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Printing on Cotton/Silk Radiance?

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    Printing on Cotton/Silk Radiance?

    Have any of you ever tried to print on Cotton/Silk Radiance? :unsure: I'm thinking of giving it a try because I'm designing a new quilt that I need to print some small pieces for applique and I'm wondering if that would work. If so, do you have any tips for me? I'm thinkng of backing it with freezer paper first, and I might need to buy the Prepared For Dye Radiance. What think you?

    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
    Betty Jo

    It seems to me that I remember Jane Dunnewold talking about this in her TQS show. She loves silk.


      Thanks Sue. I just went and looked and she had some nice hints. She uses Spoonflower instead of printing it herself, which isn't a bad option, and I just looked. They will print Radiance. So now I know it can be done, I think I'll experiment with my own printer first. If it doesn't work well, I'll go that route.

      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
      Betty Jo


        Love your new avatar, Susan!!!! For those who don't know, Susan just became a grandma for the first time. She's holding her DGD Ellie.


          Congratulations, Susan! I cannot even tell you how much you are going to adore this little princess. Wonder when she gets her first quilt from you??!!


            Thanks, Beverly and Robin. Ellie already has her first quilt. It's in my photos. I have about a gazillion more in my head, and fabric for about 5 of them!


              Congratulations! Sew happy for you. So when are you planning on teaching her to quilt. :lol:

              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
              Betty Jo


                I just ordered some Prepared for Dye Radiance. I plan on giving this a try, because if I am successful, I can think of a number of quilts I could use printed cotton/silk Radiance. I'll let you all know how it comes out I'll test it for washing fastness also.

                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                Betty Jo


                  Originally posted by "Sewdreamy" post=124845
                  I just ordered some Prepared for Dye Radiance. I plan on giving this a try, because if I am successful, I can think of a number of quilts I could use printed cotton/silk Radiance. I'll let you all know how it comes out I'll test it for washing fastness also.
                  I'm really curious to know how this works. I had no luck with the Citrasolv debacle. I hope to see a step-by-step process if this works. Did you buy fabric that was already fused to Freezer Paper (or some "carrier" paper)?


                    Sue, no I bought the prepared for dye and plan on doing the paper myself. I have been successful with cotton, we'll see how it works. I may end up using some kind of temporary fusible stabilizer...it's all an experiment at this point.

                    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                    Betty Jo


                      Congratulations, Sue!!


                        Betty Jo, I have printed on Radiance treated with Bubble Jet Set using an Epson printer with DURABrite ink. I LOVED the way it looked, but it unfortunately did not wash well. (Actualy, I didn't even wash it - just rinsed with plain water.) It's possible my washing problems were a fluke and you may have different results, but please do test that before sewing your printed pieces into a quilt! (And if you don't have any issues, please report back and tell me your secret! ;-) )
                        Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero


                          Jeanie, thanks for the heads up. I have a similar setup with an Epson printer. I will see if there is anything I can do to help set the ink.

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


                            Glad to see Jeanie online! I have a question about printing from Kaleidoscope Kreator, which I love love love. Are there any guidelines for getting the most intense color possible on a fabric printout? I'm printing on an EQ printable cotton. While I have great definition from within KK, or even the saved .jpg, The color is washed out & I'm saving using the highest definition possible, and the best color printing I can set for my printer, also an Epson. If there is a different Forum for this, I'd like to know. Thanks!


                              Susan, congratulations on your new Granddaughter. She looks so precious.

                              As for the printing fabric issue, I am not sure if this applies to an Epson printer but did you watch the episode with Kerby Smith where he shows how to get the best out of your printer before printing onto fabric? It's Ep. 702 - the one with Laura Schwartz (I am sure I have spelt both those names wrong, apologies if I have).


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