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  • What I learned
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Row Robin starts Jan. 2016 All info on first post.

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    Hopefully any packages that have been sent will follow her.


      Message received! Thanks Terri!



        Marilyn - I'm not home but heard I'd received an envelop from Idaho! (Can't wait to get home and open)!!

        Barb :-)


          Hi Marilyn -

          Thank you for the gorgeous row, I love the block design and the bright colors! I agree the exchange has been fun!

          Barb :-)


            Hoped you'd like it....fabrics are from a DeJonge project...you know how bright those can be !!

            Wonder if Kathy got hers ?? I'm in waiting mode now...until the rest come in.....


              Ok. I'm working on Andree's row now
              . Wendy I have an idea for your row (finally) and will work on it shortly. I've reviewed my "received" rows list but fully admit I haven't kept it as up to date as I wanted. It appears I haven't received a row from Heather, Brenda, Kathy, Dorothy, or Rosmarie. PLEASE tell me if you sent a row! I'm may have received it and in a sleep deprived state (because let's face it that's my life right now) forgotten to add it to my list! With the state of my sewing room I can't find the things I set aside for my current projects let alone the rows! :blush: I won't get a good clean out arranged for several more weeks now so please forgive my absentmindedness. I don't mind if my rows don't arrive any time soon...so don't stress! Hope all are doing well!

              - Jen


                Envelopes are ready to be sent out. Cathy through Limbania, everyone else got theirs, I believe. These are pieces of fabric, some rows, some fat quarters, some ???, any way, I know you'll all be good with these. Rosemarie sends her warmest wishes to all of you and hopes to get back into the swing of things soon. I'm just the fabric fairy this time.
                Best to you all, Luann


                  No rush Jen. How are your little ones?

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Loads of recent posts missing on this thread

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard



                      This thread is so bizarre... I receive an email notification of envelops sent, but I don't see it. they I hit reply on the thread, and I see it below while I'm writing...
                      Loads of replies are missing... How do we report this?



                        Ok, if you act like you want to put up a post, the most recent posts show up. Thanks for letting us know of a way to read some of what is missing. As far as the problem goes, because it's handled in the US maybe we can blame it on some foreign country interfering, just kidding around. It is a bit bizarre though! May God give everyone patience with TQS, I would imagine we aren't the only thread with problems. Hope our virtual retreat stays together!


                          Wendy, they are doing quite well. I want to Paducah with my mother and my little Abby at the end of April. I swear Abby drew more attention that the quilts at times! (She's wearing a helmet to fix a flat spot on the back of her head and draws quite a bit of attention due to that). Both my mother and I noticed an older crowd at Paducah this year (she commented on it first but I had also noticed a change) - we only saw only 1 other mother with a child. In previous years we typically saw a handful throughout the day. We all had a blast though - even little Abby :lol:


                            Wow fancy little Abby surviving a quilt show what a good girl. I went to one today and saw a little one smiling in her pram, I'm sure my grandson would be grabbing everything and everyone in the crowd.
                            Sorry Abby has to wear the helmet, I understand they fix these problems well. Give her a hug from us, bet she looks cute.

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Thanks Wendy. My nurse is a fantastic artist and helped us personalize the helmet -plain pink just wasn't going to do it!


                                And....all of the photos are on their side again :blink:


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