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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
    Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
    Hi There,

    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
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  • Printing for paper piecing question
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  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
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  • Video Access
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  • New to The Quilt Show
    I am BRAND NEW to the Quilt Show and fell in love with this pattern. I downloaded all of the instructions. My concern is......
  • How to download pattern?
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  • Quilting color my world
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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2010 UGH Club

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    23. Not quite a child, but I was less than half of what I am today, and hot pants were 'in' for the first time.

    24. My favourite place to sit is anywhere, as long as family or friends are next to me, for example here with TQS members:

    21. I usually store batting under my cutting table, but there is a large empty space right now, because I have almost run out (Note to myself: 'Order batting!')

    22. Something embellished: I made this for a challenge (15 Years of the Quilt Art internet group). I marbled the fabric that looks like Barbarella would appear any second. It's my idea of an arty swamp. And lots of little artists (the smiley faces) are emerging from the swamp and rising towards the sunshine and international recognition and happiness.
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      25. This wallhanging was only intended to temporarily hang in the room we use in school to calm down our special needs kids when they 'kick off', but students, staff and parents like it so much that it been there now for over two years. All the fish are made from fabric scraps that I was given (or scrounged) from quilting friends. As a result all these fish have names (of course ).

      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


        Bridget...I just wanted to say thanks for all the fun we had in the UGH club. So..."Thanks!"
        And there are some pretty funny quilters out there...you made me :lol: .
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          Thanks for all the fun Bridget!! It was neat having a little peek into everyone's life. I was wondering how you and some of the others grouped your photos together and uploaded just one group shot instead of one at a time?


            Books, there are a number of graphic programs that will let you group photos and save as one. For mine, I went into an old stand-by that I use for greeting cards a lot, Print Shop 20 on DVD. I created a "sign" or "poster," importing the pictures I wanted to use. Then I selected everything on the sign and used the file menu to chose "export as" and exported it as a jpg file. I can also do that with Paint Shop Pro. If I remember my lessons from the printing on fabric project, you can also do it in Photoshop Elements.


              Thank you Carole,I did just get photoshop this summer but don't quite know how to use it yet.And I bought Photoshop for dummies but haven't taken the time to sit down and get to know it.I think this will be a winter project.


                Thanks, Lorchen - you were a pretty "hot" young lady!


                  Photoshop Elements is easy to learn. Here's a quick summary of how to place multiple photos in one document. Open a blank document in your desired finished size. Open a photo and use the rectangle (or oval) marquee tool to highlight the area you want to copy. Copy and paste to the blank document. It will automatically make layers which will be listed on the right side of the screen. Use the arrow "move" tool to highlight the picture for moving or resizing. After you have all of the pictures arranged, click on Layer: Flatten Image and everything will be on the background. I have the newest version. Older versions may work slightly different.


                    I did mine with Picasa 3 - very easy. My computer guy loaded Picasa 3 on my computer a year or so ago because he uses it and likes it - and I think it is free, not sure.


                      I know there must be many other UGH club members like me who haven't got involved by taking photos and posting them, but have very much enjoyed reading the posts and seeing the photos of those who have posted. Thank you all very much, its been great fun :-)

                      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                        Thanks to Annis for the info,wish you could stand behind my computer chair and tell me what to do.But I guess that is what the book is for.Probably I should actually open it.And I agree with Mary,Lorchen you sexy thang!Also,I was surprised to see that Kalynn and I had the same haircut when we were little,do you know my mother?


                          I had the same cut too--but my mom never cut my bangs straight. I think the idea was that if they cut them really short, they wouldn't have to do them again right away.


                            I think my bangs always ended up short BECAUSE she was trying to get them straight and kept snipping and snipping....

                            Maybe we should start a support group for those of us damaged for life from our mothers' haircutting skills (or lack thereof!)! LOL!

                            P.S you shoulda seen some of the perms she gave me back when!


                              Originally posted by eyeonquilts
                              I think my bangs always ended up short BECAUSE she was trying to get them straight and kept snipping and snipping....

                              Maybe we should start a support group for those of us damaged for life from our mothers' haircutting skills (or lack thereof!)! LOL!

                              P.S you shoulda seen some of the perms she gave me back when!
                              I've just been catching up on forum posts today, and only been reading the last page! But the posts about the bangs and home perms is definitely a memory provoker! Do they even sell home perm kits anymore?

                              Maggie in E. Central Illinois, still tired from Houston!


                                Originally posted by ipquilter
                                This is a test! Are these cool or what?!?
                                I want a pair of these shoes just to look at...too cool! 8)


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