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    Eileen and Ritzy it's so nice to see you again.
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Thank you everyone for the kind comments on my quilt. I'm not sure I really like it. I wonder if it's too much chaos. But I was tired of playing around with the pieces and parts and just wanted something done. I've carefully stacked the fabrics in a pile and when I get done with the 2 quilts I'm finishing now, I might make another quilt. I love the colors.

      It's nice to see you all back at the forum!



        I just spent a nice couple of days with 2 of my quilty BFFs. One of them is the queen of the scrap quilt. She took some orphan Rail Fence blocks, lopped off the corners, and added bright lime green setting triangles as the new corners. Busy? You bet! But...she breathed new life into those blocks.
        Maybe you can do the same thing with your blocks. Spin them around, turn them upside down. You just might see them in a new light.

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          So, who's going to do Sue's newest BOM? I'm on the fence; I really don't need another project but....Sue Garman designed it!! How can I not at least try to do it?
          What is everyone else thinking? :unsure:

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            I've been thinking about doing this BOM. Not sure yet, but I'll take the advise I was given last year. - whether you do the BOM now or not, download the info and save it so that when 'my time' is right for doing it, I'll have the info.
            Now I must remember to renew my membership, too!
            I'm looking forward to the sharing of everyone's take on this quilt. Especially, since a few are already looking at alternate color schemes.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Has anyone done a gypsy wife quilt? I really like the idea, but I want to use the orphan blocks, etc that I already have. How scrappy do you think it can be, yet still be cohesive?

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                I keep looking at that quilt!! I love the pattern.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Hi Eileen - Nice to see a familiar face on the forum!
                  Geneva - Yet another wonderful bright/colorful quilt what a fun idea.
                  Luann - I agree with Wendy nice to see your work! Sounds like you all came thru the hurricane unscathed too!
                  We've been busy with travel and grand kids this summer, getting back into the routine now.


                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    Eileen, I like the quilt too! The 2011 Ruffle Roses border one pulled me in to that quilt, and this pattern row two really looks fun.


                      I finished piecing a mini spool quilt this week. If it gets quilted in time it will be a Susan G. Komen Mini Auction Quilt next year.

                      Then yesterday I needed a break from a project I was working on and looked at the estate quilt I bought awhile back that needed some work. I had no idea that's what I would be doing when I woke up that morning but by the end of the day I had the whole quilt unassembled, the blocks and borders pressed, and decided on a new layout. I wanted something not quite as long and narrow as the original. The main blocks were hand pieced and just needed a slight adjustment to make them almost square. The alternate blocks were machine pieced and were too out of square to use as is so I cut them into quarters and will be adding sashing to make them the same size as the other blocks. I now have the layout drawn in EQ so it's just a matter of finding the 2 sashing fabrics that I need and I will be able to reassemble the quilt. I decided to insert the outer borders inside the quilt after the center section since there wouldn't be enough border length for the outside of the redesigned quilt. I'm using all of the blocks except for 1 main block. I guess it could be used for a pillow.

                      Next year my goal is to focus on quilting instead of piecing. We will see if that happens. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving week. We will have a crowd at our city home, hopefully the last time there. I'm ready to have only 1 home so I can get more done.


                        I left off the part of what I was thinking as I was taking the quilt apart and pressing the seams into submission - why did I buy this quilt, can I just throw it in the trash, this is why the piecer didn't finish it, etc. But I didn't give up and now it's ready to be finished when the time is right.


                          Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too! Your spool quilt is lovely and perfect for the Komen contribution, but I have to say, I'm so glad you hung in there with the estate quilt because it is so beautiful and would have been sad had you given up on it. You won't regret having hung in there. There's something special about this one!


                            Annis, that estate quilt you have rescued is just wonderful, I love the combination of those two blocks, especially with the border print. I hope you don't mind if I keep a copy of your design for my 'I would like to make this someday' list.


                              Annis, that is great what you designed for the estate quilt! I have so many old quilt blocks and tops! I had no idea I'd be so busy with my long-arm business and not have a chance to do mine.

                              Love your mini spools too! Show us when you get it quilted.

                              @julesquilts on IG 
                              working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                              Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                              BERNINA 790 Pro, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, 3 FW,  a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines (25+).


                                Annis, Your spool quilt is adorable. And I hope your antique quilt is nicer to you! Your layout is great!

                                Here's what I've been working on.

                                These are about half of the 356 blocks I've made. I'll be making a second one when this is done! I'm working on a border of all the fabrics cut into 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 1 3/4". I started this in 2014 when I was "packing" my fabrics to move. I made the economy blocks as a leader ender project. It's been fun. I'm calling it "Color and Passion".

                                This weekend we have friends visiting. They have 2 girls 6 and 8. They want to sew, so I bought pillow case kits and we will make those. I hope they like them.

                                Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!



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