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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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If you got to pick WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO SEE ON TQS???

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    The lineup of shows thus far has been great! Several of the guests I would like to see again like Libby Lehman and Philippa Naylor. I think Terry White would be cool and I'm in the Diane Guadynski camp as well. Don't know if I spelled everyone's name right--please excuse


      I would love to see someone who quilts as they go, not strip quilting as you go but maybe quilting a row or two and then attaching them. Jimmie


        Originally posted by anne1
        I would love to see Liz Porter or Marrianne Fons but I'm afraid Mary Fons gets on my nerves

        GEE I LIKE MARY FONS... she does represent the MODERN QUILT MOVEMENT... but then I love the modern quilts, patterns, fabrics... so much fun
        Great for gift giving to the younger crowd... my guys love them.


          Originally posted by sforster395
          I think TQS is doing a fantastic job of inviting guest teachers with a wonderful variety of skills to keep us informed about what's happening and what's new with the quilting industry. I always look forward to learning something new and wonderful every time I check in online with TQS.

          It would be fun though to see Judy Niemeyer demonstrate how she chooses the batik colors for her quilts, and to have Laura Murray give us a demo on how to use Paintstiks with her new stencils and rubber stamps. I also realize these are very busy popular teachers who have classes scheduled 1-3 years out so it might be difficult for TQS to include them in its busy schedule as well. It's really Alex and Ricky's call on all of this isn't it? I feel I've already got my money's worth by renewing my membership in Dec. 2011. Thanx TQS.


          The reason I put this question out every couple of years is I now there are great quilters / teachers I have never seen or heard of.... I get to find new teachers all the time by putting out this question PLUS I KNOW THAT RICKY AND ALEX ... surf thru the forum and it will give them ideas.




            The reason I put this question out every couple of years is I now there are great quilters / teachers I have never seen or heard of.... I get to find new teachers all the time by putting out this question PLUS I KNOW THAT RICKY AND ALEX ... surf thru the forum and it will give them ideas.


            Great idea, Nonnie!


              I can be so devious....


                I'm behind the 8 ball here I haven't been on the forum for ages but I'd like to see Rita Hutchens, who does seminole patchwork and Allie Aller who does incredible crazy patchwork & embroidery. Hopefully the quilt show team are checking out these suggestions :-D


                  of course we stalk - LOL


                    I would like to see Esther Aliu demonstrate her painting and quilting. She has a blog here: http://www.estheraliu.blogspot.com/


                      I would just love to see Pia Welsch. Her work is exquisite and she is an excellent teacher.
                      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                        OK, how about Raymond Houston?


                          Elizabeth Hartman of http://www.ohfransson.com was already mentioned, but I wanted to second that nomination. Also, our own TQS Erin Russek would be high on my list. Additionally, I must ask that Lynne Goldsworthy of http://lilysquilts.blogspot.com/ is added to the list. These are my top three favorite quilt designers and bloggers.


                            I would like to see Vi Colomb from Mission SD.



                              For traditional hand quilting I would like to see Barbara Chainey and Lillian Hedley. I believe that Sandy Lush would probably be a good guest too, she is a known character on the UK scene. Then there is Jen Jones for welsh quilts.


                                At the 2011 Houston IQF I saw a spectacular quilt done by Irena Bluhm. Later I purchased a couple of her books on how to design feathers and a small kit project of a machine quilted feather block with step-by-step instructions for adding color by painting it on the feathers. I'd like to see her demo her technique.

                                And after watching Episode 112 on TQS this past weekend, I'd love to see Libby Lehman again! She's one of my favorite teachers! And...maybe another one with David Taylor!


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