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Bumping Up and Forum conventions

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    Bumping Up and Forum conventions

    I believe that "bump up" is a legitimate, useful, and universal Forum standard convention that, when used properly, helps those who join the forum after the initial posting to good information. In this case particular case, "bumping up" Ricky's comment reminded me to write an email to Bob the Web Guy with a detailed description of a blogging problem that many of us have been having. Thank you, LadyRags

    I should have known to do this. I used to do troubleshooting of IT related problems in my professional life. But I retired and now my brain is full of Quilting stuff, not IT stuff. :wink:

    I don't mean to start a "flame war" (arguing by posts that often turn nasty :evil: ) or being a "Troll" :twisted: (someone who postsprovocative comments to create trouble or flame wars). There is a whole lot of jargon and abbreviations that have come into usage in the 25 year history of internet forums. Just like there is a whole lot of quilting jargon. It helps users communicate quickly and efficiently with precise meaning.

    We learn forum and blogging etiquette just like we learn quilting ... by doing and by asking.

    PS: I was going to post this under the topic that provoked this comment, but decided that I may be going off topic ops:

    Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland

    New to forums, just this one, I am glad someone explained what "bump" meant that LadyRags always uses. Never could figure that one out. Thanks for setting me straight. Judy in AZ :?


      Thank you for starting this topic Libbi. I wasn't trying to start a war, just posting a comment as to how I and others felt about the bump up coming up so often as we have been members practically from the beginning(jan 07 for me) and had never seen it before. Last year we sarted a chat lingo/ettiquette topic when we were all new to the site. It was very helpful and cut down on the frustration, so here's my suggestion..

      if your going to post JUST forum lingo with no explaination as to what is is, can you stop in here please and leave an explanation as to what it means? I just think it is the respectfull and helpful thing to do.

      Linda in SD


        There is a lot to learn when entering the internet world of forums and blogs isnt it?? The only lingo I had heard of was UFOs :lol: :lol:
        Well, being from Norway it took some time before I got the DILs, DHs, DDs, DSs, DSLs, DGDs and DGSs..and BOMs right :wink: It takes a few, but now that I am familiar with them I tend to forget that others may have a hard time understanding what those lingos means Its not to be rude in any way..its just a common, timesaving way to "spell"...and I just forget! And I know if I am spelling in english, I get it wrong a lot of times and every one have to do a guessing game to understand what I am writing :lol: :lol:


          I agree, Brink. I had to ask what LOL meant. (I found out it doesn't mean "lots of luck," it means Laugh Out Loud!) I had to ask my 30-something son. He thought I'd just landed from outer space! :roll: But I am willing to learn. This is my first blogging experience, and will probably be my ONLY one. We are all learning together, I guess. Or at least, a good number of us "newbies." LOL


            I'm smiling as I read this - I still haven't figured out all the lingo; so usually I just type it out. :-)


              Sorry if I upset someone... I usually just bump up a posting that I found useful to me or think it got overlooked and is of interest.

              I think it is sad sometimes NEWBIES come to this site post a question and then do not get an answer. If I do not know how to help them I try to bump the topic up again so someone else may tackle it. I always find there is a lot that I do not know and someone else comes up with the answer almost every time.

              If I know the answers I answer the question and email them from the profile....as well as post my comments here.... hoping the answer is still needed by them.

              Next time I will try to expound on the bumping.


                We're all here to learn aren't we? Sometimes we learn what we didn't know we didn't know!


                  Here's a start to our learning:


                  anyone got any other great sites for learning this forum terminology stuff?


                    I have to come clean that I was a bit irritated about it too. I thot I had figured out that it meant to look at the previous entry to see what the topic was but it only worked with one time that I saw LadyRags using it. All the other times, the previous entries didn't really fit what I thot the purpose was. I also admit I just got to ignoring it. I myself would appreciate what you are aiming at LadyRags.


                      Please note that Bob the Web Guy has created a link to a glossary and definitions of posting terms on the top of the first page of the forum categories. This should solve most of the problems of having to search through various posts and topics to find the info.

                      I am also going to post this note in the other topic covering the subject of abrreviations, definitions, etc.

                      Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                        I must have missed something!!! :lol:


                          Judy in T. What did you miss? Maybe when you were not on your computer, everyone once in a while Anna would have only 2 words on her comment, "bump up" or "bump". A lot of us didn't know what she meant and finally addressed the question which led to other abbreviations and lingo. So Bob the Web Guy on his member blog posted two websites with lingo explanations. Bumping up meant bringing back something that had gone down the road and out of sight. Is that what you missed? Judy in AZ


                            Yes, Judy in AZ, I did miss the two-worded replies--I wouldn't have known what was meant, either! :lol: Thanks for explaining what was going on. Judy in Torrance


                              Well now I have a question for Libbi. You used IDH in reply in one of members blogs which I of course can't find even tho I read it in the last hour. I hope I'm remembering it right. What's the I in front of Dear(darling, doughting, d*mn) Husband? ops:


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