! I think a quilt of the front porch would be fabulous. Reminds me a bit of a gingerbread house.. It must be very pretty in the winter, in fact all seasons.


      You all come! I'll make room for all of you! I'll find room for your stashes! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Sounds great to me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


        Originally posted by loise98
        You all come! I'll make room for all of you! I'll find room for your stashes! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Sounds great to me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
        Oooo, can you imagine how much fun we'd all have playing in each other's stashes?!!! :lol:


          Originally posted by RGold
          Originally posted by loise98
          You all come! I'll make room for all of you! I'll find room for your stashes! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Sounds great to me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
          Oooo, can you imagine how much fun we'd all have playing in each other's stashes?!!! :lol:
          :lol: :lol: :lol: There can always be a "community stash", unless you're really fond of your fabric :evil: :wink:


            I've just washed & starched a whole series of blue batiks that came home from munich with me... Be ironed and ready for playing by Saturday
            Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


              I'd better get cookin'. I hear quilters like to eat and I like to feed people.


                Yum, yum, yum!


                  Originally posted by lotti
                  I've just washed & starched a whole series of blue batiks that came home from munich with me... Be ironed and ready for playing by Saturday
                  Is that for this challenge?

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    BJ I have a question. DH and I were in Dublin today wandering around St. Patrick's and Christchurch Cathedrals and we found the most beautiful tiled floors and stained glass windows. The question is this - although we both agreed that the stained glass windows are an architectural feature we were not sure that the tiled floors would be considered the same. Is a tiled floor part of the decor or part of the architecture? I had it in my head that I might do a quilt based on these floor tiles but don't know if this would fit the remit for this challenge. What say you?


                      Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                      BJ I have a question. DH and I were in Dublin today wandering around St. Patrick's and Christchurch Cathedrals and we found the most beautiful tiled floors and stained glass windows. The question is this - although we both agreed that the stained glass windows are an architectural feature we were not sure that the tiled floors would be considered the same. Is a tiled floor part of the decor or part of the architecture? I had it in my head that I might do a quilt based on these floor tiles but don't know if this would fit the remit for this challenge. What say you?
                      oooh, I can answer that! My idea is based on a cobblestone sidewalk, which I likened to a tiled floor, and BJ said it is totally fine for this challenge. Which is good, 'cause using this challenge as a reason to work on a project already on the list is much better for me than thinking up a *new* project to add to my already too-long list. :mrgreen:

                      You can scroll back a few pages of replies to see it from BJ's mouth/fingers if you like And -- can't wait to see what you come up with!

                      EDIT: well, I went back and I didn't compare the cobblestone to tiled floor in my question to BJ, and her answer just said "tiled elements as you've described them would definitely be architectural....", so maybe I'd better wait and see what she says on interior tiled floors before I answer for her. Just in case! (but I think they'd count....)

                      As for the stash-sharing, food-eating, extended sleep-over at Lois' gorgeous home, count me in! I'll bring all my stash, such as it is, and we can all share. Except that most of my stash is project specific, so you'll have to first help me figure out how much fabric I actually need vs. how much I bought (since I bought too much, I'm sure). LOL!


                        We can all make and bring a recipe that we submitted for the Recipe Book that goes with the Reels Exchange, ( or...intended to submit) for the party at Lois' place.

                        Is is possible to have a virtual party?


                          Virtual parties are all the rage these days, I hear! :P :lol:
                          Tiled floors sound very very very architectural to me, just think of all those ancient mosaics, or the tiled walls in the Turkish mosques....
                          Whenever I ponder on this challenge I decide I've first got to go through my photo albums from old trips to Greece and to istanbul... :lol:
                          My new blue fabric for this challenge? Wasn't really planned, but as I have always wanted to make a blue quilt, I've been buying lots of blues this year... But yes, an architectural blue idea is taking shape in my brain... Now to get it out of there before it dissolves :roll:
                          Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                            BJ I have a question. DH and I were in Dublin today wandering around St. Patrick's and Christchurch Cathedrals and we found the most beautiful tiled floors and stained glass windows. The question is this - although we both agreed that the stained glass windows are an architectural feature we were not sure that the tiled floors would be considered the same. Is a tiled floor part of the decor or part of the architecture? I had it in my head that I might do a quilt based on these floor tiles but don't know if this would fit the remit for this challenge. What say you?
                            Rita, i was considering the posibility of participating too and was wondering if Talavera Tiles (Mexican), could be used as inspiration so, I found this:
                            "Talavera Tile Design Considerations
                            Sensitivity to the architectural "look" of the installation is an absolute necessity when using Talavara tiles. The scale, mass, and general character of the space or object being enhanced by the use of these tiles will dictate what particular pattern, color, quantity and size of Talavera tile to use so as to maximize the aesthetic impact of this particular architectural element." (color highlight is mine)

                            We'll probably have to wait until BJ returns from the PA show to hear what she thinks.

                            By the way, did you see this last year? http://daily-blog/107-just-for-fun/1...oor-janet-cook Impressive!
                            Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                              With all this talk going from architecture to food and back again, shouldn't someone be making a gingerbread house? 8)
                              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                                great idea - but:
                                i don't like gingerbread
                                all my attempts at making proper gingerbread houses have ended up in a sticky mess (absolutely detest icing! - not good for a gingerbread house manufacturer)
                                so - leave that one up to someone more suited to the task
                                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


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