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    Karen, so glad to hear you are okay!!! Hope your life is back to normal soon!


      Karen, I'm glad that almost everything is okay with you and your family. Hope your power is restored soon.

      I was at Quakertown Quilts last night (Sue Garman's LQS) and all is well there. The neighborhood received damage and not all businesses are open and not ALL traffic lights were working.

      Sue taught her needleturn applique class last night. It was an awesome experience.

      Happy Quilting,

      Shiner TX


        We got some of Ike all the way in Ohio!! There are people in the area who are still without power. We just got the tail end of what wind Ike had left. It was blowing really hard for about 4 hours. Trees were down, yard toys were flying around...just crazy.
        I lived in Houston for three years and used to shop at Quilts By The Bay....anyone know how they fared???
        Happy Quilting,

        Shiner TX


          You all are so very kind. Thank you so much!

          The good news is that DH called and we now have power! YIPPEE! I am on my way home. I don't know if we have internet or cable. But having light, AC and a fridge is a most wonderous thing! LOL!

          Wanda.. I was so glad to hear that Sue Garman was OK also!
          I had wondered about Quakertown Quilts and am so glad that they are OK. (Sue Garman's "Ladies of the Sea" is one of my favorite quilts ever!)
          I know Ike took his toll in many other states. I hope everyone can recoup soon.

          looked at the Quilts by the Bay website and they have left a message about Ike. I hope that they will be OK and can return soon.
          Happy Quilting,

          Shiner TX


            Karen glad you're ok! Welcome back to the world of electricity :wink:

            on another post a few days ago Brink of Norway said SHE was experiencing the tail end of Ike! We don't tend to think of these things travelling THAT far, although it was only rain for her, but apparently lots of it!

            Happy Quilting,

            Shiner TX


              Talked to my friend this morning. She lives in the Spring Valley area of Houston (I-10 and Blalock area) and they are STILL without power. A big oak fell in her back yard (on the power line) and took theirs and 3 neighbors' power with it. She said evidently an outage for only 4 houses is not up very high on the list yet!

              She has been vacationing in Vermont the whole time and doesn't get home until Tuesday but has kept in touch with neighbors! Now I'd call that good timing!!!!



                Yes Lynne so would I but what will she be coming home to with no power may she should take the long way home Happy


                  Ike was a crazy storm--My DH heard the other day that his oldest sister's home in Crosby had a tree fall into the second story of her home. She & her family will be in an apartment until the house is fixed. I'm glad everyone here at TQS is okay. Hope the power gets going again for everyone, too.


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