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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • New to The Quilt Show
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  • How to download pattern?
    I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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    This was so "out of my box" for quilt-making projects, but a lot of fun...thank you for another creative way to spend my time.


      My face isn’t finished being sewed down, Christmas projects interfered.


        djah55, You said your face was not completed because of Christmas project interference. Being on Santa's NICE LIST and since you were making Christmas projects to bring
        joy to others you are GRANTED A CLASS EXTENSION and will be included in Class Photo. Santa thinks your face is beautiful, and so does HelenW.



          Below are my friends' FACES which I made for Christmas gifts. I feel blessed to have their friendship even though neither is a sewer/quilter! Now, onto my face!



            Sorry I missed your face. HelenW


              Helen, I hate to point this out, but you may need more room. My face is in the class composite 3 times (rows 1, 8, and 9) once is more than enough :-)


                And Helen, sorry to ask but just noticed that somehow my face is sideways again, initially you had corrected it. (Row 3). But certainly if it is too time consuming just leave it the way it is. Thanks.


                  So delighted by this class of 2020 photo. Please tell me how to download this once all the entries are completed. Thanks to Alex for the inspiration, instruction! HelenW and bbquilter and all those who make this membership so inclusive and fun during these Covid restrictions. Quilters rock!
                  Connie Goman
                  Connie Goman 
                  Wasaga Beach, Ontario


                    I hope this gets up loaded. I added 7 hearts for my grandchildren. I found some buttons I purchased years ago that I added. Sewing nursing (as I worked with my physician husband until his passing last year ) and school ( as I served on our local school board). The Cardinal and Vandy for my husband. I do enjoyed this exercise. Wanted to make sure I got into the ‘class’.
                    Elizabeth Anderson
                    Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


                      I hope this gets up loaded. I added 7 hearts for my grandchildren. I found some buttons I purchased years ago that I added. Sewing nursing (as I worked with my physician husband until his passing last year ) and school ( as I served on our local school board). The Cardinal and Vandy for my husband. I do enjoyed this exercise. Wanted to make sure I got into the ‘class’.
                      Elizabeth Anderson
                      Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


                        Liz Anderson, Welcome to the Graduation Class of 2020. Love your comments about your beautiful face. Truly a project of LOVE. HelenW


                          Liz Anderson, Welcome to the Graduation Class of 2020. Love your comments about your beautiful face. Truly a project of LOVE. HelenW


                            PennyLC, So glad I did not have you standing on your head!

                            I had you laying on your side so you could take a nap. Now that you are ready to go SEW I will set you upright again.


                              Originally posted by "Eatsewrun" post=152126
                              So delighted by this class of 2020 photo. Please tell me how to download this once all the entries are completed. Thanks to Alex for the inspiration, instruction! HelenW and bbquilter and all those who make this membership so inclusive and fun during these Covid restrictions. Quilters rock!
                              Connie Goman
                              Hi Connie, I started this whole Class Photo thing on a whim because it was so fun to see a group of them together. I have EQ8 and thought I would see if I could use it for something it was not
                              designed for. I take a screen shot of the face on my iMac computer. I did not realize I would not be able to rotate the sideway faces after importing it into EQ8. EQ8 lets you rotate most things but since I totally went away from the normal procedures, it won't let me do it. I have created work around to get rotate before importing it. To answer your question
                              on how to get a download, I have no idea. Maybe if I sent an email with a screenshot of the final picture after the last day of 2020, The Quilt Show could figure out how to post
                              it for downloading. And I agree with you QUILTERS ROCK!!! HelenW


                                Originally posted by "Sondra17" post=152123
                                Helen, I hate to point this out, but you may need more room. My face is in the class composite 3 times (rows 1, 8, and 9) once is more than enough :-)
                                Sondra17, Here I thought you were one of triplets. Since you are not, removed two for other pretty faces. HelenW


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