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NEUTRAL BLOOMS — Show Your Progress Here

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    NEUTRAL BLOOMS — Show Your Progress Here

    Please use this TOPIC to show your progress with the FREE Neutral Blooms quilt.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    • Hi, Noella from Quebec
    • Here are pictures of my stash of neutrals in batiks. I couldn’t order the fabrics from you because, again, as in my last order this one is, s l o w l y, making it’s way to me in Quebec. I ordered on March 19. It has rulers and other goodies that was worth me using my 25% rebate from having renewed my membership!
    • These fabrics I tried to put them in order from light to dark. I tried to have an equal amount of each, and I have a ton of Kona cotton white.
    • After today’s class I am a bit confused. Should I cut the strip from every color in my stash, even the really pale ones? To sew to the white strip, to make the 4 patches. OR only the medium colors and darker mediums? The really dark brown and dark, dark grey I put aside completely. Yeah, I might do this. Not much time to get feedback from someone else. We need to get these 4 patches done!


    • Helen W. commented
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      Noella, Being a lover of browns and earth tones, I love your collection of fabrics. Your palette
      will be a totally different look than Alex's neutrals. Not less pretty, just different. With the fabrics you have, I would probably audition the white on a mock up of the quilt.
      You could draw a mock up coloring sheet to try out white in one and
      dark in another. I am thinking with your palette, the darkest color as the line of on point squares instead of white, might look quite dramatic. I love your fabrics they will make a beautiful quilt.

    • soniasimone commented
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      I would do the four-patches with everything in your fabric pull that's medium & lighter, unless it's so light that you won't get a contrast with the white.

      Your fabrics are really pretty! Kallisti Quilts in Canada sells a lot of very beautiful Japanese neutrals if you feel tempted to add a few things.

    Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
    • Hi, Noella from Quebec
    • Here are pictures of my stash of neutrals in batiks. I couldn’t order the fabrics from you because, again, as in my last order this one is, s l o w l y, making it’s way to me in Quebec. I ordered on March 19. It has rulers and other goodies that was worth me using my 25% rebate from having renewed my membership!
    • These fabrics I tried to put them in order from light to dark. I tried to have an equal amount of each, and I have a ton of Kona cotton white.
    • After today’s class I am a bit confused. Should I cut the strip from every color in my stash, even the really pale ones? To sew to the white strip, to make the 4 patches. OR only the medium colors and darker mediums? The really dark brown and dark, dark grey I put aside completely. Yeah, I might do this. Not much time to get feedback from someone else. We need to get these 4 patches done!
    Noella, Maybe you could print some coloring copies. I made up the block in EQ8 and you could audition before getting those 4 patches done. HelenW

    Just using the color tones of your fabric from you picture I uploaded them (very distorted) but colors
    somewhat the same. this is what I got when I did a small mock up.
    Last edited by Helen W.; 04-06-2022, 12:02 PM.


    • Noella D. commented
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      Could you send me your EQ8 file for this quilt? I have EQ8 but am not proficient enough in it to redraw this quilt in it. Then I could audition fabrics till the cows come home, and not have to cut a strip! Hope you can, thanks for all your suggestions. I am working on it!
      Last edited by Noella D.; 04-11-2022, 09:35 AM. Reason: Typos

    I am not in the US so was not able to get the fabric pack. I am not feeling confident with my fabric choices as this is my first neutral quilt. These are a few of the four patches. Am I on the right track?
    Deborah W


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Yes, you are. They look good.

    • soniasimone commented
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      I agree, they look great!

    • Deborah W. commented
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      Thanks Helen W, Barbara B, and soniasimone. I appreciate the feedback and will continue. I am enjoying this process.



      I never know which place my comments will show. Anyway, I am doing the Garden Party quilt and decided I am doing enough applique. So using a different pattern for the neutrals.


      • Deborah W. commented
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        Janet E. It looks good. I like your pattern.

      I am still picking my fabrics but I found my stash of neutrals in my storage unit. I got the book and fabric at Road to California many years ago (pre-kids, oldest is 11 years old) where I met Alex. I am going to use the fabric in my quilt, which means that Alex IS finishing my UFO!


      • AmericanQuilter commented
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        I have this book from years ago as well and really want to make a quilt from this book! It is really a wonderful book. I love the appliqué quilt in the book.

      • Deborah W. commented
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        Do you find the information in the book helpful as an added resource to Alex's FB live classes?

      • Kyla V. commented
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        Yes, the book is really helpful. I am a visual person and fell in love with all the quilts in the book, but my favorite from the daisy chain quilt. It's the quilt behind Alex on the cover.

      I’m on a self imposed fabric buying freeze so everything is from my stash/scrap bin. So far 40+ different fabrics


      • Karla M. commented
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        Hi - love your project!
        What is your technique for the flowers?

      • Frances commented
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        I Make template from Karen Kay Buckley template plastic, use starch or sizing and iron fabric around template. I use just a skewer to manipulate fabric while ironing.

      I changed the pattern
      what do you all think
      Susan Skeel
      Des Moines Iowa


      • Helen W. commented
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        Sewskeel, Looks like you can't get enough of the embroidery handstitching. Very creative idea. That opens up a Pandora's box of ways you could use hand embroidery in the open stripes. How about the applique flowers in hand embroidery. That would look great too. Are you planning on the same stitches on all the blank stripes, or a variety of different stitches. Your stitches are perfect
        technique. I had to use the zoom to see that they were not done by embroidery machine. HelenW

      • Noella D. commented
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        I can’t see the picture that sewskeel posted on 17-4-2022! And quite a few others too!

        I see them now, must have been a glitch.
        Last edited by Noella D.; 06-06-2022, 10:00 PM.

      • Karen B. commented
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        Looks great! Did you embroider the stars?

      Arranged on the design wall… ready for next step. I have C and D triangles cut.


        Enjoying the neutrals quilt. For the half square triangles I used the accordion method that Dee demonstrated .
        I sewed two sets so that I could chain stitch.Then I sewed them together and cut. I really enjoyed this method!


        • Helen W. commented
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          Marion, Looks like perfection to me. I will have to go back and watch Dee's video. Do you remember
          which one it was. HelenW

        Helen W.Sorry I can not remember.Dee credited EvaPaige Quilt Designs.This is her You Tube.Eva Shows how to do this method.Sorry Dee,maybe Barbara Knows how to find the show name


          My 32 blocks all done. I even to managed to spin seams. All stash fabrics.
          Morrisburg, ON  Canada


            Originally posted by Marion1 View Post
            Helen W.Sorry I can not remember.Dee credited EvaPaige Quilt Designs.This is her You Tube.Eva Shows how to do this method.Sorry Dee,maybe Barbara Knows how to find the show name
            Dee shows the “Accordion Method” for half square triangles in Long Time Gone, lesson 9. Find it in Dee’s Classroom under LEARN.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            • Helen W. commented
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              Barbara, Thank you. HelenW

            My top is done but I have lots of fabric so will probably make another neutral quilt.


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