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Setting Colors

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    Setting Colors

    You had asked if anyone had any other suggestions for 'Setting" colors in fabrics ... Mother (born in 1907) always used 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a gallon of cold water and let the fabric soak for an hour or two, until no dye ran when rinsed. This has always worked for me. The old ways sometimes are still the best. Stitch On... Kat

    I use a poduct called a Dye Grabber (manufactured by a company called Carbona) which is good for up to 30 washes. It is like a terry cloth and I just add it to a machine wash It is amazing to see the amount of "dye" it will grab from a normal wash!


      I don't know if this will actually set the color, but I use Shout - Color Catchers when washing anything that has bright colors . It also catches any dye residue. And where can I find the reusable cloth you talked about. Nan


        Retayne is a commercial product to set color.

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Originally posted by KerisMom
          You had asked if anyone had any other suggestions for 'Setting" colors in fabrics ... Mother (born in 1907) always used 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a gallon of cold water and let the fabric soak for an hour or two, until no dye ran when rinsed. This has always worked for me. The old ways sometimes are still the best. Stitch On... Kat

          A lot of time the older ways are less toxic / less chemical then today's methods.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            I have been told that the old methods worked well with the old dyes, but not so well with the newer dyes. I like Synthrapol, and use the Color Catcher type sheets if at all suspicious about one of the fabrics, and do all this before using the fabric.

            Pat in Rockport, TX

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Originally posted by pknord
              I have been told that the old methods worked well with the old dyes, but not so well with the newer dyes. I like Synthrapol, and use the Color Catcher type sheets if at all suspicious about one of the fabrics, and do all this before using the fabric.

              Pat in Rockport, TX
              I have heard that too, Pat. I've still been using the vinegar, along with color catcher sheets. For those of us who are hesitant to use Synthrapol, I found a recipe on http://www.fabricdyeing101.blogspot.com
              for a substitute - worth trying:
              1/3 C New Dawn Dish Detergent
              2/3 C rubbing alcohol

              I might even try it withouth the alcohol. I couldn't find "New" Dawn in grocery stores, so emailed the gal. She says that just Dawn should work. There are MANY formulas - I chose the plain. The "New Dawn" title might be Canadian?

              Jan in Spokane

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Jan, I think that recipe is for removing pencil marks on quilts. I use the dye catcher sheets, too. I've used Retayne before, but I get a little worried about the chemicals. That's one reason I've stayed away from fabric dyeing. I almost always wash my fabric before using it mainly because of all the chemicals in the processing. Years ago I actually threw out about five yards of a red fabric that bled after many washings. It just wasn't worth worrying with. I bought it at a quilt shop, too.


                  Originally posted by Judymc
                  JI use the dye catcher sheets, too. I've used Retayne before, but I get a little worried about the chemicals. That's one reason I've stayed away from fabric dyeing. I almost always wash my fabric before using it mainly because of all the chemicals in the processing. Years ago I actually threw out about five yards of a red fabric that bled after many washings. It just wasn't worth worrying with. I bought it at a quilt shop, too.
                  Judy, remember that many of our fabrics, no matter where we buy them, are made in China. They don't have the safety measures in place like we do here.
                  I tried dyeing my own fabric last summer and loved it. I worked in the basement with the garage doors open for ventilation. Since most things I've read say it's supposed to be at least 65 degrees when you dye, I found summer to be the perfect time.
                  I use the Dye Catchers for every colored wash that goes into my washing machine. We've had quite a few color disasters lately, especially with DD's clothes for work.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    [quote="Judymc"]Jan, I think that recipe is for removing pencil marks on quilts.

                    I checked again; she definitely uses it as a Synthrapol substitute. Sounds like it's worth a try. Has anyone out there tried it?

                    Jan in Spokane

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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