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Row Robin starts Jan. 2016 All info on first post.

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    Dorothy -please don't stress my friend! I'm not! B)
    Andree -your row was put in the mail Saturday so keep your eyes open! Hope you like it! Liam was a big help once again so I hope you aren't anticipating perfection :blush: , but lots of love and giggles are sewn in :silly:

    Heather -I recieved my row this weekend. I LOVE the fabric choices! So bright and colorful! I'm so happy you left the pieces large so I can enjoy the fabric! Thank you! (Pics to follow)
    Luanne -I received the package from you and Rosemarie (I'm just late in posting :blink: ). I love the cute birds and birch trees. Thank you! (Again pics to follow soon)



      Lotti's wonderful row arrived yesterday, I love it!

      My husband wondered how I'd put all the rows together and suggested a star burst. (Something to consider).

      Thank you Lotti!

      Barb :-)


        Glad you liked it Jen!

        Barb, Lotti, what a gorgeous row! A starburst design would certainly be interesting....I'm playing with mine, I think it might become a table runner, I need to do some measuring and playing with layout. If I put the rows end to end, in 3 sections, rather than one on top of the other, I think it will work. Still need to play and see.


          I received this adorable row from Lotti...

          Not sure if I will sew it into the quilt fingers up or fingers down. Either way, it is way cute! Thank you Lotti for the extra effort in the designing process. I LOVE it!

          And, thank you Luann and Rosemarie for my snow storm fabric! I'll definitely work it in to my"winter" quilt!

          Marylin, I have your row done, and will probably mail it next week. I'll let you know for sure. It did have a mind of its own, so is more scrappy than I had originally planned. No spools, just cool.

          Barbara, I'm working in yours now. I may be able to mail it next week, otherwise the following week. (There have been unexpected distractions for the past month, and may continue.) I will let you know when it is mailed.

          Kathy... I have not done a row for you, assuming you are way behind due to ....??? If I receive a row from you, I will make one for you at that time. Right now I will be moving on to a couple of projects that have a more pressing deadline. I hope you are well, and that nothing major has happened.

          And, that about covers it for my rows to send. Yeah!!! I'm still checking my mailbox for rows from Dorothy, Rosemary, Brenda, and Kathy.

          Thanks everyone! It's been a fun ride!



            Dawn and Lotti - What a wonderful row!
            Thanks for the heads up re my row Dawn.
            I'm looking forward to seeing all of our rows together.

            Barb :-)


              So cute Dawn / Lotti. I think yours was the hardest to decide on design Dawn and you've had all sorts and every time I think I wish I'd thought of that

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Done! I got the last two rows mailed yesterday! Yippee and hooray!


                  Heather your row has arrived. Thank you I love it, such fun all the birdies on the wire and love the card.

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Heather and Wendy - Awesome row!


                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Dear Robin Rowers All:
                      Thank you for your patience. Seven rows are done, 4 are in progress and 6 more are to do. I hope to get the finished ones into the mail next week and will notify the recipients when I have deposited them at the post office. Will think seriously about rows from a single cut of fabric, too.
                      All the best,


                        I am going to make a row for you, Dawn, but it's only fair that you wait until you see "the whites of its eyes"! I've been having a difficult time motivating myself to action on several fronts, and being tired of that state of things, am taking steps to improve the situation. Wish me luck, pretty please.

                        Take cae,


                          Wendy, so glad you like it It was very fun to make!

                          Kathy, welcome back! I know that we all do wish you well, of course! Just happy to see you back here


                            Kathy - Thanks for the updated!

                            Barb :-)


                              I received a wonderful row from Lotti yesterday...it took awhile as it had to be forwarded, but it got here :woohoo: I absolutely love it! Thank you!
                              Things are not quite settled here yet...probably won't get back to sewing until after my best friends funeral the 24th. Please be patient with me...i will get them done :blush:



                                So sorry Dorothy to hear your sad news. I hope Lotti's row gives you some comfort. xx

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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