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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
    Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
    Hi There,

    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
    I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
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  • Printing for paper piecing question
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  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
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  • Video Access
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  • New to The Quilt Show
    I am BRAND NEW to the Quilt Show and fell in love with this pattern. I downloaded all of the instructions. My concern is......
  • How to download pattern?
    I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
  • Quilting color my world
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
    Hello - I know someone has solved this problem...I seem to remember a question arising when we put the inner circle together...
  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
    I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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    Originally posted by "Lynstitch" post=152028
    Named JUST BE & tells a story: Grew up on farm, was special ed. teacher ,mother, grandmother. Love being quilter & golfer & Christian. Pocket of momentums in front & story of Covid-19 effects.
    You posted this is 2021 BOM Color My World. I moved it here to FACES--Learn with Alex

    Whenever you come to the Forum, go to RECENT TOPICS
    Find the Topic you want to post on, go to it
    REPLY TOPIC to put your post in the correct place
    Do not CREATE A NEW TOPIC--unless you are starting a completely new topic not currently active

    Barbara Black

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      I named her Covid Quilter. In one of my Bees we drew names so I will gift her to my friend who has everything but a Crazy Covid quilt.

      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        She’s finally quilted and faced. This was fun.


          My face is not yet quilted and i haven't been able to get it to open in the topic, but have used it as my avatar. When my hearing started to deteriorate, my husband threatened to get me an ear trumpet! The names of people I want to communicate with can be made with the alphabet letters in the hearts - this is important to me. I added the house and may put an envelope on the back as I haven't had time to do the basket or holiday quilts, but enjoy Alex's Facebook meetings - thank you all at TQS.


            I did some experimenting to capture my dog Penny who passed away this year at 20 human years. I fused an extra layer of batting behind the dog and two extra layers behind her nose to make her poofy. Her blanket is flannel, same as a quilt I made her. I’d normally not mix it with quilt cotton. I stitched Penny’s parts in straight stitch with sparkly gold rayon thread. I quilted some significant shapes into her blanket and quilted the background “radiating” with monofilament which also has a bit of sparkle. The dog tag was hers.


              The year is quickly coming to an end. Finish that adorable

              face!!! HelenW


                [quote="karonray" post=152004]I am still going to put pins and some other things on this quilt but the fabric part is done. I had fun and would not have done it with out Alex. The binding was done with two colors, 1 1/2" of blue and 1 3/4" of gold and made to be machine sewn down. Search for flange binding to get instructions.
                Thank you Alex!

                I love doing the faux flange binding on quilts. Great job on your Avatar, love your hair.


                  a little late with my avatar. Hope this makes the graduating class! This is my first time posting to the forum.


                    Wendy62, I moved your post here. You created a new topic rather than putting it in the established Topic.

                    Barbara Black

                    North Alabama, USA
                    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                      Love this! My eyes are not quite good enough to see if I am in there, but I love that you took the time to make this!!!


                        Not sure, but I don’t think mine is there. Posted November 22.


                          I have tweaked my Face. I changed the background fabric and hat. I have added the boots for my brother who left us in August. The hat represents my dad, the sewing machine is for my love of sewing. The flower pin was my mom's. The UP 844 badge is from my working days at the Calif. State Railroad Museum. The cat and dog are for my pets that I no longer have. The earrings are from my favorite baseball team. I plan to tweak some more after Christmas. Oh, yes, the flowered hair is for the red hair I had before turning gray! I have had a lot of fun doing this and thank Alex for spending her time to teach us something new.


                            Originally posted by "smiller530" post=152075
                            Not sure, but I don’t think mine is there. Posted November 22.
                            Yes, Smiller530 I did miss your post of your face on Nov. 22. You are now officially added to this unofficial class picture. HelenW


                              Helen, I posted a face on Nov 26. Currently it is on page 7. I don’t think it made it to the graduating class picture. Thank you for doing this.


                                Finished fun project! Avid quilter, enjoy sharing tea with family, and doing jigsaw puzzles (look closely at quilting in dress).

                                North Alabama, USA
                                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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