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Spinning Spools--SHOW YOUR WORK HERE

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    Trying to keep cool sitting in front of fans, our house is 32*C inside and 39*C outside at the moment as we are experiencing an unusual heat warning here in BC until at least Wed. bleah! The vine is stitched down, and have everything else fused, and I did start some machine blanket stitching but it is just too hot, so taking another break, spritzing with my cool water.
    Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada


    • Sue R. commented
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      Oh Elaine-I feel so bad for all you sewists who are trying your best to quilt but the heat just is too oppressive when you don’t have A/C. There’s definitely no timeline that this needs to finished by. Enjoy the journey.

    • Gayle B. commented
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      I love the blue background!

    I finished my Spinning Spools! This was my first time using Print and Piece Fuse Lite and I was a bit skeptical. Now I love it for how easy it was to use. And, it got softer as I sewed on the appliqués, manipulating it through the machine. I sewed the borders on, then the appliqués. Thank you Alex.
    P.S. The photo is sideways to the left.
    Last edited by Susanne M.; 06-27-2021, 02:56 PM. Reason: I added a hummingbird to my quilt.


      Originally posted by MommyG1 View Post
      Here's my oops from last night. I sewed the flower and leaf overlapping the outer edge instead of the inner edge (the border isn't sewn on. Now do I move it or let it extend past the binding? If I leave it, I will back it so there aren' any raw edges on the back.
      I'd face it and leave it extending beyond the edge of the quilt. It looks great!

      in Vancouver, Canada


        Originally posted by ElaineKoehler View Post
        Trying to keep cool sitting in front of fans, our house is 32*C inside and 39*C outside at the moment as we are experiencing an unusual heat warning here in BC until at least Wed. bleah! The vine is stitched down, and have everything else fused, and I did start some machine blanket stitching but it is just too hot, so taking another break, spritzing with my cool water.
        I LOVE your colours! The aqua background is glorious!

        Also in BC, in Vancouver, where it was 35 degrees today. I'm the only person I know with central air conditioning. It was the best $13,000 I ever spent!

        in Vancouver, Canada


          I have made the spools, now I am making the flowers and stems for the applique, I love this material.
          Shirley Mae


            I ended up making a table runner from my Spinning Spool blocks. I used Insul-Bright Batting so I can safely set hot dishes on the table. I still have some blocks that I will use to make some hotpads.


              Originally posted by sandytn View Post
              I ended up making a table runner from my Spinning Spool blocks. I used Insul-Bright Batting so I can safely set hot dishes on the table. I still have some blocks that I will use to make some hotpads.
              Sandy, Just in time for the 4th of July. It looks great! I like the idea of using iinsul-bright batting for hot dishes. HelenW


                I finished Spinning Spools using my embroidery machine to quilt. I added a few crystals to my embroidery design to catch the light and plan to hang this one in my sewing studio. Thanks for the wonderful pattern and classes!


                • Jane T. commented
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                  I love that you put colored binding in the white areas and white around the flowers.

                Sandwiched my top ready for quilting and popped on here to see how everyone else had quilted theirs, not many posted yet. I thought that Alex had posted more during her FB chat.
                Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada


                  Finished my Spinning Spools top. I challenge myself to use only two fabrics, so the flowers wouldn’t have worked. So I went with a pieced border instead. I have been working on a series of two colour quilts, and this time it was orange (my least favourite colour). I’m happy with the result.


                    With the white spacer, or without?

                    in Vancouver, Canada


                    • Helen W. commented
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                      Anne B. Beautiful spinning spools quilt. I like the white spacer, otherwise the spool that are colored will look like the narrow border is just a continuation of the spool. HelenW

                    • Sandy F. commented
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                      Love your spools and I vote without white spacer.

                    The quilt is quilted, bound and labeled. I sewed a lot of my leftover strips together for the binding.On to the next project!


                    • Carol M. commented
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                      I love the label!

                    Originally posted by MommyG1 View Post
                    The quilt is quilted, bound and labeled. I sewed a lot of my leftover strips together for the binding.On to the next project!
                    Gayle B, Your spinning spools quilt turned out great. Especially like the spool you used for your label. The narrow inside border looks really good right next to the spools, so I guess I should tell Anne to follow your lead, when it comes to the inside border.
                    Your background fabric was the perfect choice. So what is the next project you moving onto? HelenW


                      Originally posted by HelenW View Post

                      Gayle B, Your spinning spools quilt turned out great. Especially like the spool you used for your label. The narrow inside border looks really good right next to the spools, so I guess I should tell Anne to follow your lead, when it comes to the inside border.
                      Your background fabric was the perfect choice. So what is the next project you moving onto? HelenW
                      The label is a 6 1/2 inch block made the same way as the larger blocks. I love how these quilts are turning out, so colorful!

                      I am looking for my next project. I just bought an AccuQuilt cutter, so I will probably play with that.


                        I had this quilt top sitting in my closet for a few years. I didn't like to border and wasn't able to get the project finished. I was so inspired by Alex's spinning spools border that I removed and border on this quilt top and replaced it with the border from Alex's class. I love it. It is so happy. I already have the plans in mind on how I'd like it finished. Thanks Alex for the inspiration. Linda P. from Minnesota
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Linda P.; 07-11-2021, 09:24 PM. Reason: trying to get the picture to upload so it can be opened


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